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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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Any fan would. The team with the biggest element of scum and bigots gets away yet a harmless club roped in by the voodoo economics of an ex-banker doesn't? I'd be sickened.

That's the way of it, I'm afraid. The circumstances of what was owed to who aren't the same in all cases, so you get different results.

Dundee were lucky - their CVA was accepted; Rangers went bust because theirs wasn't. Dundee got their debt wiped and could continue; Rangers went out of business. Looking again at the subject of what was owed to who, it was HMRC that fucked Rangers. Dundee were fortunate they didn't owe them that much in the grand scheme of things or they'd have went down too.

Rangers, of course, formed under a new company and I agree that shouldn't be allowed to happen, but it's no different to other companies out there who take the same route. Letting them back into the league like they did is however an entirely separate matter. Despite the differing outcomes, one key point remains - both saw a lot of people get absolutely shafted and lose a lot of money. All this whilst Dundee and Rangers continue to plod along and pretend it never happened.

Dunfermline, in a way, are lucky that the debt is primarily owed to Masterton and his matrix of companies. It certainly kept the wolf from the door for longer and as unsustainable as it is, I doubt they'll be facing a CVA to determine their future. I also don't think anyone really gives a shit if Masterton loses lots of money: he created the mess and deserves to be accountable for it. That is completely different to the many people left out of pocket by Dundee and Rangers, and it doesn't appear that would be an issue with the Pars. In a moral, but otherwise irrelevant sense, that would be a victory.

Where Dunfermline fall down, is that administration doesn't appear to be an option for them to wipe the slate clean ( a la Dundee). A Rangers type situation would do that theoretically, but I doubt they'd get the same treatment that Rangers did so it is at best a risky option. Rebuilding is the only option, but it will also be a lot easier to kill the club if a balls up is made.

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Posted this on another site last week


Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:22 pm

A total stab in the dark but could A N Other be Purvis? Seen the books, know the club - could be ideal custodians given how well their business is run.


Rumours are now mentioning Purvis as the man to step in. Our grave is dug, the hearse is booked but someone better check the chiller as there are some strange groans coming from the morgue.

'Mon the Pars

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That's the way of it, I'm afraid. The circumstances of what was owed to who aren't the same in all cases, so you get different results.

Dundee were lucky - their CVA was accepted; Rangers went bust because theirs wasn't. Dundee got their debt wiped and could continue; Rangers went out of business. Looking again at the subject of what was owed to who, it was HMRC that fucked Rangers. Dundee were fortunate they didn't owe them that much in the grand scheme of things or they'd have went down too.

Dundee weren't lucky: they cheated. The administrators lumped Melville etc into the accounts as a ludicrous 'debt' (as opposed to soft loan, which it clearly was) in order to dilute HMRC's portion of the CVA.

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Dundee weren't lucky: they cheated. The administrators lumped Melville etc into the accounts as a ludicrous 'debt' (as opposed to soft loan, which it clearly was) in order to dilute HMRC's portion of the CVA.

I had no idea they did that. Either that, or my memory fails me. Unbelievable stuff.

Weren't they a couple of percent from it being rejected? That was what I meant by them being lucky.

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Why are the rumours now that Purvis will step in? This was always going to be the case. Realustically the pars were NEVER going to disappear. This is all about who has the meanest poker face so that Purvis can get the club in a deal that suits him and his group. The fans have been played like a fiddle to provide the necessary public outrage and media support. It has demonised Masterton and co so that Purvis can get a cheaper deal.

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Why are the rumours now that Purvis will step in? This was always going to be the case. Realustically the pars were NEVER going to disappear. This is all about who has the meanest poker face so that Purvis can get the club in a deal that suits him and his group. The fans have been played like a fiddle to provide the necessary public outrage and media support. It has demonised Masterton and co so that Purvis can get a cheaper deal.

I'll take a bit of Machiavellian scheming over liquidisation.

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Dundee weren't lucky: they cheated. The administrators lumped Melville etc into the accounts as a ludicrous 'debt' (as opposed to soft loan, which it clearly was) in order to dilute HMRC's portion of the CVA.

You say that as though the administrator had a choice. Soft loans, hard loans, bank loans, trade debts - they are all debts and all have to be included by the insolvency practitioner. That's what the law says. The only way Melville's money could have gone in in such a way as to be at the back of the queue would be if it had gone in as share capital and why would he do that. As it happens, how he did it perhaps saved the company by enabling the CVA to be voted through.

The same might apply to Dunfermline!

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Players' tweets re todays fans at Starks Park:

Alex Whittle‏@AliWhitts

Thought the fans were Outstanding today ...He's Big ,He's Geordie....He Loves It In Tappie Torries Cal Morris @Calmorris37 !! #COMEONYEPARS


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@ThePars1885 now working hard on a new plan for #DAFC. We will never give up on OUR club.Time for those associated with the mess to go #COYP

So after withdrawing their interest only a couple of days ago, they're back in again?

Looks like we have two interested parties now, one with Purvis and the other with TPC

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This is ridiculous if they were really fans interest based everyone would be pulling resources. Makes me think theres something no right here, are we sure we're not trading one shower for another?

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All this whilst Dundee and Rangers continue to plod along and pretend it never happened.

made some good points then bllew it! where you get the idea that Dundee pretend it never happened beats me. Administration and near extinction still haunts the Dees and will do for some time to come. Every penny and every debt has to be considered.

The slightest error and we would probably disappear next time (not that there will be a next time of course!).

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Im happy for anyone to come in and save our club. Should that be Purvis or the TPC. I aint one of them in the know but from what i've read in the public domain would rather have Purvis than the TPC. He is a successful business man with a sound team behind him and would certainly have my backing. Not as sure with the TPC as they do seem to have an agenda with what information is drip fed at certain times. Even given that agenda i know that they are all Pars fans and want what is best for the club. GM & Yorkston can get tae f**k, there both fucking twats. I have enjoyed all the cup runs and success in the league but the feeling i have right now makes them feel slightly tainted. I hope we survive as would miss days like yesterday. I know loads of folk through going on a Saturday and would leave a massive void in my life.

Edited by Junkie
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You'd prefer another rich businessman-fan to TPC? That surprises me somewhat.

Purvis is meant to be taking forward the negotiated TPC plan that fell apart last week before they reverted to there original plan but with himself and other business men holding 50% instead of the business guys from the TPC and the fans having the other 50%. I can understand why people are more willing to back him than the guys fronting the TPC, it seems that they are letting there personal differences with gm get in the way, there looks to me like some are willing for liquidation to happen as long as they get to implement there plan and masterton doesn't benefit. Purvis seems to be willing to work with masterton to a degree, he's willing to sweeten the deal for masterton in order to save the club, I don't like it , he probably doesn't either but its worth it to continue as DAFC and not some newco.

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Purvis is meant to be taking forward the negotiated TPC plan that fell apart last week before they reverted to there original plan but with himself and other business men holding 50% instead of the business guys from the TPC and the fans having the other 50%. I can understand why people are more willing to back him than the guys fronting the TPC, it seems that they are letting there personal differences with gm get in the way, there looks to me like some are willing for liquidation to happen as long as they get to implement there plan and masterton doesn't benefit. Purvis seems to be willing to work with masterton to a degree, he's willing to sweeten the deal for masterton in order to save the club, I don't like it , he probably doesn't either but its worth it to continue as DAFC and not some newco.

It's ok.

Nowadays a Newco is exactly the same.

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