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Evil Neighbours Thread

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1 hour ago, Derry Alli said:

Wheely bins through his windy, IMO.

FTFY, the auld yin has lost enough without her plants going as well.


I would buy a load of new plant pots, place them in front of his bins and fill the plant pots so they are too heavy to move, if you wanted to be nice you could let him know the lady wants this work done so he might want to move the bins, otherwise batter on.

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8 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Yeah, you'd just sit on your arse, and watch an old lady get bullied and intimidated. IMO.

You’d be hiding behind your cat you fucking shitebag and don’t deny it. 

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10 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Yeah, you'd just sit on your arse, and watch an old lady get bullied and intimidated. IMO.

The old dear will be away with the fairies. You can't trust a word they say at that age.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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On 17/04/2023 at 21:03, Joe Terrapin said:

Mother in Law (80) stays below an arsehole in a 4 in a block. They have shared areas of land and before he moved in the all bins were kept on a strip of land(his) nearest the gate and furthest from either doors and mot convenient for both houses. He seemed decent when he first moved in but he constructed a monstrosity of a set of steps to his front door that prevented the Mother in law accessing her front garden (she has limited mobility). He was forced to remove this and since then has become a complete arsehole. He has moved his bins to common ground which is in front of her door and moved her plant pots that were previously there. Whilst it doesn't sound like the most heinious of behaviour M in law is of nervous disposition and totally stressed by all this and it is really affecting her quality of life. Wife has been trying to deal with it as best she can but is getting nowhere with the p***k who doesn't seem to care about the stress he is causing. Any suggestions, without resorting to underhand tactics? For context arsehole is in his 30's with a wife (not approachable due to being treated as subservient by p***k)and 2 young kids.

Can you say more about these steps please? There must have already been steps there so did he do a @philpy?

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Contact citizen advice.

She would need visitors/company so she is not thinking about the weirdo next door. Family, grandkids, friends. He probably bullies her because she is on her own. 

Chain and padlock the wheelie bins to his letterbox so he can't get out the house in the morning, just for a laugh.

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On 18/04/2023 at 10:51, TxRover said:

You and three or four other lads go over to MiL’s for a little lunch Sunday. The four/five of you wander out and replace everything where it was. When said p***k steps out or says jack, explain in a quiet voice that this is the way the garden is and is how it will remain. Then explain that should things move, you and your mates will be back over to “discuss” it with him. Then remind him the “Protection from Abuse (Scotland) Act 2001” has defined abuse as including harassment and actions which give rise to fear, intimidation or distress. It would be a real shame if he were to face a magistrate over this behavior, as it seems very unlikely to be looked upon favorably. Bonus points if at least one of you is over 6’ 2” and 20+ stone, double bonus if one is an off duty polis.


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There's almost nothing worse than having terrible neighbours.  We accelerated our plans to move house because a family of dickheads moved in, making noise late at night, smoking cannabis in their garden etc.  We were lucky in that we could move house and get away from it.  Some of our friends also had a terrible experience with anti-social behaviour in a particular part of Edinburgh, they moved back in with her parents rather than stay there.  Around the time the Evening News published an article about the area and the particular problems it had, they interviewed a few members of one of the families involved and the arrogance, stupidity and selfishness was unbelievable.  It seems to have disappeared from the internet but essentially they said "All this is just a bunch of old people saying things should be like they were back in the day, well it isn't going to be like that anymore".  Their children were attacking random people in the estate, verbally abusing anyone who came near them, vandalising property, facilities, playgrounds etc and racially abusing black and Asian families who lived there.  Just complete and total disregard for anyone.

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7 hours ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

Chain and padlock the wheelie bins to his letterbox so he can't get out the house in the morning, just for a laugh.

Epoxy, mate…less obvious and harder to fix. Of course, only his…and if she’d decided “that’s exactly where I want my plant pots”, epoxy those b*****ds down too!

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19 hours ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

Can you say more about these steps please? There must have already been steps there so did he do a @philpy?

He placed breeze blocks on the path and cemented them in creating an unmanageable step up(without support) for the M in Law. Not sure if @philpy was involved?

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On 17/04/2023 at 21:03, Joe Terrapin said:

They have shared areas of land and before he moved in the all bins were kept on a strip of land(his)

That would piss off me tbh. I'd have a word with the other two neighbours to get their perspective before escalating things, she might be over reacting.

Edited by welshbairn
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