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Evil Neighbours Thread

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My sis has recently started having problems with a neighbour over her back fence using her garden as a thoroughfare to the corner shop across the road from her house.

To do this he has to jump over a 6ft high fence, walk the full length of the garden past the garage which has a security light, over another 6ft fence (when the gate is padlocked) past the kitchen window, along the drive past her car the out the front of her drive. This is to save him all of a 5 minute walk round the block. Her neighbours to the right have seen him doing this a few times and he also occasionally cuts through their garden, so they're obviously not happy either.

This morning my sister looked out her back window only to see this cretin lowering his 5 and 3 year old sons over the fence so that they could cut through to the shop. When she asked what the f**k he thought he was doing rather than receiving an embarrassed apology all she got was "What are you going to do about it, phone the police on the weans?". What an absolute scumbag. Because the kids were already over the back fence she had to lead them out the front and told them not to come into the garden again. Said arsehole didn't take kindly to this so he jumped the fence to confront her. This obviously scared my sis quite a bit so she dived into the house. Fortunately her neighbours had heard the commotion and came out which led to a mass argument with said scumbag and the other neighbours out the front.

How the hell are you supposed to deal with scum like this? Clearly calling the police is a complete waste of time as a) trespass is a civil matter and b) folk that carry on like this are scum and obviously cant be reasoned with!

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^^^Deeboy kins the score!! End of problem.

As a young lad I cut my hands open badly climbing over a neighbours wall as it had glass concreted into the top of it. Certainly didn't do it again! Probably not allowed that these days but it would stop them

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My sis has recently started having problems with a neighbour over her back fence using her garden as a thoroughfare to the corner shop across the road from her house.

To do this he has to jump over a 6ft high fence, walk the full length of the garden past the garage which has a security light, over another 6ft fence (when the gate is padlocked) past the kitchen window, along the drive past her car the out the front of her drive. This is to save him all of a 5 minute walk round the block. Her neighbours to the right have seen him doing this a few times and he also occasionally cuts through their garden, so they're obviously not happy either.

This morning my sister looked out her back window only to see this cretin lowering his 5 and 3 year old sons over the fence so that they could cut through to the shop. When she asked what the f**k he thought he was doing rather than receiving an embarrassed apology all she got was "What are you going to do about it, phone the police on the weans?". What an absolute scumbag. Because the kids were already over the back fence she had to lead them out the front and told them not to come into the garden again. Said arsehole didn't take kindly to this so he jumped the fence to confront her. This obviously scared my sis quite a bit so she dived into the house. Fortunately her neighbours had heard the commotion and came out which led to a mass argument with said scumbag and the other neighbours out the front.

How the hell are you supposed to deal with scum like this? Clearly calling the police is a complete waste of time as a) trespass is a civil matter and b) folk that carry on like this are scum and obviously cant be reasoned with!

You get an anti vandal paint nowadays that doesn't dry.

It's like tar and once you paint the top of the fence said arsehole likes to vault all his clothes will be ruined wi the stuff.

I can't imagine he will let his kids clothes get ruined all the time either.

ETA didn't see Mizfits post 1st. Sorry Mizfit.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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You sister doesn't have kids does she?

Dunno if a wee call regarding someone hopping a 6ft fence to gain access to your garden whilst your kids may be out there should get the plod having a word.

She's asked him not to do it and that's the next step... Imagine the reaction from the police when he says its a shortcut to a shop that's 5mins away

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As a young lad I cut my hands open badly climbing over a neighbours wall as it had glass concreted into the top of it. Certainly didn't do it again! Probably not allowed that these days but it would stop them

Aye, I'd be tempted by this. Went on holiday to somewhere near Santander once when I was a wean, and practically every wall had broken glass set into the top. Must have had one hell of a trespass problem in that area.

We had a problem a while back with thieves vaulting over our fence and using our roof to get access to the others in the area in order to steal lead (apparently). The police came out to take a look at the area, and I mentioned lining our side with razor wire or something similar, and I was STRONGLY ADVISED that was a bad idea, with the implication being that the wee tinks could sue if they were injured while on the rob.

I can vaguely see the logic in not setting traps for folk in case of emergencies and suchlike, but I don't see why you shouldn't be able to inhibit thieves if you have everything well signposted.

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  • 1 month later...

I really want to make an anonymous complaint to Falkirk Council about my neighbours. A month ago they shocked us all by clearing most of the rubbish away from their front garden, cut the grass, planted flowers and so on. That lasted a week. Now they have 3 mattresses, about half a dozen black bags, a rabbit cage, bookcases and a few other odds and ends all over their garden. Their is the only garden in the village like this.

Anyway, the council will only take a complaint (as we've had mice problems ever since they moved in) if I leave my name, address and so on which I'd rather avoid.

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