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2 minutes ago, HenryHill said:

She is just someone who doesn't know how depression works. Depression isnt linked much to how things are going. Thats the problem. You can feel shit when everything is going great and then you feel even worse wondering what you will feel like if your life gets worse. It also makes you think if you cant be happy then, then when can you. For a lot of dolk the whole, well at least i am not in Somalia doesn't work.

Dont get annoyed with that lassie. Just accepts she doesn't get it and ignore her.

Some people think that every problem can be beaten by declaring war and fighting it head on, probably from reading tabloids about folk bravely battling cancer and beating it etc. My way of coping with depression is to remind myself that it's not going to last forever and to try and objectively look at myself from an outside perspective. I'm generally quite content being at a mildly miserable level of happiness, so anything better than hiding under the duvet till I starve is a bonus. Only had a couple of episodes like that though, and many years ago.

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13 minutes ago, Iminavest said:

I feel like I have no personality. Even speaking with friends I've known for years feels like a struggle and comes to awkward silences.

Is this a recent thing or something more long term?

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15 minutes ago, Iminavest said:

I feel like I have no personality. Even speaking with friends I've known for years feels like a struggle and comes to awkward silences.

Probability is you're lacking confidence and not personality.    They're mates with you for a reason.   Have a little conviction in what you're saying, and relax.   

But I relate, as many will to your concerns.   

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8 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Is this a recent thing or something more long term?

As long as I can remember really.

2 minutes ago, PB 4.2 said:

Probability is you're lacking confidence and not personality.    They're mates with you for a reason.   Have a little conviction in what you're saying, and relax.   

But I relate, as many will to your concerns.   

That's probably also true. All my friends are the same ones since school, still don't feel like I fit in.

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22 minutes ago, Iminavest said:

I feel like I have no personality. Even speaking with friends I've known for years feels like a struggle and comes to awkward silences.

Doctor's won't tell you this but alcohol is your friend. It displaces the part of you that that is judging what you're saying from the outside, and stops you giving a f**k.

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This thread is probably one of the best on this website.

There's a ton of uncomfortable (and of course inspiring) reading but what a purpose it serves for people who might not have any other outlet to get their feelings down in text or to express feelings they may be otherwise inclined to bottle up. I've been down in the past but I don't believe I've ever suffered from any form of depression, however it doesn't make the reading of others struggles and rises from their lowest ebbs any less powerful.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Doctor's won't tell you this but alcohol is your friend. It displaces the part of you that that is judging what you're saying from the outside, and stops you giving a f**k.

It can also lead you to making stupid decisions. It can also make you feel terrible the next day. It can also cloud your judgement. It can be dangerous.

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Just found this page, while i’m lucky to say i’ve never had a mental health condition and i’m always happy and content, I think this Is a brilliant thread and well done to everyone for opening up.

No matter how big or small a problem Is you should always talk.

I don’t know you lads personally but feel free anytime to drop me a pm If you’re struggling no matter what hour of the day.

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9 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Doctor's won't tell you this but alcohol is your friend. It displaces the part of you that that is judging what you're saying from the outside, and stops you giving a f**k.

For me personally, alcohol is definitely not my friend. It may provide a temporary superficial relief from depression but afterwards it will magnify all the worst parts of having depression.

That's just me though, alcohol doesn't agree with me and never has, so I haven't drank in a long time.

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Alcohol is no one's friend, especially when it comes to mental health. You're just temporarily ignoring the problems and causes. That might work whilst you're drunk but after you'll still have the same problems and cause with the added bonus of a hangover and the issues that brings, especially for those struggling with mental health (alcohol is a depressant). Then there's the dangers I spoke of in my last post, which I know from personal experience (as recently as Saturday night).

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9 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Believe in Tennents. 

As someone who has admittedly self medicated through alcohol in the past, what you're saying whilst I suspect tongue in cheek  is quite irresponsible.

For every time that alcohol provided some light relief from feelings of depression at the time, I always suffered multiple times worse the next day.  It keeps the clouds over your head, it de-motivates you, it keeps its foot on your neck.  It took me a long time to realise that alcohol is perfectly fine when I am in a healthy mental state but that it's a disaster when I'm not.

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13 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Doctor's won't tell you this but alcohol is your friend. It displaces the part of you that that is judging what you're saying from the outside, and stops you giving a f**k.

Whilst I think I get the point you’re trying to make about alcohol helping with the social aspect, with helping temporarily relieve anxiety/awkwardness, I agree with the points above about it not being the best piece of advice to hand out. Even for situations like the above, it’s fine, but also creates a reliance on it to ever be comfortable in social situations and I’ve known people who become so reliant that they’d have to sit in alone and get completely rat arsed in the house before even doing something like going out to the pub with your mates. That’s then a problem, sitting drinking til you’re wrecked alone isn’t good.

Also agree with the after-effects being dangerous. I’ve luckily never had anything I’d class as depression, but the worst I’ve ever felt was after a weekend long bender (which was a great laugh) that I spent completely pished the entire time. The comedown afterwards was unlike anything I’ve experienced and hope never to experience again, and took a good week or two to properly get over.

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12 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

It can also lead you to making stupid decisions. It can also make you feel terrible the next day. It can also cloud your judgement. It can be dangerous.


3 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

For me personally, alcohol is definitely not my friend. It may provide a temporary superficial relief from depression but afterwards it will magnify all the worst parts of having depression.

That's just me though, alcohol doesn't agree with me and never has, so I haven't drank in a long time.


3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Alcohol is no one's friend, especially when it comes to mental health. You're just temporarily ignoring the problems and causes. That might work whilst you're drunk but after you'll still have the same problems and cause with the added bonus of a hangover and the issues that brings, especially for those struggling with mental health (alcohol is a depressant). Then there's the dangers I spoke of in my last post, which I know from personal experience (as recently as Saturday night).


2 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

As someone who has admittedly self medicated through alcohol in the past, what you're saying whilst I suspect tongue in cheek  is quite irresponsible.

For every time that alcohol provided some light relief from feelings of depression at the time, I always suffered multiple times worse the next day.  It keeps the clouds over your head, it de-motivates you, it keeps its foot on your neck.  It took me a long time to realise that alcohol is perfectly fine when I am in a healthy mental state but that it's a disaster when I'm not.


9 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Whilst I think I get the point you’re trying to make about alcohol helping with the social aspect, with helping temporarily relieve anxiety/awkwardness, I agree with the points above about it not being the best piece of advice to hand out. Even for situations like the above, it’s fine, but also creates a reliance on it to ever be comfortable in social situations and I’ve known people who become so reliant that they’d have to sit in alone and get completely rat arsed in the house before even doing something like going out to the pub with your mates. That’s then a problem, sitting drinking til you’re wrecked alone isn’t good.

Also agree with the after-effects being dangerous. I’ve luckily never had anything I’d class as depression, but the worst I’ve ever felt was after a weekend long bender (which was a great laugh) that I spent completely pished the entire time. The comedown afterwards was unlike anything I’ve experienced and hope never to experience again, and took a good week or two to properly get over.

Under advisement I am withdrawing my advice of moderate alcohol consumption to overcome mild social awkwardness. Cocaine is clearly the answer.

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23 minutes ago, welshbairn said:





Under advisement I am withdrawing my advice of moderate alcohol consumption to overcome mild social awkwardness. Cocaine is clearly the answer.

Is this some sort of trolling attempt? How very amusing to do it on this thread when folk are opening up about deeply personal things and looking for help.

Top, hard, work from a cool edgy guy

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I’m usualky very careful with alcohol. Don’t get me wrong I’ll have a few on ocassion.

Few weeks ago I drank more than usual and with other meds I was taking  temporarily and my judgement and rational thinking exited the building and I did something if never ever dream of when well.

If you know your condition, limits and are sensible alcohol isn’t a total no no.

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5 hours ago, throbber said:

Welshbairn didn’t tell all depression sufferers that they should get pissed to help them through it, it was just one poster who was having problems keeping his friends from finding him boring.

I think it’s 6 weeks I’ve gone off the drink now and that’s the longest I have gone without a drop since I was about 16. If i turn to drink when in an unhappy place I get into a cycle of it being the only thing that i want to do, and will go through the phases of being hungover in the morning and then slowly getting over it through the day before I eventually decide to have another drink to escape it all for a few hours and repeat again and again. I have never felt that awful because of it, but it has felt at times that life isn’t real and that there is no other lifestyle that doesn’t involve alcohol in abundance.

When I’m in a good place like where I have been since starting my new job I find the only adverse affect it has is on my waist line and I don’t struggle to go time without it but I would always like to have my beer and wine at the weekends.

All in moderation but there are definitely some people who it just doesn’t agree with.

Pretty honest and open post tbf

I almost forgive you for wishing me dead now :)

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