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Aye imagine hr not being sneaks in managments pockets.
Even though you have 300 pages of evidence we believe your manger who has previously had grievances against them as a much more trustworthy source. You are mistaken. 
Thanks guys
In my experience HR people are absolute masters at shafting you covertly whilst pretending to care. The worst.
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11 minutes ago, V.Aye.R said:
7 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:
Aye imagine hr not being sneaks in managments pockets.
Even though you have 300 pages of evidence we believe your manger who has previously had grievances against them as a much more trustworthy source. You are mistaken. 
Thanks guys

In my experience HR people are absolute masters at shafting you covertly whilst pretending to care. The worst.

I haven't scrolled back to read this post in context but, really, this is a point beyond contention.

The role of HR is to implement company policy whilst not breaching employment law.  To think that they are on the side of the employee is naïve. 

Edited by The_Kincardine
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9 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

I haven't scrolled back to read this post in context but, really, this is a point beyond contention.

The role of HR is to implement company policy whilst not breaching employment law.  To think that they are on the side of the employee is naïve. 

Yep, I was offered the chance by a director to take my supervisor to HR knowing full well they would back them.

Next day Director making a joke out of it with the supervisor. Really proud of myself for not swinging at one of them tbh. Its genuine evil actually wanting to mess with someone deliberately. 

Dont go to HR unless you are leaving or have something on tape or video or have been assaulted.

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I haven't scrolled back to read this post in context but, really, this is a point beyond contention.
The role of HR is to implement company policy whilst not breaching employment law.  To think that they are on the side of the employee is naïve. 
My point was more that the friendly open door approach many of them employ is a bit cynical. Some might not see through it.
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Guest bernardblack
1 hour ago, V.Aye.R said:
1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:
I haven't scrolled back to read this post in context but, really, this is a point beyond contention.
The role of HR is to implement company policy whilst not breaching employment law.  To think that they are on the side of the employee is naïve. 

My point was more that the friendly open door approach many of them employ is a bit cynical. Some might not see through it.

Aye it’s rubbish but HR are there to protect the employer.m from any legal issues etc. 

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On 02/02/2021 at 11:23, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Absolutely gubbed just now tbh. Feeling anxious as soon as I wake up and think about work. I've said to a few people through the correct channels that I feel as a new hire/trainee I've been left out in the cold and just essentially told to work things out for myself. A lot of sympathetic nodding and "you're right" but nothing actually done about it. No coaching or feedback within the project I'm working on.

It's weird because as a whole firm they're pretty supportive, and the individuals I'm working with are sound. Just seems to be the project I'm on, no scope for anything other than racing towards deadlines. I roll off next week and get a couple of weeks at college for my qualification so that'll be good at least.

But aye, started running again, did dry January, eating healthily, all the classics to get out of a low mood but I'm just miserable, knackered really.

100% with you here. Feel exactly the same. There’s the financial stresses I’ve previously mentioned but new department are just like “You need to get up to speed with A, B & C pronto so we can get you started on X, Y & Z by the end of March! Download this app, use this guide that’s 6 years out of date, figure out for yourselves!” 

Absolutely zero consideration or checking in on how folk are coping. Absolutely zero checking in or empathy for those of us tasked with home schooling as well. 

I can’t even wind down at night just now as after dinner and a bit of telly, the mind starts to wander back to money, work and what’s needing done the next day or coming up soon. Sit awake thinking and stressing until about 2am most nights, then the missus gets up or alarm goes off at 7:30 and I’m awake, totally knackered and zero desire to even get out of bed. This morning I just lay in bed  and only got up at 9:30 because I had a meeting on Teams at 10. 

Just feel utterly done. 

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The figure it out for yourself part is the kicker. I was lucky that there really wasn’t any pressure on me to learn on the job by myself which was lucky because being sent a 40 page document full of jargon was enough to have me putting the tele on and hoping nobody expected anything from me.

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2 hours ago, 8MileBU said:

100% with you here. Feel exactly the same. There’s the financial stresses I’ve previously mentioned but new department are just like “You need to get up to speed with A, B & C pronto so we can get you started on X, Y & Z by the end of March! Download this app, use this guide that’s 6 years out of date, figure out for yourselves!” 

Absolutely zero consideration or checking in on how folk are coping. Absolutely zero checking in or empathy for those of us tasked with home schooling as well. 

I can’t even wind down at night just now as after dinner and a bit of telly, the mind starts to wander back to money, work and what’s needing done the next day or coming up soon. Sit awake thinking and stressing until about 2am most nights, then the missus gets up or alarm goes off at 7:30 and I’m awake, totally knackered and zero desire to even get out of bed. This morning I just lay in bed  and only got up at 9:30 because I had a meeting on Teams at 10. 

Just feel utterly done. 

No consolation but this pandemic has exposed the true nature of some employers. They don't give a shit about people despite all their bogus PR and plaques on the wall. Top brass only care about themselves and money.

Not sure how to help other than explain to them whats going on.

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100% with you here. Feel exactly the same. There’s the financial stresses I’ve previously mentioned but new department are just like “You need to get up to speed with A, B & C pronto so we can get you started on X, Y & Z by the end of March! Download this app, use this guide that’s 6 years out of date, figure out for yourselves!” 
Absolutely zero consideration or checking in on how folk are coping. Absolutely zero checking in or empathy for those of us tasked with home schooling as well. 
I can’t even wind down at night just now as after dinner and a bit of telly, the mind starts to wander back to money, work and what’s needing done the next day or coming up soon. Sit awake thinking and stressing until about 2am most nights, then the missus gets up or alarm goes off at 7:30 and I’m awake, totally knackered and zero desire to even get out of bed. This morning I just lay in bed  and only got up at 9:30 because I had a meeting on Teams at 10. 
Just feel utterly done. 

I am not meaning to come across as harsh here mate. However, on the previous page, you said you could move elsewhere and get paid more but didnt want to as it wasnt as challenging. But then saying here that they are asking too much of you. So it is a bit of a mixed message.

If your current role is causing this level of stress and you could get another job then it seems a no brainer to look elsewhere.
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On 02/02/2021 at 14:03, NotThePars said:


Yeah definitely, I totally agree there. As if by magic as well I’ve just been contacted by somewhere I applied to last year so fingers crossed I get an offer.


Just been offered the job. My da will be shitting himself at the prospect of giving up his single person council tax for a couple of months

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I’m one fortnight review or one more bad day trying get youngest to work away from falling apart.

You’ve made it through all your other tough days you thought would be the end of you, you can make it through another. Hope everything is sorting itself out, RH.
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I'm someone that's had issues with mental health in my younger years as I'm sure many people have, generally speaking I think I do quite well to combat this and read the signals and make sure I'm in the best position to deal with things to the best that I can but I must say I'm feeling lower than I have the past 9 years, I'm just fed up of lockdown at this point, I usually go out and socialise like 2 times a year or something so lockdown barely bothered me at first but there's something psychologically getting to me the fact we're almost 1 year on and still in the same boat. 

It's my 28th birthday coming up next week and as someone that hasn't been interested in a relationship or anything like that for the past 9 years and as someone that could be described as underachieving career wise I'm getting more and more riled up by the fact that to me in my stupid head I've always looked at life like I can relax til I'm 28 then I need to grow up, settle down and claim normality but as it edges closer and closer and we are still in lockdown I can't help but thinking I'm missing the chance and soon I'll be 30 and put out to pasture. I feel like I'm being robbed of huge years, especially when male suicide is relativley high for people 25-35. I'm very conscious that we are in the midst of a pandemic and other people have suffered tremendously worse than me and I've always been the type of person to put themselves at the back of the queue but still I'm getting more miserable than I would like to be, I've drank more in the past 3 months than I have the 9 years before that and I'm conscious that this doesn't help but I'm also close to the point where I feel like resistance is futile. 

I don't like discussing mental health, it usually ironically makes me more depressed and reading other peoples experiences also makes me feel depressed but I felt like I needed a RANT so thanks for reading if you have. 

Edited by Stormzy
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10 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

I'm someone that's had issues with mental health in my younger years as I'm sure many people have, generally speaking I think I do quite well to combat this and read the signals and make sure I'm in the best position to deal with things to the best that I can but I must say I'm feeling lower than I have the past 9 years, I'm just fed up of lockdown at this point, I usually go out and socialise like 2 times a year or something so lockdown barely bothered me at first but there's something psychologically getting to me the fact we're almost 1 year on and still in the same boat. 

It's my 28th birthday coming up next week and as someone that hasn't been interested in a relationship or anything like that for the past 9 years and as someone that could be described as underachieving career wise I'm getting more and more riled up by the fact that to me in my stupid head I've always looked at life like I can relax til I'm 28 then I need to grow up, settle down and claim normality but as it edges closer and closer and we are still in lockdown I can't help but thinking I'm missing the chance and soon I'll be 30 and put out to pasture. I feel like I'm being robbed of huge years, especially when male suicide is relativley high for people 25-35. I'm very conscious that we are in the midst of a pandemic and other people have suffered tremendously worse than me and I've always been the type of person to put themselves at the back of the queue but still I'm getting more miserable than I would like to be, I've drank more in the past 3 months than I have the 9 years before that and I'm conscious that this doesn't help but I'm also close to the point where I feel like resistance is futile. 

I don't like discussing mental health, it usually ironically makes me more depressed and reading other peoples experiences also makes me feel depressed but I felt like I needed a RANT so thanks for reading if you have. 

For me,ironically, this is the most uplifting thread on the site. No matter what differences people may have on other threads everyone is supportive to anyone who needs it when they share their troubles here. Feel free to rant or unload anytime

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4 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

No consolation but this pandemic has exposed the true nature of some employers. They don't give a shit about people despite all their bogus PR and plaques on the wall. Top brass only care about themselves and money.

Not sure how to help other than explain to them whats going on.

We've had a couple of eye-openers recently...the top brass had arranged for a series of mental health and mindfulness seminars to be conducted online over the next month or so, which on the face of it seems like a nice thing to do...all to be on a voluntary basis for anyone that feels like they're struggling.

Until they never got the numbers they were expecting, that is.

Then it immediately turned into a case of each section being tasked with filling a quota...spent a couple of frustrating phone calls explaining that the fact not many people feel the need for them is actually a good thing, and that railroading them into this kind of stuff might actually be counterproductive, to be met with a general attitude of "Well, we fucking paid for it up front so get them telt...."


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8 minutes ago, Perkin Flump said:

For me,ironically, this is the most uplifting thread on the site. No matter what differences people may have on other threads everyone is supportive to anyone who needs it when they share their troubles here. Feel free to rant or unload anytime

Appreciated. I was hesitant to post understandably considering I engage in a lot of petty arguments but your post has helped. 

You probably wont find me in here much but it's always good to see support with the ability to put the football and politics to the side.

Everybody keep doing you. ❤

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I'm toiling a bit atm. Home schooling a 7 and 10 y.o. Meant to be on furlough, but a 'condition' of the company topping up pay to 100% is that I'm still doing bits and pieces at home. I'm an employee rep too, so have other folks worries and grievances too. The weather is probably playing a big part too. Summer was ok to get out for a walk, but the grey skies are making things worse. Kids don't want to go out, can't blame them. I have toothache and can't get an appointment till next Thursday. Finding myself shouting at the kids more. House is never tidy because we're in all day.


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11 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

We've had a couple of eye-openers recently...the top brass had arranged for a series of mental health and mindfulness seminars to be conducted online over the next month or so, which on the face of it seems like a nice thing to do...all to be on a voluntary basis for anyone that feels like they're struggling.

Until they never got the numbers they were expecting, that is.

Then it immediately turned into a case of each section being tasked with filling a quota...spent a couple of frustrating phone calls explaining that the fact not many people feel the need for them is actually a good thing, and that railroading them into this kind of stuff might actually be counterproductive, to be met with a general attitude of "Well, we fucking paid for it up front so get them telt...."





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55 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

I'm someone that's had issues with mental health in my younger years as I'm sure many people have, generally speaking I think I do quite well to combat this and read the signals and make sure I'm in the best position to deal with things to the best that I can but I must say I'm feeling lower than I have the past 9 years, I'm just fed up of lockdown at this point, I usually go out and socialise like 2 times a year or something so lockdown barely bothered me at first but there's something psychologically getting to me the fact we're almost 1 year on and still in the same boat. 

It's my 28th birthday coming up next week and as someone that hasn't been interested in a relationship or anything like that for the past 9 years and as someone that could be described as underachieving career wise I'm getting more and more riled up by the fact that to me in my stupid head I've always looked at life like I can relax til I'm 28 then I need to grow up, settle down and claim normality but as it edges closer and closer and we are still in lockdown I can't help but thinking I'm missing the chance and soon I'll be 30 and put out to pasture. I feel like I'm being robbed of huge years, especially when male suicide is relativley high for people 25-35. I'm very conscious that we are in the midst of a pandemic and other people have suffered tremendously worse than me and I've always been the type of person to put themselves at the back of the queue but still I'm getting more miserable than I would like to be, I've drank more in the past 3 months than I have the 9 years before that and I'm conscious that this doesn't help but I'm also close to the point where I feel like resistance is futile. 

I don't like discussing mental health, it usually ironically makes me more depressed and reading other peoples experiences also makes me feel depressed but I felt like I needed a RANT so thanks for reading if you have. 

Knausgaard said the 30s are the best years of your life because you still look as good as you did in your 20s but you're far more content with yourself. That's what I'm clinging to.

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2 hours ago, NJ2 said:

You’ve made it through all your other tough days you thought would be the end of you, you can make it through another. Hope everything is sorting itself out, RH.

In fairness her teacher teams called her twice today as I messaged her last night and said I can’t do this.

I’m in a holding pattern being off as occ health decided they didn’t think should be in so it’s adding isolation.


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