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Aye, a transcript looks like the way to go, Keith. Sounds like your boss is an absolute fud, there's no way you should be treated the way you have been. Nobody should.

Really glad to hear you've had a decent time with your boy recently, though.

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Having a tough time at the moment. Usually only down for a couple of days at a time tops but this has lasted almost two full weeks now. Things didn't work out with a girl from work and now we can't seem to go back to being good pals. 

Was an absolute mess yesterday and keep getting upset at stupid small things. Trying to force myself to keep going to the gym which helps as a temporary boost. Spoke to my GP and wants me to see a counsellor.

I hate my brain.

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Having a tough time at the moment. Usually only down for a couple of days at a time tops but this has lasted almost two full weeks now. Things didn't work out with a girl from work and now we can't seem to go back to being good pals. 
Was an absolute mess yesterday and keep getting upset at stupid small things. Trying to force myself to keep going to the gym which helps as a temporary boost. Spoke to my GP and wants me to see a counsellor.
I hate my brain.

Feel free to pop over to our threads and troll the f**k out us. That might help.

Seriously though, hope you're feeling better soon. I've also been feeling pretty down for the last few weeks. Stressed out at work, stressed out at home and constant sleep deprivation as my kids have been ill and up through the night for the last few weeks. It's horrible. Just got to keep going.
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Having a tough time at the moment. Usually only down for a couple of days at a time tops but this has lasted almost two full weeks now. Things didn't work out with a girl from work and now we can't seem to go back to being good pals. 
Was an absolute mess yesterday and keep getting upset at stupid small things. Trying to force myself to keep going to the gym which helps as a temporary boost. Spoke to my GP and wants me to see a counsellor.
I hate my brain.

Would definitely keep at the gym and any other exercise. Good just to have the time where your mind isn't overactive and for me that's usually when I'm doing something. It's good you realise they're small stupid things as well, try to keep reminding yourself that. Unless it's something that's going to cause a significant impact, then chances are it'll be fine. Easy to say, hard to do, but try not to let the wee things bother you. Shame about the situation with the bird, hope it works out. She's missed out on a fucking poet!
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On 22/12/2016 at 08:39, Scary Bear said:


Feel free to pop over to our threads and troll the f**k out us. That might help.

Seriously though, hope you're feeling better soon. I've also been feeling pretty down for the last few weeks. Stressed out at work, stressed out at home and constant sleep deprivation as my kids have been ill and up through the night for the last few weeks. It's horrible. Just got to keep going.



On 22/12/2016 at 09:07, NorthernJambo said:

Would definitely keep at the gym and any other exercise. Good just to have the time where your mind isn't overactive and for me that's usually when I'm doing something. It's good you realise they're small stupid things as well, try to keep reminding yourself that. Unless it's something that's going to cause a significant impact, then chances are it'll be fine. Easy to say, hard to do, but try not to let the wee things bother you. Shame about the situation with the bird, hope it works out. She's missed out on a fucking poet!

Thanks guys. Been a LONG week but a few of the clouds have started to lift. Biggest issue I have is over-analysing things in my head and then getting stressed out about the imaginary scenarios I've created myself.

Hopefully a few days at home with the family and the dog will cheer me up some more. 

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Biggest issue I have is over-analysing things in my head and then getting stressed out about the imaginary scenarios I've created myself.

Something I can definitely relate to. Actual problems are probably pretty menial and nothing out the ordinary but they'll play on my mind then I'll create a whole scenario of new problems/issues that can really get to me despite the fact they don't really exist.
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22 minutes ago, keithgy said:

After all the grief I have been getting from my boss he turned round this morning and told me to take the festive period off work on holiday ,after today I am not back till 4th January.



Nice one - I would suggest he knows he has overstepped mark and he is shitting it. You will have a bullying and harassment policy at work - ask HR for a copy. Also they will likely have some sort of chain of care policy. Personally I would raise grievance - get it sorted but I understand completely this can be very stressful and am unsure of circumstances of your workplace. Are you in a union? If so support can be invaluable - speaking from experience I raised a grievance against a manager for similar issues. It came to nothing (they always support manager I find) - however manager was displaced 12 months later so maybe it had some affect.

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4 hours ago, marty_j said:

Nice one - I would suggest he knows he has overstepped mark and he is shitting it. You will have a bullying and harassment policy at work - ask HR for a copy. Also they will likely have some sort of chain of care policy. Personally I would raise grievance - get it sorted but I understand completely this can be very stressful and am unsure of circumstances of your workplace. Are you in a union? If so support can be invaluable - speaking from experience I raised a grievance against a manager for similar issues. It came to nothing (they always support manager I find) - however manager was displaced 12 months later so maybe it had some affect.

Yes mate I am in the union and have spoke to the shop steward about a grievance.

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5 hours ago, marty_j said:

Nice one - I would suggest he knows he has overstepped mark and he is shitting it. You will have a bullying and harassment policy at work - ask HR for a copy. Also they will likely have some sort of chain of care policy. Personally I would raise grievance - get it sorted but I understand completely this can be very stressful and am unsure of circumstances of your workplace. Are you in a union? If so support can be invaluable - speaking from experience I raised a grievance against a manager for similar issues. It came to nothing (they always support manager I find) - however manager was displaced 12 months later so maybe it had some affect.

Can anyone advise if there is no b&h policy readily available? I've also never seen or been told about the grievance or disciplinary procedure either.

If I mention it, even in confidence I fear it will be talked about.

After getting singled out and harshly treated in my last workplace, five years ago I was low on confidence and jumped into another job. Straight away it seemed off also. I was immediately put down by a senior manager and a couple of others who were in their inner circle. So straight away I'm thinking, have I been given a bad reference? Do they know?

Also I was on a trial period so obviously if I had a go back it was goodbye.

Despite this I knocked my pan in and was quickly given good reviews, there was a group of workers who had been there for years and they weren't comfortable with the new guys and a few also picked me out due to lack of confidence, being quiet and for perhaps being a threat.

Spreading rumours, running to the supervisor, sabotaging stuff and trying to lock me in a room. Another person who started the same time as me was also backstabbing and making me out to be a problem. Sitting with me one minute then telling others they couldn't get away from me. I told them to do one basically and ever since they've poisoned several others.

From all of this plus the addition of a serial bully as a supervisor and his lackey who spies on people it's pretty much turned into a workplace mobbing situation.

Ive had over two years of this shite and have tried to discuss it with the supervisor informally. I've now realised they are lying constantly and turning people against each other.

I could go on and on but basically I've now started recording it in a diary. 

Would it be worth writing down stuff that happened in the past even if I don't have the dates?

Indirect physical threats and intimidation.

knowingly picking favourites despite lack of skills, experience and qualifications.

lying at appraisals

character assassination 

homophobic insults

turning others against me

lack of resources needed to perform role, then being called a baby for asking for them

no training but training given to others

Giving worker perks or lack of work but overworking others

allowing and encouraging others to bully colleagues


running the department by fear and intimidation, threatening people with the sack, shouting etc

lying at an interview

Its absolutely unbearable unless you are one of the golden children who do whatever they want, which is usually f**k all.

I really don't know what the outcome of raising a grievance would be other than a massive cover up and blaming me as paranoid or weird. Just absolutely sick of the BS and the way it's effecting my life outside work and others around me.

I know the answer is find another job but I don't want to keep running from arseholes.

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Had a great last few months but I can feel it creeping back in, and the dread of it happening soon and going back to where I was is making it worse.

Surrounded by loved ones and friends as its christmas, but slowly feeling more alone.

Happy christmas when it comes folks.

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41 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Can anyone advise if there is no b&h policy readily available? I've also never seen or been told about the grievance or disciplinary procedure either.

If I mention it, even in confidence I fear it will be talked about.

After getting singled out and harshly treated in my last workplace, five years ago I was low on confidence and jumped into another job. Straight away it seemed off also. I was immediately put down by a senior manager and a couple of others who were in their inner circle. So straight away I'm thinking, have I been given a bad reference? Do they know?

Also I was on a trial period so obviously if I had a go back it was goodbye.

Despite this I knocked my pan in and was quickly given good reviews, there was a group of workers who had been there for years and they weren't comfortable with the new guys and a few also picked me out due to lack of confidence, being quiet and for perhaps being a threat.

Spreading rumours, running to the supervisor, sabotaging stuff and trying to lock me in a room. Another person who started the same time as me was also backstabbing and making me out to be a problem. Sitting with me one minute then telling others they couldn't get away from me. I told them to do one basically and ever since they've poisoned several others.

From all of this plus the addition of a serial bully as a supervisor and his lackey who spies on people it's pretty much turned into a workplace mobbing situation.

Ive had over two years of this shite and have tried to discuss it with the supervisor informally. I've now realised they are lying constantly and turning people against each other.

I could go on and on but basically I've now started recording it in a diary. 

Would it be worth writing down stuff that happened in the past even if I don't have the dates?

Indirect physical threats and intimidation.

knowingly picking favourites despite lack of skills, experience and qualifications.

lying at appraisals

character assassination 

homophobic insults

turning others against me

lack of resources needed to perform role, then being called a baby for asking for them

no training but training given to others

Giving worker perks or lack of work but overworking others

allowing and encouraging others to bully colleagues


running the department by fear and intimidation, threatening people with the sack, shouting etc

lying at an interview

Its absolutely unbearable unless you are one of the golden children who do whatever they want, which is usually f**k all.

I really don't know what the outcome of raising a grievance would be other than a massive cover up and blaming me as paranoid or weird. Just absolutely sick of the BS and the way it's effecting my life outside work and others around me.

I know the answer is find another job but I don't want to keep running from arseholes.

Find another job, don't stay somewhere shite just to try and prove a point.

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30 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

Find another job, don't stay somewhere shite just to try and prove a point.

It is easier said than done though,i like my job but my boss is a dick as my posts of the last few weeks confirm.I earn great money for what I do and no other employer can match it.I can not afford to quit my job but also will not let him to get to me anymore.

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It is easier said than done though,i like my job but my boss is a dick as my posts of the last few weeks confirm.I earn great money for what I do and no other employer can match it.I can not afford to quit my job but also will not let him to get to me anymore.

Hopefully you can be strong enough to face up to this guy as the next person may not be.
Cases of shop floor workers getting signed off in my place have went through the roof recently. The work hasn't gotten harder though, it's half wit rule book managers without any people skills causing it.
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On 24/12/2016 at 04:28, D.A.F.C said:

Can anyone advise if there is no b&h policy readily available? I've also never seen or been told about the grievance or disciplinary procedure either.

If I mention it, even in confidence I fear it will be talked about.

After getting singled out and harshly treated in my last workplace, five years ago I was low on confidence and jumped into another job. Straight away it seemed off also. I was immediately put down by a senior manager and a couple of others who were in their inner circle. So straight away I'm thinking, have I been given a bad reference? Do they know?

Also I was on a trial period so obviously if I had a go back it was goodbye.

Despite this I knocked my pan in and was quickly given good reviews, there was a group of workers who had been there for years and they weren't comfortable with the new guys and a few also picked me out due to lack of confidence, being quiet and for perhaps being a threat.

Spreading rumours, running to the supervisor, sabotaging stuff and trying to lock me in a room. Another person who started the same time as me was also backstabbing and making me out to be a problem. Sitting with me one minute then telling others they couldn't get away from me. I told them to do one basically and ever since they've poisoned several others.

From all of this plus the addition of a serial bully as a supervisor and his lackey who spies on people it's pretty much turned into a workplace mobbing situation.

Ive had over two years of this shite and have tried to discuss it with the supervisor informally. I've now realised they are lying constantly and turning people against each other.

I could go on and on but basically I've now started recording it in a diary. 

Would it be worth writing down stuff that happened in the past even if I don't have the dates?

Indirect physical threats and intimidation.

knowingly picking favourites despite lack of skills, experience and qualifications.

lying at appraisals

character assassination 

homophobic insults

turning others against me

lack of resources needed to perform role, then being called a baby for asking for them

no training but training given to others

Giving worker perks or lack of work but overworking others

allowing and encouraging others to bully colleagues


running the department by fear and intimidation, threatening people with the sack, shouting etc

lying at an interview

Its absolutely unbearable unless you are one of the golden children who do whatever they want, which is usually f**k all.

I really don't know what the outcome of raising a grievance would be other than a massive cover up and blaming me as paranoid or weird. Just absolutely sick of the BS and the way it's effecting my life outside work and others around me.

I know the answer is find another job but I don't want to keep running from arseholes.

Start Thai boxing and hammer that and the gym for 6 months then take your new found confidence and attitude into work and threaten to start banging heads if they don't STFU.

Anyway, I was listening to a lengthy program that came on the radio last night about mental health and there is an app called Mood Gym that is apparently beneficial to anxiety/depression sufferers. Whether it is actually any good or not I obviously don't know but I just thought I'd pass it on in case someone can get some help from it.

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On 23/12/2016 at 20:28, D.A.F.C said:

Can anyone advise if there is no b&h policy readily available? I've also never seen or been told about the grievance or disciplinary procedure either.

If I mention it, even in confidence I fear it will be talked about.

After getting singled out and harshly treated in my last workplace, five years ago I was low on confidence and jumped into another job. Straight away it seemed off also. I was immediately put down by a senior manager and a couple of others who were in their inner circle. So straight away I'm thinking, have I been given a bad reference? Do they know?

Also I was on a trial period so obviously if I had a go back it was goodbye.

Despite this I knocked my pan in and was quickly given good reviews, there was a group of workers who had been there for years and they weren't comfortable with the new guys and a few also picked me out due to lack of confidence, being quiet and for perhaps being a threat.

Spreading rumours, running to the supervisor, sabotaging stuff and trying to lock me in a room. Another person who started the same time as me was also backstabbing and making me out to be a problem. Sitting with me one minute then telling others they couldn't get away from me. I told them to do one basically and ever since they've poisoned several others.

From all of this plus the addition of a serial bully as a supervisor and his lackey who spies on people it's pretty much turned into a workplace mobbing situation.

Ive had over two years of this shite and have tried to discuss it with the supervisor informally. I've now realised they are lying constantly and turning people against each other.

I could go on and on but basically I've now started recording it in a diary. 

Would it be worth writing down stuff that happened in the past even if I don't have the dates?

Indirect physical threats and intimidation.

knowingly picking favourites despite lack of skills, experience and qualifications.

lying at appraisals

character assassination 

homophobic insults

turning others against me

lack of resources needed to perform role, then being called a baby for asking for them

no training but training given to others

Giving worker perks or lack of work but overworking others

allowing and encouraging others to bully colleagues


running the department by fear and intimidation, threatening people with the sack, shouting etc

lying at an interview

Its absolutely unbearable unless you are one of the golden children who do whatever they want, which is usually f**k all.

I really don't know what the outcome of raising a grievance would be other than a massive cover up and blaming me as paranoid or weird. Just absolutely sick of the BS and the way it's effecting my life outside work and others around me.

I know the answer is find another job but I don't want to keep running from arseholes.

Maybe part of the problem is over-analysing stuff? You've put more thought and feeling into that post than I've put into my 20 years of working. 

Change jobs and then what? Could be an even bigger shower of wankers. I know DeeMan was joking about roughing them up but there's lots to be said for doing something to boost your own self esteem. 

You're only setting yourself up for disappointment if you want working life to be perfect. A new passion/activity outside work could really help you rise above those troubles. An activity is not going to change those people but it can boost your morale and self confidence and that in turn will help you realise that those folk are not worth bothering about. 



Edited by Shandon Par
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