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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saving Mr. Banks 8/10

Really very, very good (how much is based on truth I'm not sure) Story of the making of Mary Poppins. I really liked this and only ended up watching by accident as it was on the channel I'd been watching and I just didn't look for anything else. I would recommend to anyone!

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Gone Girl 8/10

Solid good stuff. Absolutely reliant on not knowing anything though, so probably not for readthebookers.

As a book reader, I thought it was a magnificent movie.

I thought it was a good movie and did think she was "at it" fairly early on but the ending with her story to the Police had too many holes in it to get away with imo.

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The Good The Bad & The Ugly

10/10 - The acting is a bit cheesey but there's something about this film that keeps you glued for the duration.

Normally dislike Westerns but you can't help liking this film.

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Bad Neighbours

Fairly standard comedy from the Forgetting 40 Year Old Sarah Superbad people. It was okay, 90 minutes of throw away stuff but only a couple of proper funny bits. Being comfortable in my own hetrosexuality I can still admit to Zac Efron being a most handsome man with a cracking body...


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The Judge

A weak drama considering the plot line has potential and the cast is very talented. Dull, doesn't feel original and just isn't very good.


Am sure there was a bit of Rain man in there!

A very shit Rain man.

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Gone Girl. I can't tell if that was one of the best films of the year or one of the worst. Not having read the book, I can't comment on how much David Fincher has altered it.

Essentially it is a run of the mill whodunnit with an unreliable narrator, who is accused of killing his wife. The first half of the film consists of his and her interweaving stories. Then the film changes and improves markedly as you realise that the two stories are converging. In the end I was left with the impression that Fincher was given a contractually obliged trash novel and added his own surreal twist. You could view it as high camp - along the lines of Wild Things. It's far better directed than that though. It has a touch of Twin Peaks with a reappearing cat presumably representing something or other. This is either a 3/10 or a 8/10.

Oh and ETA there is an unreal number of continuity errors. And I kind of developed a crush on the sister.

Edited by Savage Henry
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Awake - Emo Vader stars as a wealthy heir who discovers that the anaesthetic he's given during a heart transplant leaves him paralysed, but conscious and able to feel pain.

The publicity and pre-credits blurb for this film makes a big deal out of anaesthesia awareness as the premise, but it's something of a meaningless gimmick that could have been dispensed with by a change in narrative perspective. The film's actually about

a conspiracy between Vader's surgical team and his wife to make sure he dies on the operating table. Vader hears about the plot during the surgery, so the film looks like it'll turn into a fight for survival (which it doesn't), and that he'll eventually be able to use what he's heard to bring the plotters to justice (which he doesn't).

The film's interesting enough for the most part, but mystifyingly resolves itself with a minimum of drama. Quite why the makers decided to go down the story route that they chose is beyond me, as the final third of the film is quite flat and interest is lost well before the end.

It's also what you'd imagine that wealthy blue-blood American families would consider a chilling horror fable - anybody who isn't a member of the upper-classes is untrustworthy and involved in Machiavellian schemes to part the poor rich people from their hard-earned money. They're often from ethnic minorities too. There are also harsh lessons to be learned for those who allow the plebs into their world. You have to wonder what audience demographic they were aiming for with this.

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Two Days, One Night - Marion Cotillard plays a Belgian woman who's colleagues have voted for her to lose her job in exchange for a bonus. She has the weekend to convince them before a second ballot.

As always Cotillard puts in a great performance. There's something about her expressions that can be quite affecting, great actress. The only negative for me is that having the entire plot basically laid out at the start didn't have me gripped at first but there's enough wee moments and a clever ending, to save it. 8/10.

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5 Broken Cameras 9/10

About this guy who lives with his family in a village called Bil'in in the West Bank and films over a number of years the Israeli side slowly occupying their land. Although it's shot through the eyes of a Palestinian and is edited etc etc it genuinely gives you some semblance of the truth of the situation. Brave, insightful film. I came out with my eyes genuinely widened. Top, top stuff.

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but the ending with her story to the Police had too many holes in it to get away with imo.

Disagree. Although you're not wrong, I guess, she's played the victim card to an absolute T and they're all feeling deeply sympathetic towards her. It's only the female detective who we've seen before and she's asking questions and getting shit for it, and the rest of them don't actually care for whatever the other side of the story could be.

Gone Girl was fucking fantastic and I want to watch it again ASAP. Affleck is just so good man.

My favourite part, just because of how smart it was, was when he was being interview for TV. I knew he was going to play an absolute blinder and he did, not only with the "woodhouse" comment but when he said "I love you" and put his fingers to his chin. I don't think most people in the audience noticed that but I near enough creamed myself. Ugh.

The only thing I didn't like is the fact the character I wanted to win didn't win, because he couldn't win.

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Disagree. Although you're not wrong, I guess, she's played the victim card to an absolute T and they're all feeling deeply sympathetic towards her. It's only the female detective who we've seen before and she's asking questions and getting shit for it, and the rest of them don't actually care for whatever the other side of the story could be.

Gone Girl was fucking fantastic and I want to watch it again ASAP. Affleck is just so good man.

My favourite part, just because of how smart it was, was when he was being interview for TV. I knew he was going to play an absolute blinder and he did, not only with the "woodhouse" comment but when he said "I love you" and put his fingers to his chin. I don't think most people in the audience noticed that but I near enough creamed myself. Ugh.

The only thing I didn't like is the fact the character I wanted to win didn't win, because he couldn't win.

I think by the end there are holes in everybody's story. Even the "truth" presented is ambiguous. And as a result, the ending is deliberately incomplete.

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Love the intensity of Brad Pitt in this one as Wardaddy. Possibly one of his best roles in a while. A good look at tank warfare in World War Two focusing on a close knit group in the "Fury" tank that would do anything for each other in their fight to survive and win the war. There's emotion in this one, filled with horrifying violence and action. Also, the young lad Norman (not an army man at all) thrown in at the deep end, mentored by the tough Wardaddy and has the fighting spirit drilled into him.

I'll give this an 8/10. Good stuff.

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