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Had a really, really vivid dream last night - I was the goalkeeper in a Thistle - Rangers testimonial match at Firhill... for The Rock, who was in a Thistle top and playing at centre-half :lol:

Possibly the best dream ever. Fucking surreal though, and I can only remember it really vividly now.

I think its because I forgot to take my nicotine patch off last night, a friend who's on the patches at the moment as well said he's had some crazy dreams when he went to sleep with it on.

I will never get to play football at Firhill with The Rock against Rangers while he's wearing a Thistle strip in real life... :(

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Couple of observations last night....

Someone was obviously told to play 'Bow Down to The King' over the 'contract signing later on raw' image....and played Lawler's music instead :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cole explains Del Rio's 'taped' right knee by showing a clip from Smackdown where Swagger attacks his left knee, while he already has the same knee support on that they are trying to explain the use of. Fuckwits.

Edited by Christophe
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I am going to get a Wrestlemania sign hung in my front room and point at it at random intervals. Everyone who comes into my house can do the same thing, without saying a word.

There, I just pointed at bit again, to express the fact Wrestlemania is looming, in case you didn't know.

Fandango, he didn't get to point at my Wrestlemania sign. He will be fired before then, hopefully.

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Not sure why the start had the Prime Time Players interrupting Cena. I think the PTP are a decent tag team and Titus is a guy with a lot of personality but that all just seemed a bit forced.

Obvious that Big Show was going to replace Ryback in the six man tag. Think that means Ryback will have his moment vs Henry and hopefully the Shield can win again and Orton turns on Sheamus.

I wonder what the material for CM Punk would be if Paul Bearer hadn't died. The promo was quite weak and we've now had the Undertaker on 3 Raw's and he's barely done anything.

Would like to see Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler in a feud sometime but I suppose having them in the ring together with Kane & Big E isn't too bad.

Looks like Chris Jericho vs Fandango is happening. I'm really worried that they're going to have Fandango get a big win here to put him over, surely not. Again, think there's a missed opportunity here not having Jericho involved higher up the card with a better opponent. He's still one of the best they've got in the ring by a distance. The triple threat match was good and Jericho virtually carried it.

Pretty certain with that stipulation that Triple H will win now. No way he's going out on the back of another defeat to Lesnar. Lesnar is another I think is being booked wrong, would make sense for Triple H to put him over again I'd say.

Where's Christian? I read somewhere that he'd be back and think he'd be a good opponent for Cesaro or Barrett, who are in desperate need of a quality feud.

Edited by LAGer
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Watching Raw the now, up to the Kane/DB vs primo match.

The Fannydango (please....go) shite is already boring, no matter now long they milk and milk his debut, it will be utterly shite, its one of the worst gimmicks ive ever seen and the guy looks an utter tool. Setting him up for matches against Jericho will make some entertaining promo's but its a waste of the WWE's best talent IMO

Personally Id have Ziggler vs Del Rio for the title at WM29 No DQ with the storyline of Ziggler being in the position of still being able to use his MITB even if he happens to loose the match to really put the pressure on Del Rio to succeed. That would free up Swagger for a "real" america vs "fake" america match against Cesaro for the US title to prove who is really patriotic.

As much as i do like looking at AJ, does she actually do anything now?

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I must be the only one who likes the Faaahn... Daaaaaahn... Gooooooooo! gimmick. :lol:

Random post on first division chat just reminded me of this sketch from years ago, they should do this stuff with the Rock again, he was a brilliant heel. Would be much better than the current sucking up to the crowd he's doing. He used to command audiences without having to make some cheesy reference to 'the people' to get cheers. Bring back heel Rock!


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It's a show heavy on star power tonight. I might give it a watch given the close proximity to Wrestlemania and the hard sell will get turned on. The last couple of years, the second last show has been a proper go home show and the week before has been a bit of a no goer.

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Just me that's not overly excited about this Mania? The repeat of Rock vs Cena, with an inevitable Cena win. Undertaker vs Punk, with an inevitable Taker win, and if he doesn't I'd be on the verge of tears. Ryback vs Henry isn't overly exciting, could be a decent outing but not Wrestlemania standard and the six man tag match seems a bit thrown together as well. Triple H vs Brock is another repeat, and whilst it may well be a great match, it's been done before and it's the only match on the card that's relatively 'tasty' at the moment.

Something major needs to happen to give it a spark, such as Dolph Ziggler cashing in and involvement from a big star such as Austin or something.

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