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Evil Neighbours Thread

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My evil neighbours packed up and left about 6 weeks ago now. Yet their gardens are still piled high with rubbish, and their old untaxed car is still parked up the street. At new year, one of our (good) neighbours gets a facebook message from the evil ones, asking who had grassed them up to the council. The big question being: grassed them up about what?

Turns out all the stuff they were telling is - like having 28 days to hand in the keys to the council - was all lies. They just abandoned the property. My guess - a benefits scam. The guy is probably listed as living at the old address and the woman listed at the new one, and I'd bet good money they're raking in benefits as two single-parent households. At least this would explain their foreign holidays and new car (while on benefits).

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My evil neighbours packed up and left about 6 weeks ago now. Yet their gardens are still piled high with rubbish, and their old untaxed car is still parked up the street. At new year, one of our (good) neighbours gets a facebook message from the evil ones, asking who had grassed them up to the council. The big question being: grassed them up about what?
Turns out all the stuff they were telling is - like having 28 days to hand in the keys to the council - was all lies. They just abandoned the property. My guess - a benefits scam. The guy is probably listed as living at the old address and the woman listed at the new one, and I'd bet good money they're raking in benefits as two single-parent households. At least this would explain their foreign holidays and new car (while on benefits).

Why should people on benefits not enjoy a foreign holiday?
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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

My evil neighbours packed up and left about 6 weeks ago now. Yet their gardens are still piled high with rubbish, and their old untaxed car is still parked up the street. At new year, one of our (good) neighbours gets a facebook message from the evil ones, asking who had grassed them up to the council. The big question being: grassed them up about what?

Turns out all the stuff they were telling is - like having 28 days to hand in the keys to the council - was all lies. They just abandoned the property. My guess - a benefits scam. The guy is probably listed as living at the old address and the woman listed at the new one, and I'd bet good money they're raking in benefits as two single-parent households. At least this would explain their foreign holidays and new car (while on benefits).

No wonder they left, if they had to put up with you being a nosey bugger.



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Not posted on here but a great read. My neighbours to the left and right are all fairly quiet.

I have a "don't talk to the neighbours" policy which works well for me but I'll say hello or take a parcel in for them. The wife thinks I am totally ignorant just because I don't want to talk about utter bullshit to them.

There have been several issues with the neighbour across the road though, nothing that bothers me and it's sometimes fairly funny. The estate I stay in is fairly nice and every since I have been there the bint across the road has always been there with a succession of guys, she's never worked as far as I know and she had a daughter who now stays with the grand parents . She looks like she only the worlds highest dose of antidepressants and the guy who she has been with for a while now was recently jailed, not sure what for but I hear he was selling knocked off stuff round the doors. He's never ever been at my door, I think due to my "don't talk to the neighbours" policy  and is a on/off junkie. He has a wolf looking type dog and walks about with a Liam Gallagher swagger.

Most recently I got up one night and all I could see was blue lights, looked out of the upstairs bedroom and there were 3 police cars, couple of unmarked cars, what looked like CID and a police van, this was about 2am and it was so exciting i woke the wife up for the show.

Apparently she had a fight with him, he lamped her, she called her sister and her man who drove over drunk to have a square go with him, coppers arrived and lifted him, them arrested the sister for drunk driving.

Tends to be a flurry of nonsense and fights then quiet for months.

All very entertaining.


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Like previous I am a big fan of this thread.

Not sure if I had posted in here about my neighbours. I don't speak to them either. Young couple next door to the left don't seem into chatting with neighbours, suits me.

Their back garden is like a fucking dump though. Bin area of theirs is fucking stinking.

Family to the right I have had no issues with but few folk have advised me they are c***s, Woman a few doors down informed me of them, previous tenants also told me they are p***ks. 
I don't drive so I have no hassle. Parking seems to have caused the other hassles and I can see why. In the designated parking there is no spaces marked out but he parks his works van like a c**t a mile from the side of the space. As I said I've nae hassles but a few visitors have mentioned it to me.
They have 4 dugs tae. Their back garden is honking of manky dug, they are also barky fucks, not nice inquisitive dugs. Bark any fucking time ye see them rather than stoat over for a sniff and a clap.

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Can’t remember if I have posted this before. When I bought my first house in the early 80’s, I was the first person in the entire street to buy a house (was also the only person to own a car in the street). At the time the old joke was that you asked your neighbor for a cup of sugar as an introduction. Halfway into moving our stuff in there was a knock at the backdoor, it was the woman next to us. She had a cup in her hand and she asked me if I could give her a cup of sugar! I laughed as I thought she was joking but no, she was deadly serious. I filled her cup and she said "cheers" and we never saw her again for a couple of weeks. Scaffy b*****ds.

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6 hours ago, supermik said:

Can’t remember if I have posted this before. When I bought my first house in the early 80’s, I was the first person in the entire street to buy a house (was also the only person to own a car in the street). At the time the old joke was that you asked your neighbor for a cup of sugar as an introduction. Halfway into moving our stuff in there was a knock at the backdoor, it was the woman next to us. She had a cup in her hand and she asked me if I could give her a cup of sugar!

I had my pants halfway off at this point, FFS. I feel like I've been Bel Air'd  :angry:

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I have a "don't talk to the neighbours" policy which works well for me but I'll say hello or take a parcel in for them. The wife thinks I am totally ignorant just because I don't want to talk about utter bullshit to them.

My street is almost exclusively full of old fogies who have evidently known each other for a good 30 years, so we're very much the new kids on the block. I've started conversation with the ones next door and across the street but get little back, which is fine really. However, we soon discovered that as soon as my other half's far more elderly dad visited, they were out in the street almost immediately, happy to chat away no bother at all. Bunch of ageist old c***s.

One guy diagonally opposite died a year or so back with a young couple our age moving in soon after. However, they also seem to have a "don't talk to the neighbours" policy as the second I leave my driveway then he'll stop attending to his cars and head into the house for cover. Starting to think that street Chinese whispers has them thinking I'm some form of sex pest or something.

The other next door neighbour is a dilemma though. She's a 90+ old woman who I haven't really seen in over a year now, but I know she's fine as 1) she's frequently got visitors, and 2) I saw her at the window, smiling away at my friend's puppy that we were looking after for a weekend recently. Part of me feels guilty for not popping around, but I'm pretty sure she's not at all lonely and therfore think it would just be a bit weird turning up out of the blue.
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I'd give her a shout anyway - or maybe your partner could call, woman to woman? The worst that can happen is you're told not to bother her, so at least when she's discovered dead after not being seen for 6 months your conscience I clear.

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8 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

I'd give her a shout anyway - or maybe your partner could call, woman to woman? The worst that can happen is you're told not to bother her, so at least when she's discovered dead after not being seen for 6 months your conscience I clear.

Wise words Jack. Hedgie should get in and see what she's got. A bit of time spent now could see you in the will. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Even if you don't, it's a foot in the door for the funeral and free sasij rolls.

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34 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Wise words Jack. Hedgie should get in and see what she's got. A bit of time spent now could see you in the will. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Even if you don't, it's a foot in the door for the funeral and free sasij rolls.

Top advice yet again from Mesurier.

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23 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

The auld birds are usually good for a fug roll. A much under rated snack.


14 minutes ago, throbber said:

If you befriend elderly neighbours then they might leave you their house in their will.

Keep up

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