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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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TrollHunter (2010)

The Scandinavians like their comedy horror/fantasy! It seems like the original Troll in the comedy sense, and is a great film.

Not quite as good as Dead Snow, but pretty close!

Fear the rimtosser!

The guy that wrote Gremlins and directed the first two Harry Potter films has bought the US remake rights already... :(


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Been off work on holiday n picked up a few films.


Funny, daft stunts, your just watchin to see whos doin what next. Lol'd at most parts,,,,

Same old same old tho 6/10


Decided to watch it again. Brilliant film. Love it. Could watch it again straight after watching it. Love Benny in it, What a guy!!


Donnie Brasco:

Another one ive seen before but was soo long ago. LOve Jonny Depp in it. Pacinos funny right enough coz he just seems to shout a lot lol....


You Got Served:

Seen it but decided to watch it again since people were talkin about stomp the yard being on. Dance Scene at the end is superb and kinda brought the whole Street Dance to prominence.


Watched a couple more aswell.... get round to it.

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Going to see "Drive" tonight and really looking forward to it. Will report back at some point. Would like to see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Warrior as well though.

Drive - 8/10

Read very good things about this before I went and I wasn't disappointed. Maybe the only criticism is that its a bit of a slow starter but the story really cranks up towards the middle with some pretty brutal violent scenes. Good performances all round and a very enjoyable film.

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I thought I was the only person who disliked that movie.

Saving Private Ryan could have been great. Unfortunately the story-line was pish. Was great in parts (especially the first 20 mins) but the underlying problem was that I couldnt give a shit if they found him or not. It just seemed like a feeble end-goal.

Edited by Dariusz
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It's the same! laugh.gif

I knew you meant the opening credits, I was only joshing you. ;)

They're not quite identical but it's clearly meant to be associated with it. He lifted the actual Cannibal Holocaust theme for his superb 16 minute short Treevenge which can be seen in full on youtube. It's a great piece of music.

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I knew you meant the opening credits, I was only joshing you. ;)

They're not quite identical but it's clearly meant to be associated with it. He lifted the actual Cannibal Holocaust theme for his superb 16 minute short Treevenge which can be seen in full on youtube. It's a great piece of music.

f**k you! wink.gif haha

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Source Code (2011)

Absolute gibberish, but watchable and quite fun. Repeating the same over again becomes tiresome, but necessary to build up the information required to put the story together.

Gyllenhaal is, however, barely passable as a human being...


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I think its even better than the first one. Jordi Molla adds more to the film than Tcheky Karyo does in first one. Great banter between them. I enjoy it. 8/10


Nothing beats a good dvd. My favourite Jim Carrey film, laughed my head off. Finkel n Einhorn, Einhorn n Finkel, EINHIRN IS FINKEL, FINKEL IS EINHORN....IENHORNS A MAN.... #PLUNGER :lol: 8/10


Film 4 last night.

Quite simply brilliant. Fantastic cast, fantastic story line, fantastic acting, fantastic film. One of my faves. And not scared to say i shed a tear. The final scene with McConoughey(sp) is epic. 10/10

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Source Code (2011)

Absolute gibberish, but watchable and quite fun. Repeating the same over again becomes tiresome, but necessary to build up the information required to put the story together.

Gyllenhaal is, however, barely passable as a human being...


This film drove me mad. I was sick of it by the time it started over for the third time.

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The Kids Are All Right (2010)

Nice enough wee film, but has nothing to make it stand out from the thousands of films released each year. Not sure how it managed to convince the Academy to nominate it for FOUR Oscars this year!

Definitely my least favourite of the nominees for Best Picture that I have seen!


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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Absolute cinematic pleasure, it must be said. It's intense and stylish, brilliantly directed and sublimely acted. The finalé is one to contest with the finest in recent years.

Should be a cert for 2 or 3 acting noms in February as well as screenplay and I'd imagine it'll be one of the Academy's favourite 10 pictures of the year. But I'd love to see Tomas Alfredson nominated for best director.

Certainly an excellent film, thoroughly entertaining and is asking to be enjoyed over and over. Unlucky to miss out on the big 10 but that's a club too exclusive to be handing entry to any good film.


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I went to the cinema tonight to see Jurassic Park, showing again for two weeks.

Easily my favourite ever 'cinema film', and maybe actually my favourite film of all time. Spellbinding from start to finish.


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Rounders is on the iPlayer just now.

Top quality film. Teddy KGB(John Malkovich)'s accent was being mocked in the other thread, I didn't find it that bad tbh. I'm really starting to love Matt Damon, although I'm not a huge fan of the Bourne films he really shines in the likes of Good Will Hunting and Dogma, I also watched an interview where he defended teachers against some idiot journalist and he seems really, really smart and well spoken. Eddie Norton was also amazing in this.

It's basically a film about poker players, trying to earn money in the "secret" games around the New York area. (Rounder means someone who goes from city to city finding games of poker to play in)

edit: I'd give it an 8/10

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She's Out Of My League

This comes in at around a 4/10. It gets one point because Alice Eve is ridiculously hot. It gets another because there's a scene where she says she's got no underwear on and there's a few jokes made afterwards which are pretty funny. The remaining two are for the sporadic funny moments there are in during it.

Yeah, 4/10

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