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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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£134k to HMRC by next week, that's it, a difficult situation is now not only inevitable but in fully flown death throes. The End Game is here right now.

And who even knows if we are due them that much by next week because I no longer believe anything those rogues come out with, it could just be another rouse to get money out the fans. I don't know what is going on but one thing is very evident is that they are desperate to get as much money out the fans as they can, like really deperate and I find it hard to believe that it's purely to save the Pars because if it wad they would have spoken to the fans groups and shown some level of respect a long time ago.

This whole thing I suspect has a lot more going on than just some provincial football club feeling the pinch. The share issue not going ahead because of some 'wording' problems? How long ago was that now? No accounts published for Charleston Holding and EEP Ltd? It's all going to get really murky isn't it?

This whole thing STINKS!! This will come out with external investigation, looks like you have been shafted , big time, guys. :wacko:

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Dunfermline Press article:

I think 'big Leish' is the man to save the Pars, he'll get the support we need - I firmly believe him in the statement he made and I back him and the Steering Group 100%. Time is against us, but with groups such as the TPC meeting with the Steering Group tomorrow, things may just start rolling along nicely; but it needs to be done quickly!

COYP! :)

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The sad thing is that we can't rule that out either.

Can one of the supporters groups not get into contact with HMRC to determine whether this is the true figure/timescale that has to be met?

Didn't SFL introduce a rule, post-"Dundee II", about clubs and HMRC non-payment disclosure? Clubs agreed to let HMRC tell SFL about it directly?

EDIT: Longmuir called it "Early Warning system" or something similar.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Sounds ominous.

Has HMRC actually issued a winding-up order against Dunfermline - or is the implication that they'd be into the Court of Session as soon as payments or repayments are missed?

It's a lot of money to find, or for supporters organisations to stump-up for no 'stake'.

From what I've read, so "unconfirmed reports" if you like, the £134K isn't to be paid up in one go, but some is due this week and/or next. Also, no winding up order has been served as far as we are aware, but if we miss one of the payment plan deadlines then they'll file straight for liquidation. That's my understanding from reading the posts online.

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For people who don't want to register with the local rag

PARS legend Jim Leishman fought back the tears as he spoke about taking on his toughest ever challenge - saving the club from financial abyss.

Big Leish is trying to unite the supporters in a battle for survival over the next two to three weeks.

The club owes £134,000 to HMRC and £35,000 to staff with pressure for payments coming within days.

Leishman is meeting various supporters groups over the coming days and a public meeting will take place on the future of the club at the Carnegie Hall on Monday at 7pm. Leishman will address fans and will be accompanied by past players.

However, it was clear from today's press conference at East End Park that some fans - who had been protesting outside but were invited in - remain to be convinced that money raised will go directly to aid the club.

There are real concerns among fans that Gavin Masterton remains the major shareholder at the club despite resigning from the board.

Leishman is heading a steering group with the short-term goal of survival and the long-term ambition of making a fans-owned club.

He told the press conference, "People are thinking I'm setting up a board to run Dunfermline Athletic Football Club. That's not what I'm here to do. I'm not setting up a board.

"I got asked on Monday to be the deputy chairman of the club and I turned that down in front of everyone. I said I'm not wanting to be deputy chairman, I'm not interested in a title at all. Titles mean nothing at this moment in time.

"It's about the short-term survival of Dunfermline Athletic Football Club and the long term future of the club. It's evolution not revolution that I'm interested in.

"Something that's really hurt me since that meeting on Monday night is people saying, 'Jim Leishman's a lackey for Gavin Masterton'.

"I'll tell you right now Jim Leishman is a lackey - for Dunfermline Athletic Football Club, for their fans, for the staff and for the players. I'll be a lackey to Jim Jefferies, anything he wants me to do for the football club.

"I'm a lackey for every Dunfermline Athletic supporter because I'm one of them and I mean that.

"On Monday I said 'Aye I'll take the job'. It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life at this football club. Will I do it? I don't know. I can't do it myself that's for sure.

"I cannot do with the negativity because I've got a short period of time. Maybe two weeks, maybe three, maybe four.

"I've got to just remain positive every minute of life, short-term, a positive attitude for the survival of the club.

"The stipulations - I said Gavin Masterton will relinquish control of all aspects of the day-to-day running of the football club.

"The steering group, which I'm the head of, will take control of the football club or I'm not doing it.

"John Yorkston will stand down as chairman and assume the role of honorary president on completion of the share offer.

"Karen Masteron and Tracey Martin will affect a hand-over to the new management team before the end of the season at which point they will leave the employ of Dunfermline Athletic Football club. There's a transition period, a hand-over period that we have to go through.

"The current board of DAFC will provide the executive committee of the steering group delegated authority to facilitate discussions with all regulatory authorities and creditors to ensure that any issues are appropriately dealt with.

"That is my remit. Nobody's going to tell me what to do apart from the steering group.

"The first thing I did on Monday night was phone the manager. We were talking at twelve o'clock and past that. I told him everything that's going on. He knows everything that's going on at this club and he'll relay that to the players.

"He's in charge of the football. I will not interfere and he wouldn't be here if he thought Jim Leishman would interfere with the football side.

"It hurt me when people said I was a lackey. I hated that. If I do get interference, if I don't get the right to make the decisions, I'll not continue doing what I'm doing.

"I'll walk away as will the rest of them (steering group). That is a guarantee from me - I'll walk if I'm not allowed to do the job properly.

Leishman drew a parallel with when he took over as manager in 2005 and saved the club from relegation.

"I took over with three games to go and it was mission impossible. This is a wee bit harder. Then it was the last-gasp saloon, it was the last stance. Everybody got behind us, the players gave 110 per cent, they gave their all and that's what I'm asking people to do."

Leishman was close to tears as he said he warned again he would step down and continue as a fan if there was any interference.

"I reiterate if I'm not allowed to do it I'm out of here and I mean out of here. I'll be sitting there supporting the team. Not every week because I'll need a break - I'm about greetin' here.

"That's my statement. I'm not a lackey. I'm wanting the survival for everybody at this club. That's guaranteed."

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To answer my own question about HMRC and SFL clubs disclosure... this is the rule added to the SFL rulebook in the wake of the Dundee debacle and the use of unpaid tax as a "credit card". Presumably the idea is that each club does it before the season starts, hence the "following 12 months" bit?

44.10 Within 10 business days of a request in writing from the Board each Member shall sign and deliver to the Board such mandate as shall be necessary to authorise and allow HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on request to provide the Board with the following notifications and information for the following 12 months:-

(i) details of the commencement date and duration of all current and new Time to Pay arrangements between the Member and HMRC.

(ii) notification as to when a Member is in arrears of two or more monthly instalments in terms of said arrangement detailed in (i) above.

(iii) details of all the Member tax liabilities relating to the year ended 5 April which are still outstanding as at the following 5 June.

(iv) notification of the commencement by the HMRC of all proceedings to recover outstanding tax liabilities against the member at any time.

(v) details of any outstanding debts with HMRC.

In the event that HMRC is unable or unwilling to provide the information referred to above directly to the Board upon receipt of a mandate from the Member then the Member shall timeously obtain such information directly from HMRC and immediately forward copies of the same to the Board. An Official of each Member shall sign and deliver to the Board all such paperwork as shall be necessary to give effect to the terms of this Rule."

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Jesus I do feel sorry for Dunfermline fans, I really do, hopefully you can get everything sorted out, and have a club, playing at any level in the game.

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I'm actually wondering if something really shady or criminal is going on, nobody can be that whimsical with the truth and not up to something surely?

Unlike everyone else directors can look up the books and know the exactly where the company is going in the coming days, weeks and months. When they realise a company cannot be saved they'll often engage in activity that is morally wrong like the phoenix four, or outright fraud like Craigy Bhoy.

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Whilst Leishman is trying to be the saviour of the club surely he has known for some time what state the club is in, so my question would be why wait till now? Might be a logical reason for it although the cynic in me says he is there to appease the fans.

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Football clubs at it again, How long has this been dragging on for with constant denials about debt etc then the Pars fans get hit with this bombshell, Wheres has Jim Leishman been in this sorry mess also Yorkston who i read today is being appointed president of the club due to his contribution to Dunfermline i find that incredible. As a Rovers fan i would like to pose a few questions to any Pars fans out there

1. Why didnt the club conduct deeper cuts than they had and went with a more youthful team/ under21"s to make sure the club exsisted considering they knew how bad the finances were at the start of the season.

2. Why did the likes of Leishman , Yorkston not intervene earlier on to avert a financial disaster.

3. If i were a Pars fan i would insist before investing Masterton should cut all ties from the club and cut his losses because he wont see a penny anyway if the club went into admin.

4. Why did the Board lie to there supporters/ Fans trusts etc and not disclose the full facts concerning club finances when if they had been told sooner the club might have been saved by investors/ Fans.

5. Why believe anything the Pars board puts out.

Setting banter aside i feel sorry for one group and thats the Fans, Best of luck guys and hopefully whether you survive or go into Admin you will still have a football club to support .

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