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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saw two films today

The Avengers - 7/10

Thought it was decent. I enjoyed it much more than any of the individual films. Good mix of humour and action and the Hulk was tremendous. I really enjoyed the first 45 mins and the last 45 mins, but the middle 45 mins I found dragged a wee bit but I suppose it had to be in there for the story.

American Reunion - 7/10

I really liked this but more for nostalgia reasons as I am a huge fan of the original films. I enjoyed all the little references to past films and incidents even the use of past songs from the earlier films etc. Some very funny moments and as a fan of the series I found myself genuinally interested in finding out what happened to the characters etc which is unusual for a comedy. However I can't help feeling if you hadn't seen any of the original films - then this would sh*te

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Just watched The Devil's Double (2011) on DVD. Suprisingly enjoyable although it did feel a bit embellished in places. Dominic Cooper was excellent in it though. Well worth watching for his performances alone


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Is it worth seeing Avengers in 3D? I really want to, but always found 3D pretty hit or miss so dont want to see this and be let down by the 3D

Ive yet to see a Film in 3D that was even remotely worth the extra money and ive seen about 5 so far. I seen The Avengers in 2D and enjoyed it. Its like an extra 4 quid for a darker picture and a couple of crap effects.

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Ive yet to see a Film in 3D that was even remotely worth the extra money and ive seen about 5 so far. I seen The Avengers in 2D and enjoyed it. Its like an extra 4 quid for a darker picture and a couple of crap effects.

Avatar and Jackass 3. 4 quid? Where are you going, it's £2.10 extra for adults in Cineworld.

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Avengers Assemble.

Bloody brilliant. The ultimate superhero movie. I agree that the Hulk steals the show in this film, although I also thought this was easily Robert Downey Jr's best turn yet as Iron Man. Definitely lives up to all the hype and now easily in my top five fav films of all time.


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Half Nelson - Ryan Gosling as a drug addicted teacher who strikes up a friendship with a troubled lassie in his class. Decent film, great acting by Gosling.

The Believer - Gosling again as a former Jew turned Neo Nazi. Films about Nazism always interest me because I'm fascinated by how a person could even become one. Gosling's character is very articulate and actually goes some way in describing why Nazis hate Jews.

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This Means War - 2/10.

Didnt have high expectations for this but what a load of shite it was. Terrible acting all round even by Tom Hardy which I was dissappointed in. I know its just a RomCom but you can still bring out a decent performance, sadly this wasn't the case.

21 Jump Street - 6/10.

It was funny but I had been told it was hilarious before hand by a few folk and feel it might have been over-hyped and thus I didnt enjoy it as much as I should have.

Bad Boys 2 - 8/10.

Its Bad Boys 2...nuff said.

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Elephant - A story based on Columbine. This film annoyed me greatly because it spent about 40 minutes just following people's EVERY STEP (just victims, not even the shooters). I think it was by the guy that did Last Days (based on Cobain) and that was shot similar to this. 2/10.

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Elephant - A story based on Columbine. This film annoyed me greatly because it spent about 40 minutes just following people's EVERY STEP (just victims, not even the shooters). I think it was by the guy that did Last Days (based on Cobain) and that was shot similar to this. 2/10.

I think it was more to show how the victims were linked and to show a more human element of them rather than just a couple of kids going mental and shooting a bunch of strangers who had no significance. It is very slow up until the shooters' story but it adds so much depth to the final scenes, you develop some kind of attachment to the characters

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I think it was more to show how the victims were linked and to show a more human element of them rather than just a couple of kids going mental and shooting a bunch of strangers who had no significance. It is very slow up until the shooters' story but it adds so much depth to the final scenes, you develop some kind of attachment to the characters

Agreed. One of the cool things about that is that none of the characters are really that likeable, but it shows they're all human. The camerawork is second to none- the 5 minute steadicam shot is up there with the Copacabana shot in Goodfellas, IMO. (And that big long shot at the end of Hugo- unbelievable!)

Elephant's one of my favourite films of the last 10 years because it does exactly what it's meant to do- be arty, be controversial, and show off! I can definitely see why people see it as just masturbation material for arty smarty film geeks, though...

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Really liked Elephant when I saw it. The sort of film that leaves a huge impression.

Watched 127 Hours on DVD today. Heard a lot about it although wasn't half as gory as I'd thought. A hard job for one person to carry a film on their own like that but James Franco did it admirably. A fairly amazing story that sticks with you afterwards. A lot of Danny Boyle's trademark dreamy shots and amazingly visual colours just added to it. Utah looked incredible.


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Potiche (2011). French farce starring Catherine Deneuve and Gerard Depardeui. Light hearted fun and a pleasant enough way to pass an hour and a half. Set in the 70s so great colours and clothes. Spoilt slightly by association with that stupid Orange turn off your phone ad.


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Ive yet to see a Film in 3D that was even remotely worth the extra money and ive seen about 5 so far. I seen The Avengers in 2D and enjoyed it. Its like an extra 4 quid for a darker picture and a couple of crap effects.

Despicable Me was OUTSTANDING in 3D. If a film is well made in 3D it's worth seeing. I've seen a few in 3D now. Up, Beowulf (3D imax) and The Voyage of The Dawn Treader have all been well worth the extra cash. I saw the Lion King, which as been 3D-ised and wasn't impressed. I'd say avoid anything which hasn't been made specifically with 3D in mind.

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