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Lets All Laugh At Rangers Thread

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I think that it's a bit unfair the new club - Rangers International FC are hanging on to the apron strings of a now defunct Rangers FC.

Give these poor lads time to establish themselves in the SPFL, after all, they are a young club, with only 2 1/2 years of actual history, but debt that looks like it has been amassed over tens of years.

And it seems that the so call 'fans' aren't actually fans, they were glory hunters all the time, and the numbers turning up has indicated this fact.

And what are the stars above the borrowed badge for, as well as the 1872 on the strip all about? Didn't the seemstress have 2012 available?

Edited by laughing gravie
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I think that it's a bit unfair the new club - Rangers International FC are hanging on to the apron strings of a now defunct Rangers FC.

Give these poor lads time to establish themselves in the SPFL, after all, they are a young club, with only 2 1/2 years of actual history, but debt that looks like it has been amassed over tens of years.

And it seems that the so call 'fans' aren't actually fans, they were glory hunters all the time, and the numbers turning up has indicated this fact.

And what are the stars above the borrowed badge for, as well as the 1872 on the strip all about? Didn't the seemstress have 2012 available?

Hee hee
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. In pubs and workplaces all over this country, there are tens of thousands of big mouthed fuckers who all of a sudden 'don't care about the fitba' nowadays.


Yes, I've noticed this too. Those who "Follow Followed" every week for 25 years have suddenly lost their love for the game...

"Scottish football is fucked/shite.. I'd rather watch the Premiership"

"Nuhin to do wi Rainjers... Ah'd been hinking that way afore aw this happened"

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Fooling no one bigots, fooling no one.

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I for one will never tire of sticking the boot in.

An important point to clarify is that I intend to flip-flop between laughing my fat ass off at the systematic humiliation of rabearz and being righteously indignant at the stain these shenanigans, albeit highly amusing shenanigans leaves on our game. I see no issue with this and I think it entirely appropriate that we collectively point and laugh while making it clear that the behaviour of this 'club' is unacceptable. Criminals, cheats, thieves, hooligans and bigots have no place in our game and we have a responsibility to point out the massive short-comings of all things Ibroxian. While also laughing of course.

TheTherangrers have in it their own hands to turn this around. Try following the rules, try being a positive influence on our national sport, try showing some fucking gratitude that they have something resembling a team (in the loosest possible fashion) to follow follow and try just for once not being such a cart-wheeling cluster-f**k of an embarrassment to yourself and the country you seem so upset at being a part of. Then we'll see.

Until then my size 12's will be stamping up and down more often than McCullochs

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So, Friday 13th approaches.

Home match against Hibs, which could see Hibs move up to 2nd place with a win. Given that Hibs gave them a doing in the first league match at Ibrox, I will be shocked if they can't repeat it once more.

Could the crowd be even lower than for the cup match?

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So, Friday 13th approaches.

Home match against Hibs, which could see Hibs move up to 2nd place with a win. Given that Hibs gave them a doing in the first league match at Ibrox, I will be shocked if they can't repeat it once more.

Could the crowd be even lower than for the cup match?

If it is, you can be guaranteed that it won't be because of results. Because they're not staying away because of that.

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Hopefully, someone's been keeping track. Seems like there's been something new every few days so we must be well into the hundreds by now.

Reading through this thread is actually a wonderful log of The Journey and all its assorted tribulations. All the big defeats are in there, all the humiliations, it's like a condensed version of the BRALT with hysterics replacing histrionics.
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Copied from elsewhere

Trailing a colossal 19 Points behind Hearts in the Championship

Horsed out of the Petrofac Training Cup by Alloa

Horsed out of the League Cup by Celtic

Horsed out of the Scottish Cup by Raith Rovers (in their ain midden in front of less than 11,000 of The Peepo).

2011/12 : 5 Competitions entered, 0 Successes - Empty Trophy Cabinet

2012/13 : 4 Competitions entered, 1 Success (Fourth Tier Winner)

2013/14 : 4 Competitions entered, 1 Success (Third Tier Winner)

2014/15 : 4 Competitions entered, 0 Successes - Empty Trophy Cabinet

Managed :

Just 2 'successes' from 17 competitions entered (if you class winning the Scottish 4th & 3rd tiers as successes)

Whilst spending the second-highest wage budget in Scotland

Whilst the manager is trousering over £800,000 per annum for mowing the lawn

Whilst playing against teams staffed with postmen, delivery drivers and shop workers

Despite the glut of resources available to him, and despite the lowly standard of competition up against him, at the end of season 2014/15, the team built, crafted, trained and managed by Fat Sa££y McCoist would hold an ignominious record that in finality read, 17 Competitions entered, 2 Successes achieved.

Hope you enjoyed the journey Bears.

Your total and utter annihilation and humilation brings a smile to the faces of fans of football clubs everywhere, who played by the rules and lived within their means.

Particularly those of us who lived through the Deadco1872 years, when the braggadocio, triumphalism, and delusional superiority complexes were at their peaks - whilst all along, the illusion was built upon a mountain of theft, criminality, colossal debt, creative-accounting, tax evasion schemes, failure to pay your debts, buying players you couldn't afford, buying trophies you couldn't afford, whilst having your arses licked by a toadying, pro-Rangers Scottish sports media and a Masonic, pro-Rangers governing body.

It just makes the final victory taste all the sweeter.

You died.

We won.

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McCoist should take most of the credit for the last few years.

Him getting substandard guys like Black and Shiels in on massive wages was a major part of the problem. I'd hate to think where they'd be if a half competent manager had taken over in 2012.

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Copied from elsewhere

Trailing a colossal 19 Points behind Hearts in the Championship

Horsed out of the Petrofac Training Cup by Alloa

Horsed out of the League Cup by Celtic

Horsed out of the Scottish Cup by Raith Rovers (in their ain midden in front of less than 11,000 of The Peepo).

2011/12 : 5 Competitions entered, 0 Successes - Empty Trophy Cabinet

2012/13 : 4 Competitions entered, 1 Success (Fourth Tier Winner)

2013/14 : 4 Competitions entered, 1 Success (Third Tier Winner)

2014/15 : 4 Competitions entered, 0 Successes - Empty Trophy Cabinet

Managed :

Just 2 'successes' from 17 competitions entered (if you class winning the Scottish 4th & 3rd tiers as successes)

Whilst spending the second-highest wage budget in Scotland

Whilst the manager is trousering over £800,000 per annum for mowing the lawn

Whilst playing against teams staffed with postmen, delivery drivers and shop workers

Despite the glut of resources available to him, and despite the lowly standard of competition up against him, at the end of season 2014/15, the team built, crafted, trained and managed by Fat Sa££y McCoist would hold an ignominious record that in finality read, 17 Competitions entered, 2 Successes achieved.

Hope you enjoyed the journey Bears.

Your total and utter annihilation and humilation brings a smile to the faces of fans of football clubs everywhere, who played by the rules and lived within their means.

Particularly those of us who lived through the Deadco1872 years, when the braggadocio, triumphalism, and delusional superiority complexes were at their peaks - whilst all along, the illusion was built upon a mountain of theft, criminality, colossal debt, creative-accounting, tax evasion schemes, failure to pay your debts, buying players you couldn't afford, buying trophies you couldn't afford, whilst having your arses licked by a toadying, pro-Rangers Scottish sports media and a Masonic, pro-Rangers governing body.

It just makes the final victory taste all the sweeter.

You died.

We won.

The 'final victory' for Scottish football, and indeed for West of Scotland society as a whole, will be when your manky lot dies as well. You can be buried in the same bigoted grave.

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McCoist should take most of the credit for the last few years.

Him getting substandard guys like Black and Shiels in on massive wages was a major part of the problem. I'd hate to think where they'd be if a half competent manager had taken over in 2012.

The fans were all loving it when they signed them all up as well. :lol:


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Defeats so far:

Season 2012/13 Lost in league to Peterhead (H), Stirling Albion (A) and Annan Athletic (H).

Out of Challenge Cup to QoS (H)

Out of League Cup to Inverness CT (H)

Out of Scottish Cup to Dundee Utd. (A)

Season 2013/14

Beaten in final of Challenge Cup by Raith Rovers (N)

Out of League Cup to Forfar Athletic (A)

Out of Scottish Cup to Dundee Utd (H)

Season 2014/15

Lost in league (so far) to Hearts (H&A), Hibs (H&A) and QoS (A).

Out of Challenge Cup to Alloa Athletic.

Out of League Cup to Celtic (N)

Out of Scottish Cup to Raith Rovers (H)

Whilst we're in summarising mode, can anyone provide a list of who walked away and when? (No need to include the fans).

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The 'final victory' for Scottish football, and indeed for West of Scotland society as a whole, will be when your manky lot dies as well. You can be buried in the same bigoted grave.

The grave would need to be on unconsecrated land - wouldn't want the remains to start arguing over which sect was best at consecrating.

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