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KTF philpy, most of us go through shite times like that. I am on the upswing right now so it's all good but I know that a few weeks or months from now it will all come crashing down & I will be the most useless human being on the Planet. Focus on that work opportunity & look forward to it rather than hating your current job. Snorkmaiden went back to her old place and is hating it, the place she left want her back and will get her back in as soon as they free up a wage. If you do a good job people will want you & you will enjoy it.
Cheers bud. It's shite with the work situation, as my bosses are good guys, but it's the powers that be are making it more difficult. We were bought over by a national group of shareholding companies a couple of years ago, and the changes brought into place have been horrific.
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Guest Moomintroll
Cheers bud. It's shite with the work situation, as my bosses are good guys, but it's the powers that be are making it more difficult. We were bought over by a national group of shareholding companies a couple of years ago, and the changes brought into place have been horrific.
Tesco bought us a few years back, I feel your pain.
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Not letting me quote posts to reply so apologies. @staggy1929 keep at it mate. I go through those spells as well but remember it’ll pass. Try and keep your head clear as possible. Just getting some fresh air can help, rant away on here can help as well. Wee targets every day. Got out of bed. Showered. Made the bed. Made some food. All solid starting points.

@philpy social media is poison. It either just makes us angry (usually at stupidity) or jealous, I find. Good step cutting it out. Hopefully the work stuff sorts itself soon and bugs you less as your mood picks up. Sorry about the wife’s health, hopefully she’s a bit more able soon enough too.
Reach out to the old close knit pals you had before? Aye, they’ll be busy...none of us are ever too busy to blether to a pal for half an hour. Keep the head up mate and you’ll get through it.

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Hi folks. Been a while since I've posted anything here probably a year or so. In that last year I have made a lot of progress in losing about 3 stone and starting and sticking with open uni course. What I'm struggling with now I guess is a kind anxiety or social isolation I suppose. I feel I have more confidence in being more assertive so trying to sit with folk during break at work and even going to punk gigs locally here on my own, book club, lifelong learning classes and well you see familiar faces so I feel I am making a real effort to start conversations etc. I feel folk are polite enough and stuff but I'm just of sort of feeling lost. I'm 33  and would just like some  sense of community and belonging would be nice .  I just try to keep moving whether that's doing some running at nights or reading but if I stop and I'm not doing that I'm dwelling maybe overthinking all the stuff above. I really like Dundee as place to live but feels like it hasn't taken to me if that makes any sense. 

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4 hours ago, grazza said:

I feel I have more confidence in being more assertive so trying to sit with folk during break at work and even going to punk gigs locally here on my own, book club, lifelong learning classes and well you see familiar faces so I feel I am making a real effort to start conversations etc.

Keep this going. 

I've been a traveled person from the age of 3, new house, new people...it's very tough. However, keep going out and socialize as much as possible, you will finally click with someone and a friendship will evolve.  

Maybe @G_Man1985 can get you into Dundee 5v's or something. 


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Hi folks. Been a while since I've posted anything here probably a year or so. In that last year I have made a lot of progress in losing about 3 stone and starting and sticking with open uni course. What I'm struggling with now I guess is a kind anxiety or social isolation I suppose. I feel I have more confidence in being more assertive so trying to sit with folk during break at work and even going to punk gigs locally here on my own, book club, lifelong learning classes and well you see familiar faces so I feel I am making a real effort to start conversations etc. I feel folk are polite enough and stuff but I'm just of sort of feeling lost. I'm 33  and would just like some  sense of community and belonging would be nice .  I just try to keep moving whether that's doing some running at nights or reading but if I stop and I'm not doing that I'm dwelling maybe overthinking all the stuff above. I really like Dundee as place to live but feels like it hasn't taken to me if that makes any sense. 
You should get n touch with Baracus.
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Really low moods at the moment, and work is contributing to that heavily. There is a really good chance of me getting something else, but it won't be until July at the earliest. The wife's health hasn't been great at times, and she's only managing to work part time at the moment, and I've been doing a lot more round the house than normal, leaving me tired and burnt out. The result is I'm very grumpy and unreasonable, and it's starting to spill over into my working day. I'm trying to take positive steps to sort things out, starting with deleting all my social media accounts, as I was spending far too much time on them, and I was beginning to fall out with the wife about it, plus its all a lot of negative and boring shite half the time, something I need to cut out of my life. Keeping my p&b account going though, as there a lot of sound c***s on here. There's also an element of loneliness as well, yeh I'm married and know a lot of other males through friends of the wife, but I've not got the close knit group of friends I used to have.

I did wonder... Maybe it’s about who or what you follow? Well, on Twitter anyway.

[mention=7178]philpy[/mention] social media is poison. It either just makes us angry (usually at stupidity) or jealous, I find. Good step cutting it out.

Contrary to the above, I actually find social media helpful. There are a lot of helpful accounts and likeminded people out there.
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Hi folks. Been a while since I've posted anything here probably a year or so. In that last year I have made a lot of progress in losing about 3 stone and starting and sticking with open uni course. What I'm struggling with now I guess is a kind anxiety or social isolation I suppose. I feel I have more confidence in being more assertive so trying to sit with folk during break at work and even going to punk gigs locally here on my own, book club, lifelong learning classes and well you see familiar faces so I feel I am making a real effort to start conversations etc. I feel folk are polite enough and stuff but I'm just of sort of feeling lost. I'm 33  and would just like some  sense of community and belonging would be nice .  I just try to keep moving whether that's doing some running at nights or reading but if I stop and I'm not doing that I'm dwelling maybe overthinking all the stuff above. I really like Dundee as place to live but feels like it hasn't taken to me if that makes any sense. 
If you have my number still, give is a message
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Guest Moomintroll
What's up mate? Though you seemed quite chipper recently.
Having a bit of trouble with the dog, totally subconscious as I don't even recall posting that. I am mostly fine but the urges to end myself are pretty strong in my head right now, I am not going to listen to them obviously but it is a bloody struggle.
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Contrary to the above, I actually find social media helpful. There are a lot of helpful accounts and likeminded people out there.

Fair point. There are good accounts on social media, I feel they need dug out in amongst the plethora of stuff I dislike though. You are quite right in what you’re saying though, there are good accounts that offer help, support and/or advice.
Having a bit of trouble with the dog, totally subconscious as I don't even recall posting that. I am mostly fine but the urges to end myself are pretty strong in my head right now, I am not going to listen to them obviously but it is a bloody struggle.

It is a struggle mate but, as cliche as it is, the dark cloud will pass. Not everyone can feel good all the time, but it will pass. Do what you can in the meantime to either focus your mind elsewhere or free it completely - get stuck in to a tv series or good book or try get outdoors and some fresh air (even just a walk round the block the reassess when you’re back indoors). Stick in mate, we’ll get there
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Guest Moomintroll

It is a struggle mate but, as cliche as it is, the dark cloud will pass. Not everyone can feel good all the time, but it will pass. Do what you can in the meantime to either focus your mind elsewhere or free it completely - get stuck in to a tv series or good book or try get outdoors and some fresh air (even just a walk round the block the reassess when you’re back indoors). Stick in mate, we’ll get there
Cheers NJ, have admitted to Snorkmaiden how I am feeling, have always hidden it in the past so feels like progress. I am going to see my Mums ex partner this weekend after avoiding him for the past few years to suppress my memories, also going to watch Killie so I will probably have a genuine reason to feel sad come Saturday Night.
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All the media coverage of the virus thing made me really worry about my parents.
I'm pretty much on my own apart from them so I don't know what I'd do without them tbh. Not that I'm not independent it's just all the shit with work they're someone to talk to about it. Anyway I think I have become over protective and went off on one on another thread on here. When my mum was diagnosed until now shes not really had the best of treatment and advice and have had little faith in the nhs although they do a great job with what they have.
Playing football tonight so hopefully that will take my mind of things, at least at the moment my health is ok.
I joined some forums about being alone and tbh it made things worse because theres people on there who seem to have given up. Not sure what the fix is just that until I get a new job or people change then I seem stuck in a self doubting loop.
I think I've been stuck in this since I left a group of toxic friends nearly 15 years ago.
Possibly why I get defensive and go off when confronted i feel attacked easily. Maybe also why I dont have confidence to meet people because I doubt things before they happen or play out the worst scenario.

On a plus side exercise wise and fitness is back on track. Need to get back outside more and do some hill walks.

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Cheers NJ, have admitted to Snorkmaiden how I am feeling, have always hidden it in the past so feels like progress. I am going to see my Mums ex partner this weekend after avoiding him for the past few years to suppress my memories, also going to watch Killie so I will probably have a genuine reason to feel sad come Saturday Night.

Talking to those closest is always hard but good. Hopefully seeing your mums ex partner helps you with achieving whatever you want from it as well. Hopefully Killie get a win as well, please!
All the media coverage of the virus thing made me really worry about my parents.
I'm pretty much on my own apart from them so I don't know what I'd do without them tbh. Not that I'm not independent it's just all the shit with work they're someone to talk to about it. Anyway I think I have become over protective and went off on one on another thread on here. When my mum was diagnosed until now shes not really had the best of treatment and advice and have had little faith in the nhs although they do a great job with what they have.
Playing football tonight so hopefully that will take my mind of things, at least at the moment my health is ok.
I joined some forums about being alone and tbh it made things worse because theres people on there who seem to have given up. Not sure what the fix is just that until I get a new job or people change then I seem stuck in a self doubting loop.
I think I've been stuck in this since I left a group of toxic friends nearly 15 years ago.
Possibly why I get defensive and go off when confronted i feel attacked easily. Maybe also why I dont have confidence to meet people because I doubt things before they happen or play out the worst scenario.

On a plus side exercise wise and fitness is back on track. Need to get back outside more and do some hill walks.

I don’t know who you’re playing football with, but that could potentially be meeting new folk? Might only be for an hour and you’ll never see them again but it’s getting you out and something to look forward to.
My mums had her own health scares and I’ve admitted to folk I really don’t know how I’ll cope when the time comes but hopefully it isn’t for many, many years yet and we’ll deal with it when it does. It won’t be easy but let’s hope it’s not something that happens any time soon!
Good work on getting the exercise back on track, well done and keep going with it [emoji106]
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Just been prescribed sertraline today from GP.  50mg which I assume is the lowest starting dose as it comes in 100 and 200mgs I think. Just to save me scrolling through 200 plus pages, I'd like to know from those on here that were prescribed it at some point how they found it, was it effective, was it quick to work. I understand that antidepressants can take up to 6 weeks to take effect If it actually works for you. Thats what worries me the most, going on a merry go round on different tablets going through side effects etc and being back to square one.e

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19 hours ago, engelbert_humperdink said:

Just been prescribed sertraline today from GP.  50mg which I assume is the lowest starting dose as it comes in 100 and 200mgs I think. Just to save me scrolling through 200 plus pages, I'd like to know from those on here that were prescribed it at some point how they found it, was it effective, was it quick to work. I understand that antidepressants can take up to 6 weeks to take effect If it actually works for you. Thats what worries me the most, going on a merry go round on different tablets going through side effects etc and being back to square one.e

All depends what they said when your doctor prescribed it, i am on mirtazapine 45mg which was to help me sleep,  some are to boost mood but they reckon about 4 weeks for them to start taking effect and its adjust from there depending on how your finding it.

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Just been prescribed sertraline today from GP.  50mg which I assume is the lowest starting dose as it comes in 100 and 200mgs I think. Just to save me scrolling through 200 plus pages, I'd like to know from those on here that were prescribed it at some point how they found it, was it effective, was it quick to work. I understand that antidepressants can take up to 6 weeks to take effect If it actually works for you. Thats what worries me the most, going on a merry go round on different tablets going through side effects etc and being back to square one.e

I can’t tell you I’m afraid mate, sorry. But stick with it and kudos for having the bravery to go and seek help. Hopefully they help, in time, and you’re back to feeling your best soon enough. It probably won’t be a quick fix but you’ve taken the first step and you’re on the right track.
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