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Finally decided to make an appointment with the Dr. last week after worrying about it and mulling it over for ages. Coming up this week but I have no idea where to begin after the inevitable ‘how can I help’ question or how to word things without it coming across as reading a bunch of signs and symptoms straight from the internet.

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Finally decided to make an appointment with the Dr. last week after worrying about it and mulling it over for ages. Coming up this week but I have no idea where to begin after the inevitable ‘how can I help’ question or how to word things without it coming across as reading a bunch of signs and symptoms straight from the internet.
Trust me mate the thinking about that is worse than the actual visit, as I'm sure anyone here would vouch for. It is what it is, a necessary first step both physically and in your head. Hard I know but you'll feel better after it. The first steps are usually the hardest. Just be honest with your doc.
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The big black dog definitely starting to creep up on me again.

Our daughters simply will not sleep at night. We have tried everything. The only thing we have found that semi-works is if we split them up and take each of them to their bed and lie with them until they fall asleep. We take them about 8pm. At least one of them is usually awake at midnight.

I have kept a diary. My wife and I have had 13 (thirteen) minutes to ourselves in the past three weeks where neither of the kids have been awake and we have been awake enough to want to do something. I am going insane. I want to be an adult. I want to be able to sit with my wife and watch TV.

Edited by Gaz
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49 minutes ago, Iminavest said:

Finally decided to make an appointment with the Dr. last week after worrying about it and mulling it over for ages. Coming up this week but I have no idea where to begin after the inevitable ‘how can I help’ question or how to word things without it coming across as reading a bunch of signs and symptoms straight from the internet.

Try writing it down before you go. Just write what you feel is bothering you and how it makes you feel. From there you can deduce yourself what you want to happen.

Your doctor won't mind if you read something to them. 

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4 minutes ago, Gaz said:

The big black dog definitely starting to creep up on me again.

Our daughters simply will not sleep at night. We have tried everything. The only thing we have found that semi-works is if we split them up and take each of them to their bed and lie with them until they fall asleep. We take them about 8pm. At least one of them is usually awake at midnight.

I have kept a diary. My wife and I have had 13 (thirteen) minutes to ourselves in the past three weeks where neither of the kids have been awake and we have been awake enough to want to do something. I am going insane. I want to be an adult. I want to be able to sit with my wife and watch TV.

I know in past you’ve said at least one is asd, has anyone  medical suggested trying melatonin? Someone I knows son is query asd and it’s helped them a bit after yrs no sleep.

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I only check in on this thread from time to time so I apologise if this has already been mentioned but it might be worth googling "Stress Control" followed by the area that you live in (e.g., 'Stress Control Glasgow') to check out if there are any classes running in your area.  It's a 6 session, 90 minute set of free, evidence-based classes that provides some really practical ways of dealing with depression, anxiety,  poor sleep, burnout, or loss of confidence/self-esteem. There's no need to be referred, no records of attendance, and because it is a class rather than a group, there is absolutely no self-disclosure.  You can dip in and out of classes, can attend in more than one location, and the evidence-base suggests that the classes are equally effective as individual CBT. 


Stress Control Lanarkshire Information

Stress Control Lanarkshire Timetable


If you're interested and can't find a class in your area or if you would like to know more then just give me a shout. 



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On 26/03/2018 at 21:46, Rowan said:

I know in past you’ve said at least one is asd, has anyone  medical suggested trying melatonin? Someone I knows son is query asd and it’s helped them a bit after yrs no sleep.

Tried it, didn't work.

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Possibly the most appropriate place for this. Not sure if it's been discussed elsewhere. Did anyone catch the piece on This Morning yesterday? I think they are having a mental health awareness week and have erected this. Each 'statue' represents a man who has taken his life and are real representations, down to their actual clothing. I missed all if it but one family were in the studio and had given clothing to the 'artist' of their dad who unfortunately took his own life. 84 men in total as that is the reported number of males who take their own life each week. Quite a terrifying stat and hopefully such a shocking piece of art can get people talking and break some of the stigma.


It's quite a shocking piece and very morbid but if it gets people talking and encourages people to seek help then it's a masterpiece IMO.

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Possibly the most appropriate place for this. Not sure if it's been discussed elsewhere. Did anyone catch the piece on This Morning yesterday? I think they are having a mental health awareness week and have erected this. Each 'statue' represents a man who has taken his life and are real representations, down to their actual clothing. I missed all if it but one family were in the studio and had given clothing to the 'artist' of their dad who unfortunately took his own life. 84 men in total as that is the reported number of males who take their own life each week. Quite a terrifying stat and hopefully such a shocking piece of art can get people talking and break some of the stigma.


It's quite a shocking piece and very morbid but if it gets people talking and encourages people to seek help then it's a masterpiece IMO.

I did see this.

It’s quite harrowing but I like it. The brutal reality of suicide and the sheer scale of it you would pray allow some people who don’t understand mental health issues to at least take it seriously.
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Been really struggling with my anxiety lately.

I'm worrying about worrying, as my main train of thought is that my anxiety might hold me back from being able to handle a considerable work load at work. Currently it is very manageable and the atmosphere is easy going but I fear that I might get asked to do more, cant handle it and have a massive freak out.

Started having panic attacks in my sleep again also, they're not incredibly stressing just very annoying. Its that jolt you get like you're falling in a dream? I don't wake up hyperventilating or sweating or anything like that but my mind is racing.

I'm still on 20mg of Citalopram and my mum wants me to talk to the doctor about upping it but I would rather just try the more standard practices of eating better, exercising, actually reading my CBT book, quit smoking and drinking etc. But this is all easier said than done.

To touch base on the Sertraline topic, the doctor prescribed me 50mg of that when I said that my depression had sort of made way for anxiety and after taking one I was not willing to take any more. I was absolutely manic during the night and was having suicidal thoughts etc. and I'll never touch them again. Everyone is different but it wasn't as easy going as the Citalopram is for me.

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Yes indeed, depression is killing thousands of people around the world and still there is no absolute cure for it as it is hard to locate people suffering from depression. The person may be depressed inside but outside he/she might be smiling and all that. This is a serious issue especially for the younger generation and only timely intervention can help stop it.

Edited by Ronish Baxter
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48 minutes ago, 11thHour said:

Been really struggling with my anxiety lately.

I'm worrying about worrying, as my main train of thought is that my anxiety might hold me back from being able to handle a considerable work load at work. Currently it is very manageable and the atmosphere is easy going but I fear that I might get asked to do more, cant handle it and have a massive freak out.

Started having panic attacks in my sleep again also, they're not incredibly stressing just very annoying. Its that jolt you get like you're falling in a dream? I don't wake up hyperventilating or sweating or anything like that but my mind is racing.

I'm still on 20mg of Citalopram and my mum wants me to talk to the doctor about upping it but I would rather just try the more standard practices of eating better, exercising, actually reading my CBT book, quit smoking and drinking etc. But this is all easier said than done.

To touch base on the Sertraline topic, the doctor prescribed me 50mg of that when I said that my depression had sort of made way for anxiety and after taking one I was not willing to take any more. I was absolutely manic during the night and was having suicidal thoughts etc. and I'll never touch them again. Everyone is different but it wasn't as easy going as the Citalopram is for me.

When you’ve got a massive workload - one you think is unmanageable - sit down at the start of the working day with a pad and pen and just spend a few minutes writing down what you have to do. Then score stuff off as you do it. It makes it all a bit more real and you can see your achievements and workload lessening as you cross stuff off your list.  It’s never as scary as it seems when it’s all just rattling about in your head.

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On 26/03/2018 at 21:43, DA Baracus said:

Try writing it down before you go. Just write what you feel is bothering you and how it makes you feel. From there you can deduce yourself what you want to happen.

Your doctor won't mind if you read something to them. 

Planning to make a few notes beforehand. I’m so used to just getting on with things and not bothering anyone with stuff that I’m afraid I’ll do the same thing when I’m there.

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Possibly the most appropriate place for this. Not sure if it's been discussed elsewhere. Did anyone catch the piece on This Morning yesterday? I think they are having a mental health awareness week and have erected this. Each 'statue' represents a man who has taken his life and are real representations, down to their actual clothing. I missed all if it but one family were in the studio and had given clothing to the 'artist' of their dad who unfortunately took his own life. 84 men in total as that is the reported number of males who take their own life each week. Quite a terrifying stat and hopefully such a shocking piece of art can get people talking and break some of the stigma.


It's quite a shocking piece and very morbid but if it gets people talking and encourages people to seek help then it's a masterpiece IMO.

I saw that, very thought provoking and a good thing by all accounts, especially if it makes people sit up and listen.

I’m a bit scunnered at the minute. I took a promotion in work late December, and it is completely different to what I have ever done before. I really thought I would enjoy it, but I feel like a fish up a tree at least 90% of my working day. A lot revolves around coding. I’ve bought books, done tutorials on it and I have, after three months in the role, decided that it really isn’t for me.

It is only a 12 month secondment, so know I can go back to my old job, but worried that I’ve burnt bridges there as I wasn’t too happy in that role towards the end, and made it quite clear that I wasn’t. But what I wouldn’t give to go back to that job now. I’m not going on the sick, I just know that I need to stick it out and last until December.

My girlfriend finished with me recently as well, which was a bit gutting. She kept wanting to arrange things to do and times to see me, and I just put things off, said we would sort things and that we could do nice things and stuff, but never got the finger out my arse and actually put anything in the diary for us, even if it was just going to have a drink or two after work, dinner at either of our houses, or he gym or something.

I know how fortunate I am in comparison to others, and that does keep me going at times. I’ve got two wonderful kids, even if they drive me up the fucking wall at times, I have a nice house, but I am just a bit fed up. I posted in here a few months ago, saying how much had changed for me, and how happy and proud I was of myself, and now I feel like I am back to square one.
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On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 15:51, gav-ffc said:

7 days into my Setraline, first few days I had quite a sore head and over Sunday and Monday my anxiety kicked in big time but feeling much better today.

Good it does work. I should know. But you still have tough times. Today would have been mum and dads diamond anniversary . I took mum past the church they were married in  on Thursday , Belmont and Hillhead just off Byres Rd. It was tough, but we did it.  

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On 29/03/2018 at 21:56, Adam said:

I’m a bit scunnered at the minute. I took a promotion in work late December, and it is completely different to what I have ever done before. I really thought I would enjoy it, but I feel like a fish up a tree at least 90% of my working day. A lot revolves around coding. I’ve bought books, done tutorials on it and I have, after three months in the role, decided that it really isn’t for me.

It is only a 12 month secondment, so know I can go back to my old job, but worried that I’ve burnt bridges there as I wasn’t too happy in that role towards the end, and made it quite clear that I wasn’t. But what I wouldn’t give to go back to that job now. I’m not going on the sick, I just know that I need to stick it out and last until December.



If you get your head down you might find it gets easier and start enjoying it. Thinking of treading water till escaping in December will just make it worse imo.

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11 hours ago, capybara said:

Good it does work. I should know. But you still have tough times. Today would have been mum and dads diamond anniversary . I took mum past the church they were married in  on Thursday , Belmont and Hillhead just off Byres Rd. It was tough, but we did it.  

Think that rough time is now, 24 hour headache which has me up right now (04:58) and have been since 03:00 after getting to sleep around 01:00. Leave for work in less than 2 hours and not feeling the best but last day before my annual leave so a absence wouldn’t go down to well. Skive day is in order.

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Sorry for the lack of knowing where to post but guess this is as relevant as may be.
Currently in the hospital with my mum, she's got severe jaundice and her cancer has spread rapidly recently. She had a wee fall on Thursday and spoke with her on the phone from my holiday and she was feeling OK.
Next day she's barely able to talk, she's gone bright yellow and now unable to take proper fluids in never mind solids.

The nurses have kindly given me a mattress and bedding to sleep on the floor in the wee room here so I have done past two nights since flying straight over but barely slept. Trying to eat and keep hydrated so not to feel utterly exhausted.

Some family have popped in which has been amazing and I brought my (almost) housebound dad in with great effort to be here all day and probably will again today. He's barely lifted a finger for years and as such is partially to blame for his own terrible health. Trying to pull effort out of him is like getting blood from a stone as they say.

I'm not able to worry about everything and everyone all at once with the condition my mum is in. She's hardly responding but I am playing her music she loves and telling her stories of what we've done as a family when I was young to keep try keep her mind off whatever pain she's feeling, or worried she has.

Add to this the spring on the handbrake on my car I think went yesterday which has me worried more than it should!!! It works but it comes up all the way before clicking into place and that's the last thing I need fucking up on me.

I guess I just need to write this out not to anyone, as I don't want to push any of this struggle on anyone else but to get it all out to selfishly ease my own fight here. I had a nosebleed yesterday probably from stress which I never get but I'm trying to keep an eye on my own health as I don't want anyone worrying on me. I have an amazing lass back in Germany looking after things there and my work has been terrific in accepting I was coming over at the worst possible time, as I was due to have a really busy few days after my holiday with Month end stuff, but luckily they're a great team.

Sorry for the long post, it's not for attention purposes but to get this out somehow. Don't feel the need to respond but if you feel like you should talk to someone in your life about anything, do it now before it's too late. I thought I'd always see my mum doing away even a bit ill but I wish I had come over more often since moving last year.

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