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Walking Down The Halbeath Road

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Baracus, you speak a lot of sense that I feel gets ignored due to your tone. I understand it's your "gimmick" for lack of a better word, but I think you would get through to a lot more people if you didn't write like a raving lunatic. You clearly care a lot about the club and want it to succeed but it's just the Pars buddy, no reason to get yourself so worked up!

I agree 100% with getting a plastic pitch, provided it's of sufficient quality, not like the horrendous one we got a decade ago. If the club think they can get additional revenue into the club with one, and it will make little to no difference to the games, why wouldn't be go for it? I watched a Falkirk game this season on their pitch and I had forgotten they had put in a plastic pitch and didn't notice the difference at all.

Andrew Stirling seems like another great bit of business. Whether the seething from rival fans is genuine or exaggerated, the fact they are seething at all tells you how good our signings are seen. People are playing mind games with the "just give them the title now" spiel but it is undoubtedly true that we will be big favourites and should win the league. Not as much of a formality as it was for Rangers but certainly should be going up if the squad performs as it can.

Ayr chairman seems to be blaming everyone else for problems with the club. I feel sympathy for the man having to deal with his father's illness but coming out with lengthy diatribes on the club's website, taking pot shots at DAFC and Moffat does nobody any favours. Your fans are your customers and they've told you in great numbers they're not happy and you are utterly ignoring them. Deserves all criticism coming.

edit- Surely won't be playing St Johnstone on the 15th July? They're meant to be playing in the Europa League two days later!

Edited by Poet of the Macabre
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I make no apologies for this. The above is fucking garbage and exceptionally backward thinking and archaic. It's simply untrue that artificial pitches are no good. Many these days are far superior to the garbage grass pitches some clubs have. Not only that they offer a consistent surface all year round.

Leaving the quality of the surface for now, the financial argument is beyond a no brainer. I'm stunned that fans of our club, a club that were a judge's decision away from going out of business forever, would want to turn down such a good and dependable money maker. It indicates massive ignorance and is unacceptably blase about the finances, and thus future, of the club. The club need to move forward and always need to be looking for new sources of income. To reject such a good source of income, and one that would save the club money as the team could train on it and would reduce call offs, is fucking obtuse, thick headed stupidity of the worst amd highest kind. It's stubborn crap mired in the past and totally closed minded at a time when moving forward and being fresh and forward thinking is vital to the club.

When the best arguements against it are 'it's not grass' or outright lies about unnatural bounces or the ball not running right (aye it would be much better for it to get stuck in the mud in winter or have a defender slide on a bare baked solid goalmouth in summer) or that it cause injuries (injuries never happen on grass pitches obviously) then you have to question the intelligence and motives of those saying it.

I said 'in my opinion' however, there is no artificial pitch that is anywhere near the quality of grass at the moment. Yes they will continue to improve,and there are also some excellent examples around, i know that. I just think its pish! Its good to be able to rent it out etc. . . But that shouldn't be a factor. If we had a decent training pitch that was artificial then yeah, I'm all for it - but East End Parks pitch? Na, its not for me. The gardeners etc do a brilliant job maintaining the grass. This should be applauded and left to continue the way it is. Do you remember how magnificent Mortons pitch was when we won the league? It was outstanding! Pitches (in my view) are an excellent factor in how a stadium is perceived. If we all had plastic, it would be shite.

I'm just stating my opinion - in case you have an aneurysm.

If it must be plastic, then fair enough but can you honestly say you've played football, at a reasonable level and found it to be just as good? I certainly haven't.

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Ayr's chairman actually speaks like anyone would in his situation albeit a little misguided with regards his sour grapes at losing Moffat. The guy must be hurting, but he seems to be a bit hypocritical; he has a go at a club having gone into debt and ending up in administration (where the owner was putting in money creating club debt, due to him - and his creditors for that matter). Now he is doing the same and should he suffer some event which cripples his finances, like happened to GM, then he'll have a similar scenario on his hands. Remember GM spoke of "friendly" creditors and soft debt? He speaks of debt which he has no intention of calling in. The truth is that he cannot predict what life may throw at him and when he may "need" that money...

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DA Baracus resorts to violent attacks when someone disagrees with his sentiments. I am still suffering from an outragous attack in Arbroath last month.

I can't actually remember why I gave you the Rock Bottom in the street. I know I didn't actually mean it, but you sold it like a pro.

How is the elbow?

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Ayr's chairman actually speaks like anyone would in his situation albeit a little misguided with regards his sour grapes at losing Moffat. The guy must be hurting, but he seems to be a bit hypocritical; he has a go at a club having gone into debt and ending up in administration (where the owner was putting in money creating club debt, due to him - and his creditors for that matter). Now he is doing the same and should he suffer some event which cripples his finances, like happened to GM, then he'll have a similar scenario on his hands. Remember GM spoke of "friendly" creditors and soft debt? He speaks of debt which he has no intention of calling in. The truth is that he cannot predict what life may throw at him and when he may "need" that money...

Aye but he's having to put his own money in to keep the club alive, as a shitey mid-table third-tier part-time outfit. He's not buying success is he? That's his point.

If he stops paying that money Ayr go out of business, as Somerset costs a lot of money to maintain. He's had the club up for sale for about four years, but nobody is interested in taking it off his hands. He doesn't even live in Scotland any more!

That said, I don't think he required to make those comments and I'd prefer if they were removed from the statement.

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Soooooo...PUEEPL own the stadium and rent it to DAFC at £40k per annum. I'm assuming this company is made up of philathropists? Surely £40k aint enough to pay the electricity bill every year?

DAFC operating at a loss and surely the stadium company must be operating at a loss. Glad it's sustainable though.

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