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If Ebola Reached Scotland...

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She went for 5 weeks.

5 weeks!

Then she wrote articles in at least two newspapers to claim some publicity for herself.

That's not helping anyone.

When she left she claimed she wanted her family to be proud of her.

That's trying to be a hero and that's the issue for me.

Genuine volunteering is needed out there. i.e. get out there until the problem is under control or fixed.

5 weeks is bollox. It's CV filling.

The Daily Record is already calling her a hero.


Genuine volunteers who are truly dedicating their lives, almost always unsung, to helping people in that country and others like them must be getting driven up the wall by this pish.

BTW t1he phrase voluntouring was coined by genuine volunteers who see vast armies of these people coming over to fill their CV's. All these people usually end up doing is getting in everyone's way and causing more problems than they solve.

How many weeks of your life have you dedicated to helping those in need whilst risking your own life? Just wondering likes.

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@KTHopkins: Little sweaty jocks, sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket. Scottish NHS sucks. http://t.co/EZpO0UTYHx

^ winds me up so much that bint.

I actually reported her. I've never done that before. Hopefully she gets her twitter taken off, 1 less public way to get her fucking weird views across. Trying to hard to be controversial or just a horrible weirdo, not sure what category she falls into!!!

Good on ye, cause shes a minor celebrity it will do f**k all tho. I seriously doubt she believes most of the shite she hits out with, she just says it to keep herself in the headlines and to create seethe, its the only thing she has to offer, being a horrible c**t. If there was ever anyone deserving to catch Ebola its her.

I personally don't agree with violence against anyone at all, but shes got a face i wouldn't tire of punching.

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She went for 5 weeks.

5 weeks!

Then she wrote articles in at least two newspapers to claim some publicity for herself.

That's not helping anyone.

When she left she claimed she wanted her family to be proud of her.

That's trying to be a hero and that's the issue for me.

Genuine volunteering is needed out there. i.e. get out there until the problem is under control or fixed.
5 weeks is bollox. It's CV filling.
The Daily Record is already calling her a hero.
Genuine volunteers who are truly dedicating their lives, almost always unsung, to helping people in that country and others like them must be getting driven up the wall by this pish.
BTW t1he phrase voluntouring was coined by genuine volunteers who see vast armies of these people coming over to fill their CV's. All these people usually end up doing is getting in everyone's way and causing more problems than they solve.

Fair play to anyone brave enough to go help out and put their life on the line to help anyone. I plenty wouldnt, either cause of lack of concern or fear of catching the virus. As previously stated on her, they are only able to help for 5 or 6 weeks on a rotation. I dont agree with any newspaper when they call someone a hero, its usually for utter shite reasons but in this circumstance its an appropriate title. Anyone who risks their own life to save anothers is a hero.

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She went for 5 weeks.

5 weeks!

Then she wrote articles in at least two newspapers to claim some publicity for herself.

That's not helping anyone.

When she left she claimed she wanted her family to be proud of her.

That's trying to be a hero and that's the issue for me.

Genuine volunteering is needed out there. i.e. get out there until the problem is under control or fixed.
5 weeks is bollox. It's CV filling.
The Daily Record is already calling her a hero.
Genuine volunteers who are truly dedicating their lives, almost always unsung, to helping people in that country and others like them must be getting driven up the wall by this pish.
BTW t1he phrase voluntouring was coined by genuine volunteers who see vast armies of these people coming over to fill their CV's. All these people usually end up doing is getting in everyone's way and causing more problems than they solve.

*** What a fucking arse.

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Oaksoft having a nightmare here, but then again he does that in most threads so it's hardly a surprise.

The big failing is on the UK government. If they're going to send volunteers over to work at these facilities then they need to have quarantine protocols in place to ensure their safe return. Now thankfully it seems unlikely that anyone on that flight will contract ebola but in future we must make sure that no one in Sierra Leone is allowed to return home until it's absolutely certain they don't have ebola.

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BTW t1he phrase voluntouring was coined by genuine volunteers who see vast armies of these people coming over to fill their CV's. All these people usually end up doing is getting in everyone's way and causing more problems than they solve.

Is that like when the top gear LADS go on a bantour?

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Always baffles me to see that people still care about the things that Katie Hopkins says.

That's her job. She's an entertainment object, like an XBox.

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Ebola bombs sounds like a brilliant name for a punk band tbh.

I'm mortally offended that she mentioned Glaswegians and cricket in the one Tweet.

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Its quite hard not to react to Hopkins carry on when you hear about arrests getting made by other people for offensive remarks on social media

Have heard of people getting arrested for far less than what she said

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Its quite hard not to react to Hopkins carry on when you hear about arrests getting made by other people for offensive remarks on social media

Have heard of people getting arrested for far less than what she said

I'd rather react to the fact that these sorts of comments can be seen as illegal at all.

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I'd rather react to the fact that these sorts of comments can be seen as illegal at all.

Twitter should ben her so she doesnt have a profile to spout her bile. She shouldn't be allowed on social media if this is how she is going to behave

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Twitter should ben her so she doesnt have a profile to spout her bile. She shouldn't be allowed on social media if this is how she is going to behave

What law(s) has she broken, specifically?

There are plenty of people who go about spouting bile on a daily basis which, whilst uncalled for, isnt illegal. That being the case, why should people be prohibited from saying it?

Katie Hopkins isn't the enemy here; the enemy are the self-important army of the offended who seem to believe people should be banned from saying things because they find them distasteful. I agree that Katie Hopkins is an awful woman and I have no time for her 'opinion' on anything, but censoring her views because some don't like them? Not on.

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What law(s) has she broken, specifically?

There are plenty of people who go about spouting bile on a daily basis which, whilst uncalled for, isnt illegal. That being the case, why should people be prohibited from saying it?

Katie Hopkins isn't the enemy here; the enemy are the self-important army of the offended who seem to believe people should be banned from saying things because they find them distasteful. I agree that Katie Hopkins is an awful woman and I have no time for her 'opinion' on anything, but censoring her views because some don't like them? Not on.

She is guilty of a breach of the peace

And for being the most disgustingly ugly horse fucker that the world has ever seen

I don't think she should be able to get away with saying things like she has personally, I'm all for freedom of speech but there has to be a line where enough is enough and comments like that are not socially acceptable IMO

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I remember her from a couple of years back. If she wasn't mentioned on here I wouldn't know exactly what she has said about anything. If I see her picture or name, I can make an educated guess that it'll be dull attention seeking nonsense, so I don't click on it. Problem is therefore non existant

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She is guilty of a breach of the peace

And for being the most disgustingly ugly horse fucker that the world has ever seen

I don't think she should be able to get away with saying things like she has personally, I'm all for freedom of speech

This is where I stopped. Because you clearly aren't.

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