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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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It's fucking amazing! Kazuo Kiriyama is one of the badest motherfuckers this side of Nagasaki.

Aye it's rather amusing actually, but the guy with the machine gun is useless, he may kill half ofthem, but he is a god awful shot.

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Rubber (2010)

Okay, it's a film about a killer tyre; but there really is more to it than that. It's a metaphor for life, the ultimate pointlessness of it all. We live, then we die; and if we're lucky we get to punch David Caruso at some point in between!

The actual plot is as pointless as they come, but it's surprisingly entertaining.

I have to say that for a $500k film about a tyre that kills people using its psycho-kinetic abilities, it ain't half bad. The special effects and production values better many multi million dollar films that I've seen over the years, it actually felt like the tyre was for real, no obvious CGI or wires, really well done!

6/10 - could become a cult like The Room, its major downfall being that it's actually quite good!

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Been fooked with the flu the last few days so my sickbed viewing has consisted of..

Daybreakers: Another vampire movie i thought but ended up quite liking it,the premise is that vampires have taken over but there is a chronic lack of human blood as the greedy b*****ds are rattling through it. Ethan Hawke is a vampire blood doctor whos trying to find a breakthrough in synthetic blood. After a few twists and turns he ends up with Elvis quoting Willem Defoe who was a vampire but is now cured. All in all it was pretty enjoyable hokum but the ending as with many vampire movies is a bit shite. 6/10

Kick Ass: What can i say this film really cheered me up.Nicholas Cage is rarely this good and Chloe Moritz really makes the film as Hit Girl. Really is a good fun movie and the main actor is perfect as Kick Ass,who wouldnt want to be a Super Hero for a day. I marked it down for Mark Strong,im sick of him he pops up as the same shady,brooding bad guy in a few films now (Body of Lies,Rock n Rolla,Robin Hood)and for some reason i cant stick the guy. 8.5/10

District 9: I really liked this film even though i thought i wouldnt hence the reason it took me so long to see it. I think its a really black comedy shot in parts like a documentary it revolves around Aliens beeing stuck in a kind of township style camp in South Africa and Sharlto Copley is an official working for the goverment who keeps tabs on them.

After a bungled eviction attempt he ends up with Alien fluid sprayed on him and starts to mutate into an alien himself. Theres obviously apartheid undertones and im sure theres similiraties in alot of the stuff the aliens are blamed for,crime,overpopulation,infectious diseases that Black Africans were blamed for in apartheid ruled South Africa. I'd recommend it as Sharlto Copley is pretty funny throughout even when turning into an alien.8.5/10

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Daybreakers: Another vampire movie i thought but ended up quite liking it,the premise is that vampires have taken over but there is a chronic lack of human blood as the greedy b*****ds are rattling through it. Ethan Hawke is a vampire blood doctor whos trying to find a breakthrough in synthetic blood. After a few twists and turns he ends up with Elvis quoting Willem Defoe who was a vampire but is now cured. All in all it was pretty enjoyable hokum but the ending as with many vampire movies is a bit shite. 6/10

Really generous; worst film of 2009 for me (just beating The House that Jack Built and Paintball, on account of it's bigger Hollywood budget!)! 2/10

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Daybreakers: Another vampire movie i thought but ended up quite liking it,the premise is that vampires have taken over but there is a chronic lack of human blood as the greedy b*****ds are rattling through it. Ethan Hawke is a vampire blood doctor whos trying to find a breakthrough in synthetic blood. After a few twists and turns he ends up with Elvis quoting Willem Defoe who was a vampire but is now cured. All in all it was pretty enjoyable hokum but the ending as with many vampire movies is a bit shite. 6/10

Really generous; worst film of 2009 for me (just beating The House that Jack Built and Paintball, on account of it's bigger Hollywood budget!)! 2/10

got to say i thought daybreakers was absolutely terrible, i only went to see it because i could get in on someone elses orange wednesday and get a student ticket yet still felt ripped off somehow :P

2/10 as the graphics weren't that bad

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The Human Centipede

This is far from being a 'good' film, but I was strangely absorbed into the absurdity of it all. It did give me the fear as it's medically accurate believe it or not, so all it takes is one mad doctor to have seen this film and you're pumped. I hear they are making a sequel but considering only 2 people in the whole film survive and one of those was a passing by pervert, I can't see where they'll go with it.

I strangely liked the film and would probably give it a higher mark but in reality, it's a terrible film.


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The Human Centipede

It did give me the fear as it's medically accurate believe it or not...

As in the same way that Dog Day Afternoon is based on a 'true' story... :unsure:

I thought it was a strangely amusing film, for reasons unknown, but realistically was devoid of a plot, a twist or any decent acting.

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The last movie I watched it was 127 hours by Danny Boyle, its was a good movie I love the acting of James Franco he was amazing in the movie.

Love to watch it.


Earl Nunes

Who the f**k did this idiot used to be?

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3:10 to Yuma

Watched it on Five last night, a few people had recommended it to me. Not really one for Western/Cowboy type films but I gave it a go and really enjoyed it. Thought there were good performances from Christian Bale, Russell Crowe and the young lad who plays Bale's oldest son. Good story and it keeps you hanging on throughout.


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Brighton Rock (2010)

I had heard this was a particularly poor remake and that proved to be the case. The action is moved to 1964 and then chooses not to reflect anything of the culture at that time other than Mods fighting Rockers. The characters are one dimensional and the whole thing looks too glossy. Helen Mirren and John Hurt are OK in it but that's about as positive as I can be.


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Robin Hood:

Watched this on Saturday with the bird who defiantly claimed it was nothing like the 'true story'. Had mixed thoughts, it was entirely predictable, had worse accents than Braveheart and a ridiculous plot. Killed a couple of hours though, I'm glad I didn't pay to see it at the cinema.

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Watched Quantum of Solace the other night by a long shot the worst Bond film i have ever seen, had no idea what the hell was going on.

It was a continuation of the Casino Royale storyline,did you miss that one?if you did I could understand you.

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I found a worse film than Dreamcatcher, I didn't think that would be possible, but I managed it!

And for this achievement, I give you Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2009)

What a load of indefensible shite! When the best bits about a horror film are the cartoon credits you know you've got a fucking problem!

Bad acting, mangy diseased penis, terrible clichés, bad acting once again, bloody awful special effects - fuck you even seen the fucking pump coming through someone's neck to spurt the blood out, and I need to say once more, bad fucking acting!

If anyone ever meets this man http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004709/ I will pay you £10,000 to kill him and bring me his head, so that I can give it to David Caruso in a passing the torch of shite acting to him!

Do not watch this fucking shite!


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