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Strange dreams

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Last night I was a geographically-impaired scrap metal thief, stealing corregated iron from buildings in Pakistan and taking them just over the border into Ghana where they paid 44p per metal sheet.

I also had a horrible one where some sort of invisible poltergeist kept having a go at me. At first I kept getting pushed out of my seat on a train over the Forth Bridge but everyone thought I was taking the piss. It was only when we were at a BBQ where I kept getting lifted out of my seat, battered and thrown aside that people then believed me. Upon admitting that an afterlife existed then it appeared in what I think was the body of John Hurt. I then smacked it to the ground and repeatedly punched it the face with my bare fists Green Street style. I have absolutely nothing against John Hurt btw, although he is a bit creepy I suppose.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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I always dream i'm running up a stairwell in the fires of hell. The stairs are falling away behind me ( obviously ) It's no very nice to be honest. It always ends the same way - Me getting pissed off and giving up. I always wake up as I'm falling into the nice fire. . .

Looks like - it's a showdown between me and Beelzebub when the reaper does me in.

Can't wait :unsure:

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I seem to be getting better at lucid dreaming. Lasting longer before I wake up. It's pretty addictive. It's good for those dreams where you are being chased. You start flying or using The Force etc. I've also found that if you think to yourself that someone specific is going to appear, you can 'spawn' them. (Usually whatever celebrity you want to pump)
Can you teach me how to use this technique. I would very much like to ride Kelly Brook, even if it is only a dream.
For last nights dream I was in my apartment on the 9th floor and I wondered where my pet cat that has been living in the apartment had been going to the toilet since it wasnt allowed out. Said pet cat then went into the bathroom and pissed all over the floor and wallbefore running back into the bedroom to try and jump on my bed. I also have a weird recurring dream about having killed somebody by accident or otherwise and having to think of somewhere to dispose the body.
I also have a recurring vivid dream that I killed someone and hid the body years ago. I dream I've had to live with this terrible secret all my days and the police are closing in on me and I've resigned myself to the fact I'm going to spend a long time in the jail. I'd definitely rather dream I was riding Kelly Brook.
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Had a weird dream last night that I was running at Hampden and was somehow a favourite but I had no idea what I was doing or why I was there.

Usain Bolt was running backwards with a bunnet on.

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I have the most boring dreams ever. They used to include cycling to the shops or tidying my room, but recently I've been having the same dream (2 or 3 times a week) where I have a long and incredibly stressful day at work. The dream is then followed by actually having to get up and go to work. It's really starting to piss me off

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  • 2 months later...

Had a really unsettling one last night.

I was at what was supposed to be my friend's house but was some place I had never seen before. For some reason I got the feeling it was floating.

Anyway, someone unidentifyable had died so everyone was pretty upset. My friend asked me to hold his baby daughter for a while to which I agreed. I was having issues with holding her head properly for some reason. Suddenly, and I have no idea how this happened, she was inside a baby's bottle and had started melting. Her head looked really strange. I ran around in a panic trying to find my friend to tell him his baby was melting. I eventually found him but when I handed the bottle over it was now a cardboard tub, the kind you'd get ice cream and all that was in it was what looked like melted ice cream with a small pair of eyes occasionally bobbing.

My friend was desperately trying to scoop the ice cream like stuff (his daughter) hoping to somehow save her. The last thing remember is the horrifying guilt of feeling responsible for my friend's daughter dying and deciding I couldn't live with it and was therefore going to kill myself.

Strange, powerful stuff and I woke up frightened to f**k with my heart pounding. I actually left my bedside lamp on after for the rest of the night.

On Sunday night I dreamed I was in a zombie apocalypse. I ended up surrounded so shot myself in the face with a shotgun. I did watch World War Z just before bed though

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Had a really unsettling one last night.

I was at what was supposed to be my friend's house but was some place I had never seen before. For some reason I got the feeling it was floating.

Anyway, someone unidentifyable had died so everyone was pretty upset. My friend asked me to hold his baby daughter for a while to which I agreed. I was having issues with holding her head properly for some reason. Suddenly, and I have no idea how this happened, she was inside a baby's bottle and had started melting. Her head looked really strange. I ran around in a panic trying to find my friend to tell him his baby was melting. I eventually found him but when I handed the bottle over it was now a cardboard tub, the kind you'd get ice cream and all that was in it was what looked like melted ice cream with a small pair of eyes occasionally bobbing.

My friend was desperately trying to scoop the ice cream like stuff (his daughter) hoping to somehow save her. The last thing remember is the horrifying guilt of feeling responsible for my friend's daughter dying and deciding I couldn't live with it and was therefore going to kill myself.

Strange, powerful stuff and I woke up frightened to f**k with my heart pounding. I actually left my bedside lamp on after for the rest of the night.

On Sunday night I dreamed I was in a zombie apocalypse. I ended up surrounded so shot myself in the face with a shotgun. I did watch World War Z just before bed though

You seem to be having dreams where the inevitable end is you trying to kill yourself? :( Edited by forever_blue
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Last night I had one where I was worried that I'd only hoovered my mum's living room floor after she asked me to do the whole house but I had to walk through Glasgow to catch the last train from the station in only 20 mins. She has never lived in Glasgow.

Also went 'canoeing' with my other half on a big plank of wood on some nearby lake, trying not to fall in and get our only set of clothes wet.

I was also at a computer whilst visiting my old work, able to go on shit like Facebook without worry. I wanted to share an animated gif of a Nick Clegg speech with a rock band secretly photo-bombing him in the background but it just wouldn't load in time for a presentation I had to give.

I went to some Scottish Island with friends to walk a hill which I'd never heard of. It was a giant mushroom shaped thing which seemed to be hovering over lower ground below. I thought "how this even possible from both walking and geomorphological perspectives?" but there were folk on top showing it could be done.

... and a load of other shite in this dream which was just all over the place.

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The other night I dreamed we were under attack from a giant submarine which turned out to be a giant fish which turned out to be only one of a race of giant psychotic walruses. But then we teamed up with an alien to defeat them all, so everything was all right.

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I remember having my one and only wet dream when I was 17yo about this woman on my civil engineering course.

I had to have some serious words with myself after dreaming of pumping a leopard print clad 30something Dundonian in the back of my mates pick up outside Brennans nightclub!

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I was giving a lecture this morning. I had a dream last night that it was the morning and only 20 minutes till the lecture started, and I wouldn't make it on time. I started panicking, sending emails and phoning the Uni to say I won't make it. I woke up and checked the time but couldn't really get back off because I was scared of sleeping in.

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Started having 'trigger objects' to lucid dream. Like looking in a mirror and having a blurred/no reflection. Or turning a light switch on and it staying on/off.

Also trying to fly/levitate if you think you are lucid dreaming.

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Started having 'trigger objects' to lucid dream. Like looking in a mirror and having a blurred/no reflection. Or turning a light switch on and it staying on/off.

Also trying to fly/levitate if you think you are lucid dreaming.

After I crashed my car a couple of years back (rolled it 6 times into a barley field!) I kept having not so much dreams but just at the moment you re-awaken/wake up I'd have this vivid irrational fear I was dying........wasn't just going to sleep at night either.....would happen with naps on the couch and would sometimes happen more than once a night.

was pretty frightening tbh :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mental dream this morning. Had a dream that an Edinburgh hotel was involved in a terrorist plot. Dream was I was on holiday and was watching the news. Saw footage of guys wandering through an Edinburgh hotel shooting people Mumbai style. News said it was a Radisson but I convinced myself it was the scandic crown on the high street.

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This dream occurred two days ago. I was taking part in the competition where I had to draw Frankie Boyle. Think it was on the cruise ship even though I've never been on one and don't have any intentions of doing so.

Anyway, my drawing ended up looking like big Mikey from Recess instead of Frankie Boyle so I entered it into the Mikey from Recess drawing competition instead and won. Yasss.


Edited by ForzaDundee
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