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I'm going to a geek convention in London in a few weeks with lots of film and tv stars attending and they have just announced Mickie James and Magnus will be appearing?Never seen TNA,they any good or are they nobodies?

Mickie James was in WWE, she stalked Trish Stratus when she was introduced there.

Magnus is an English guy, great on the mic and pretty good in the ring.

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Where was Slammiversary? TNA always looks the part when they get away from the Mongo Zone.

Garters Bischiff getting stick from the crowd is pleasing

Indeed they do, which is why it's poor news that all remaining PPVs for this year will be held there.

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Magnus is the Gladiator aye. He's not very good in singles competition to me, but he seems to be something of a tag specialist. I like him. Plus as mentioned, the boy can talk. That was obvious from his Gladiator days as well. No wonder TNA were interested.

Mickie James is someone who I've always not been sure on. I guess it depends on if she turns up. If she's off her game, there isn't a worse woman in wrestling.

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Magnus is the Gladiator aye. He's not very good in singles competition to me, but he seems to be something of a tag specialist. I like him. Plus as mentioned, the boy can talk. That was obvious from his Gladiator days as well. No wonder TNA were interested.

I can't recall the last time he was in a single's feud but him and Joe were a tremendous tag team. Really good match when they lost the titles to Kaz and Daniels.

So disappointed about Nigel McGuinness's illness, him and Magnus had a great thing going with London Brawling in that brief time that they were on.

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Running thoughts.

Yeah, that stupid recap thing still does my tits in.

Ultimate X and BFG Series coming back is good though, two great ideas. The former didn't disappoint. Great match. Sabin's fucked though, his knee went when Aries threw him over. Can't see a reason(midway through the match) for them to take him out the match that early. The commentators have just mentioned it though so maybe it was a work if the rumours of his departure are to be believed. Great to see Aries being given the push though, even if he doesn't win it, it still puts him in that scene. X-Division is looking even more scarce now without A Double.

Hernandez and Devon had a decent match. Solid lower midcard stuff.

Good to see Magnus involved in the BFG series. And holy shit, The Pope! I'm a sucker for over the top Battle Royals so this was a great one. Bit predictable that Storm came back and won it but meh. Some decent participants so far. Also nice to see Crimson exempt from it and further completes his burial biggrin.gif

The World title match was alright. I'm not a fan of Anderson and to be honest, I'm becoming a bit bored with Roode. Definitely needs a change. But the fact that the BFG series is happening, pretty much tells you that Storm is gonna win it and face Roode at BFG, which means Aries ain't gonna win the title at Destination X

Great ending as well with the beatdown.

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Finally got round to watching all of Slammiversary, that was a fantastic show.

Aries-Joe is one of the best matches I've ever seen, I loved everything about it. Well paced, intense and believable. Aries is the best wrestler in the world today and Joe had his best match for years. Just phenomenal. Hopefully they push Aries to the moon now. Joe looks motivated as well and he's a real asset in this kind of form.

Hernandez-Kash was a cracking little outing. Kash has been great since they brought him back last year, very good worker. Hernandez looked like he'd lost some muscle mass which is definitely a good thing.

D'Von again put on a good showing in his match. Garrett Bischoff is the shits. The two Robbies are perfect lower card fodder and a good combo.

Anderson-Hardy-RVD was horrific. RVD is completely done, his offence looked weak as piss and his selling was hokey in the extreme. It's no surprise given his style but he looks broken down. Anderson has never been a great worker and his matches with these two have been his worst. Hardy was incredibly sloppy. Every spot looked so contrived (eg the RVD frogsplash following the top rope suplex from Anderson). None of them looked like they could be arsed. The crowd were completely burnt out after being great for the first three matches. The finish was crap. Anderson didn't give a shit that he'd become the number 1 contender. Actually, the more I think about this the worse I realise it was. One of the worst matches I've ever seen. No redeeming features at all. I haven't read Impact spoilers but if Anderson takes the title from Roode I'll probably cry. I actually read positive reviews of this, WTF?

Storm destroying Crimson could've been good but the crowd were burnt out, as I said. I'm not sure where they go with Crimson from here. Nice to see Storm back though, he's one of the best things they have.

If I get to see more Tessmacher on TV her taking the title can only be a good thing.

Park and Bubba was cracking. Bubba is great and the Park character has rejuvenated Abyss. The finish was ridiculous but that's what has made this feud so good. Bubba is the best heel going, what a c**t he is. He has to take the title at some point.

The tag match was superb. Angle really is one of the best wrestlers of all time. Angle and AJ were in great form. The spots in this match really showed off the best of those two, AJ's shooting star press to the outside being the highlight. Kaz sold the Germans better than anyone I've seen. Not massively keen on Daniels but it would've been the match of the night on almost any other show (Aries-Joe overshadowed it).

Quite enjoyed the main event but they had a tough ask to follow. It was good until the finish, which has been done before with Roode. It felt a bit flat but was technically pretty good. The filler matches could maybe have been better allocated to allow the crowd some time to recover following the tag match.

Sting in the HoF is fine by me, true legend. Christian was his usual dull but dependable self.

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Just watched Slammiversary. It was a really good PPV, I would say only Extreme Rules and Wrestlemania have been better PPVs this year. It's amazing how much TNA has improved since Russo was punted, hopefully Dixie will also get shot of the Hogans and Bischoffs soon.

My highlight was the tag title match. It's amazing that in 2012, someone as broken down and mental as Kurt Angle is still able to put on such great performances.

I can't help but think that the bland Christian Cage promo was a wasted opportunity for TNA to do something more significant with their "favour".

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Just watched Slammiversary. It was a really good PPV, I would say only Extreme Rules and Wrestlemania have been better PPVs this year. It's amazing how much TNA has improved since Russo was punted, hopefully Dixie will also get shot of the Hogans and Bischoffs soon.

My highlight was the tag title match. It's amazing that in 2012, someone as broken down and mental as Kurt Angle is still able to put on such great performances.

I can't help but think that the bland Christian Cage promo was a wasted opportunity for TNA to do something more significant with their "favour".

The feud which led to the "highlight" tag title match was Bischoff's idea, and Hogan is excellent as the GM.

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Bischoff is very much the ideas man at the moment. He's a big part of why TNA are so good right now.

I'm surprised at that, surely he'd have had input beforehand, like, when it was shite?

Aye, it's been awesome in the past month or two.

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I'm surprised at that, surely he'd have had input beforehand, like, when it was shite?

Aye, it's been awesome in the past month or two.

It's new three man setup that TNA have. Well, new. It's not exactly new, but since the new team have gone together, things have changed slowly but surely. Dave Lagana does the videos and stuff, Bischoff just throws ideas out there, and Tom Pritchard is the one that books. That new team have worked wonders. If you have good ideas but a shite booker, yer product will still be shite.

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Perhaps I am overreacting but that is the best wrestling TV show I have seen in a long time. TNA is on fire just now and here's hoping they can keep it up going into BFG. Everyone on TV virtually is watchable.

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