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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Battlefield Earth.

I've decided to take a look at as many films as possible on the "Worst Films Of All Time" list.

It started off not too badly though Travolta's voice didn't fit in with the other Psychlos. However it seems like 2 hours of the film got lost as the gold in Fort Knox miraculously appears from nowhere, closely followed by the discovery of 1000 year-old Harrier jump jets which the humans learn to pilot in about 3 days and we're off to the war of the worlds where I'm sure even the director and the actors didn't have a clue what was going on. It is just destruction on a massive scale with no explanation about why or how. To make matters worse it was supposed to have a sequel which never materialised so in the space of a few minutes we have the great war, the planet Psychlo blown to bits by one atom bomb, Travolta blowing his own arm off and casually looking at it as though asking "wtf just happened'? before the human savages get together and hug each other. End of story.

It's the sort of film you would need to watch at least 2 or 3 times to work out what is going on but would you want to.

1/10 (but only because the gorgeous Sabine Karsenti is in it)

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Hellraiser: Revelations (Video 2011)

The ninth film in the main British horror franchise of all time, but they've given it over to the Americans, who appointed Spanish director of shit sequels (Blair Witch 2, Return to the House on Haunted Hill, Mirror 2) Víctor García.

Hellraiser cost $1m in 1987, so that's about $2.2m today... this shit cost $300k!

There was no Doug Bradley as Pinhead, and the new guy Stephan Collins has the charisma of a dissected camel.

Awful way bring the series back after a gap of 6 years.

2/10 - would have been 1/10 if the shaky cam nonsense had lasted longer than it did, but that was only for the first few minutes.

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I've decided to take a look at as many films as possible on the "Worst Films Of All Time" list.

I was at the Bad Movie All Nighter at the Cameo Cinema in Edinburgh on the Saturday just passed. It opened with The Room, of which I need to say nothing, then the second up was Samurai Cop. You should definitely check that one out. Next up was Roadhouse which I wouldn't really put into a category of real shockers but the last, Hospital Massacre, was a bit of a peach. Of course, as anyone that reads Salty's reviews knows, there are a LOT of truly dire horror movies and it may not be one of the worst of all time but it's a real hoot. May be tricky to see though as the host said it hasn't been released on DVD.

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Really enjoyed this. Wasn't expecting big things tbh and I'm not a big fan of Seth Rogen as he's completely one dimensional, but Joseph Gordon Levitt was tremendous in this, and the therapist was pretty good as well. A film which gets the mix of comedy and drama just right. I almost had tears in my eyes more than once during it, and for very different reasons.


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John Q - 7/10.

I had high hopes for this film as I heard it was really good and whilst I did enjoy it, it did seem quite disjointed in parts and some of the actors were just extremely poor in it. Not the best showing from Robert Duvall I must say, but typically stellar performance from Washington. The missus also doesnt have any fluids left in her body as she cried that much whilst watching :lol:

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The Horde (2009)

French apocalyptic zombie horror, which is kind of like if 28 Days Later was set entirely in the high rise flats where Jim and Lisa first meet Frank and Hannah.

The acting is pretty rotten, the story is set up that it isn't going anywhere and the ending is terrible... although the saving point is the mad fat old man who just doesn't give a f**k! He's comedy gold!

The bits where people are beating the shit out of zombies, and the nutjob standing on a car surrounded by zombies whilst hacking at them with a machete is good as well!


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I was at the Bad Movie All Nighter at the Cameo Cinema in Edinburgh on the Saturday just passed. It opened with The Room, of which I need to say nothing, then the second up was Samurai Cop. You should definitely check that one out. Next up was Roadhouse which I wouldn't really put into a category of real shockers but the last, Hospital Massacre, was a bit of a peach. Of course, as anyone that reads Salty's reviews knows, there are a LOT of truly dire horror movies and it may not be one of the worst of all time but it's a real hoot. May be tricky to see though as the host said it hasn't been released on DVD.

Thanks for that. I have "The Room" but haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I'll look out for the others.:)

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Pit Fighter (2005)

Action film about a guy (stunt man Dominiquie Vandenberg) found with no memory who becomes a pit fighter (who'd have guessed that?) in Mexico. He is a devout Christian who lets his opponents beat the shit out of him, before he knocks them out, to allow them to save face. But then he wins too many fights and the mafia turn on him.

It's quite fun, although I have no idea why it was in a horror box set!


Edited by SaltyTON
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Decent sports film with the story of Billy Bean and the Oakland A's. Fascinating story and also had a lot of good comedic lines which I didn't expect from a sports film. Good banter between Brad Pitt as Billy Bean and Jonah Hill as his stats sidekick Peter. Philip Seymour Hoffman puts in a good turn as the dour faced coach. Definitely worth a watch


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