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I watched the Tyson fury interview with Joe Rogan a few weeks back. It’s great that people like this are speaking out. Hardest man on the planet floored by depression despite being a world champion. There’s no shame in mental illness but still it’s seen as weak or needy to ask for help.

Personally I’ve felt low since mid twenties when I fell out with a bad bunch of toxic friends and have carried that mindset since which has resulted in me isolating myself due to low confidence. I feel that the workplace issues are also a side effect of this. It’s like my mind is holding me back to avoid confrontation or take risks due to the betrayal of trust. Trying to use exercise to build confidence but the social side of things is hard. I think self improvement and finding a job where I’m valued is the way forward. Feel like I’m due some luck for a change. Starting to think speaking to a therapist to be able to only look forward and not dwell on the past might be an idea.

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Every single day you go home to no one. For over 5 years. You go home and you won't speak or interact with anyone for 8 and 3 quarter hours.
Been single for over 9 years. Too fat. Too repulsive. No one finds you someone to talk to, let alone get to know. Worthless. No reason to be. Die.
If you don't go to the football then you won't speak to anyone the entire weekend unless you order a Burger King.
Death seems so tempting. It also seems terrifying. The unknown is the only reason it hasn't happened.
Wasted too much. Can't rescue it. If I was 10 years younger then it would be fine but even if I get qualifications  now I'll be too old. 
It's too late and I've fucked it.
It's done.

You're in your 30's(?) You're not even close to being done. The number of mature students on my Uni course years ago was unreal. I'm talking late 40's to mid 50's. The qualification changed their lives.

If nothing else a Uni/College course would get you out socialising which would probably change your life in itself as I get the feeling you are a bit lonely?

You need to be less critical of yourself as well. I've put on weight recently too. I don't particularly like it but I don't hate myself for it. You shouldn't either.

Have you been to your GP to discuss how you're feeling?
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Haha  birss kn club photos! 
All of them hate me. Or at least see how repulsively fat I am.
When you're fat you are either invisible or incredibly obvious and ripe for ridicule.
I've been fat for years. I have had addictions and mental issues. It's still my fault. I need to die. 
I havw fucked ir all. Genuinely have left it too late. 
Too many debts and too many obstacles

You've not given an "obstacle" that can't be overcome.

Everyone has some kind of debt and you can always make more money. There are plenty of services that can help you ease the stress of this. You can overcome you're weight issues as well. A walk or jog at night could be hard going at the beginning but it could lead to improved mental health as well. At your age a career is not off the table. You'll have "life experience" behind you on top of your qualification. Something a lot of employers do look for. When my wife qualified aged 21 she was knocked back a few times and this given as a reason. Take things in bite sized chunks, one thing at a time.
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Ali is right DA, get yerself off to bed mate. Come back on here in the morning and speak. I am sure it will help, even if its only a miniscule amount. You have posted enough on here about various things you have done to alleviate the things that get you down, like dealing with the payday loan shite, walking back and forward to work etc. You're not a lost cause, and  you're most definitely not too old for any of what most folk would consider "life goals". You are also very obviously clever enough to get after them

Have a sleep my man. 

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There's a file kn the uni drive (H I think).
It explains some.
Explains enough.
Doesn't matter. Of you can hack my email then remove a number. 
Pictures and explanation. Easy to read. Easy to avoid. Might seem harsh on some folk but ultimately my own fault.
Graphic but who cares? No one so what the f**k?! Shame

Folk will care. There are strangers on here that care so I'm sure you'll have real people in your life that do.

Try and get some sleep and don't do anything silly tonight. There's always a way out of any situation, this entire thread is proof of that.
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Graphic but who cares? No one so what the f**k?! Shame

Folk will care. There are strangers on here that care so I'm sure you'll have real people in your life that do.

DA get your arse messaging me. We had a good night together tonight. My family loves you, my daughter loves you, my wife loves you, I LOVE YOU.

Call me ASAP

Case and point DA.
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DA mate your one of the best laughs On this site.


Hope your feeling better today. I posted a while back on this thread about the Dundee Andy’s man club. You talk about being alone with no interaction, or someone to talk too. The group is literally for that reason.


I urge you to consider it for us, and to Also talk to us if anything’s bothering you.



It’s the boomerang community centre in Dundee DA. I don’t know Dundee that well, but I’d look up there Facebook page if you need help getting there or that.

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Guest Moomintroll

@DA Baracus , been there too many times mate & it is fucking horrible & terrifying. I was lucky when I had had enough, don't leave it to chance, as the other guys have said get on here and talk to someone. Remember we all alcoholic middle aged VL's on here so we need to stick together, & no matter how bad it gets, it could be worse, you could be a Falkirk fan

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Guest Moomintroll
Embarrassing stuff.
Sorry. Think I'll give this site a miss for a bit now.
Don't be embarrassed DA, it is cliched shit but talk it out as that is the best thing you can do. The worst thing you can do is withdraw, that is when the b*****d gets you. Keep sharing & for fucks sake, if you think it is getting too much, message one of us.
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44 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Embarrassing stuff.

Sorry. Think I'll give this site a miss for a bit now.

People have embarrassed themselves much worse than that and in any case you haven’t embarrassed yourself. Please stick around. Let me tell you I got married and had a kid in very late 30’s and second kid in early 40’s. It’s never too late. Try and knock the drink on the head for a wee while and get to the GP for a chat. 

stay posting though. People on here care about you. 

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45 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Embarrassing stuff.

Sorry. Think I'll give this site a miss for a bit now.

Don't do that - I don't see anyone laughing and pointing at you. There are posters on here who have been thriugh/are going through this (not me) who can help.

Call your pal Chicken Wing now.

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Guest Moomintroll
Moomintroll outed himself as a Tory and is still posting. DA’s posts last night barely even register on the embarrassing scale.
Exactly, f**k me, no idea why @DA Baracus is so worried.
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