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Breaking Bad


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Started watching this as part of the working through series' we missed with my girlfriend. Into season two, and the "blowfish" conversation had me killing myself :lol:

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You sound edgy. Do expand.

It's one of the most boring things I've ever watched. Episode after episode of talking. I played most of the episodes on 2.5x speed to get to the "good parts". I gave up after the 3 season after finding none.

Tried it, hated it.

I'd like to know what people genuinely liked about it. Other than "it's great".

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Okay. Off the top of my head, some of things I liked. Spoilers below.

1. WW's transformation from mild-mannered chemistry teacher to ruthless drugs baron is one of the best pieces of acting I've seen. The fact that you're never quite sure whether you're on his side or not is especially clever.

2. Some lovely camerawork, especially the shots out in the desert.

3. There were relatively few "twists" in the TV series (the Confession tape is the exception), i.e. you pretty much knew that everyone would find out in the end. However, like Day of the Jackal where you know de Gaulle doesn't get killed, it's still exciting to watch.

4. Loved the "flash forwards" at the start, where you watching something that happens in the future, but you're not quite sure what's going on or when you're going to see it again.

5. Some of the other characters are great... Gus for his cold-blooded ruthlessness (and his death scene), Saul was hilarious - so much so he's got a spin-off show, Mike was another fantastic one though I can't really put my finger on why.

Fair enough if you don't like it, but "too much talking in it" seems an odd reason. Do you skip all the dialogue in every film / TV series you watch?

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Fair enough if you don't like it, but "too much talking in it" seems an odd reason. Do you skip all the dialogue in every film / TV series you watch?

It's perhaps a strange thing to level at a television series, but I do think the story could've been told in a season less. Each to their own.

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It's one of the most boring things I've ever watched. Episode after episode of talking. I played most of the episodes on 2.5x speed to get to the "good parts". I gave up after the 3 season after finding none.

Tried it, hated it.

I'd like to know what people genuinely liked about it. Other than "it's great".

More than anything else I liked the naturality and sympathy of Walt's situation and its effects on his extended family, all of whom are played wonderfully, which moves into a constant testing of his insecure self when he starts and re-setting of his own rules and reasoning on the side of crime as he begins to enjoy it- and eventually, very gradually, the Heisenberg monster emerges. All of that gives way to five series of very strange emotional suspense as, piece by piece, a happy family is torn apart.

On top of that are many layers of enlightenment and entertainment- I liked the genuine originality and excitement of the crime plots, which almost never slows down, the Jesse character who complements Walt in so many clever and complicated ways, the dozens of villains we encounter- every one of them a vivid and superbly-written character, the insight into the workings of the criminal underworld and the relationship with Hank and the DEA as they never seem too far off Walt's tail. It's also easily one of the best-shot and -scored series ever recorded.

I'm sorry you're not enjoying it, P45, but I urge you to give it a proper chance, watch it at normal speed, go with it and let it click for you- the results are very rewarding.

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I fully get that I'm in a minority that didn't appreciate it. Saying I hated it was a bit strong, more hugely underwhelmed.

I fully kept up with the story even though it was on 2.5x speed. I stopped at the bit in season 3 where Walt tries to catch a fly in the underground lab.

That episode summed the series up for me. Granted the idea was well thought out, acted and filmed but it had a lot of unnecessary filler where nothing really took place.

It had some good bits like the stolen ATM and Walt letting Jesse's burd die but I started watching it expecting something fantastic and I didn't find that at all. By the time I gave up I was bored of the whole thing.

I can understand why people like it, but I can't understand why people say they like it but don't.

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I fully get that I'm in a minority that didn't appreciate it. Saying I hated it was a bit strong, more hugely underwhelmed.

I fully kept up with the story even though it was on 2.5x speed. I stopped at the bit in season 3 where Walt tries to catch a fly in the underground lab.

That episode summed the series up for me. Granted the idea was well thought out, acted and filmed but it had a lot of unnecessary filler where nothing really took place.

It had some good bits like the stolen ATM and Walt letting Jesse's burd die but I started watching it expecting something fantastic and I didn't find that at all. By the time I gave up I was bored of the whole thing.

I can understand why people like it, but I can't understand why people say they like it but don't.

All I can say is that if you want something less boring than series 1, 2 and 3, watch series 4.

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Think im in the third actually

Was just kidding.

Don't judge anyone too soon, the likeability of almost all the characters waxes and wanes, sometimes dramatically, all the way until the very end.

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Only got 4 (or is it 5) episodes to go. I've seen them all before but this is my 2nd run through of the entire show.

Skylar just remains a c**t throughout. I was raging when she protected Walt when Hank finds out. She's such an arsehole. She starts off having Walt doing 2 jobs whilst she sits on her arse. Then that half arsed handski she gives him?! Fucking booo. Walt jnr is really grating as well. What a snivelling little tosser.

Mike's death is no less painful the second time round.

Poor Jesse. He just gets battered throughout, both physically and mentally. Things are about to get even worse for the lad where I'm at.

Forgot how brutal the prison hit is.

But f**k Skylar. Would have liked to see the c**t go to prison for her bullshit.

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On Jesse, and this IS a spoiler for those who haven't reached the last episode...

That final scene with him in the car driving away is one of my favourite TV scenes ever. I was punching the air in delight.

Me too! Brilliant stuff.

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