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Breaking Bad


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My friend (who hadn't been watching BB) caught this scene and she was somewhat traumatised! We've been watching it from the start and she is quite squeamish and has had to look away from several scenes already, e.g. the ATM or the tortoise chap getting his comeuppance (twice).

I'm tempted to film her reaction to the Ding Ding Boom scene :)

Show her the bathtub scene from Season 1. Include the cleaning up of the consequences.

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You sound edgy. Do expand.

It's one of the most boring things I've ever watched. Episode after episode of talking. I played most of the episodes on 2.5x speed to get to the "good parts". I gave up after the 3 season after finding none.

Tried it, hated it.

I'd like to know what people genuinely liked about it. Other than "it's great".

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Okay. Off the top of my head, some of things I liked. Spoilers below.

1. WW's transformation from mild-mannered chemistry teacher to ruthless drugs baron is one of the best pieces of acting I've seen. The fact that you're never quite sure whether you're on his side or not is especially clever.

2. Some lovely camerawork, especially the shots out in the desert.

3. There were relatively few "twists" in the TV series (the Confession tape is the exception), i.e. you pretty much knew that everyone would find out in the end. However, like Day of the Jackal where you know de Gaulle doesn't get killed, it's still exciting to watch.

4. Loved the "flash forwards" at the start, where you watching something that happens in the future, but you're not quite sure what's going on or when you're going to see it again.

5. Some of the other characters are great... Gus for his cold-blooded ruthlessness (and his death scene), Saul was hilarious - so much so he's got a spin-off show, Mike was another fantastic one though I can't really put my finger on why.

Fair enough if you don't like it, but "too much talking in it" seems an odd reason. Do you skip all the dialogue in every film / TV series you watch?

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