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Thanks for sharing so much. Its useful in that perhaps someone reading this thread sees something of what they are going through in this and perhaps takes a step closer to getting help.

There should be no more shame in being depressed than breaking an arm. It can hit anyone almost anytime.

These days I manage my symptoms very well, but only if I recognize them. They can sneak up and be causing me grief before I realize I am having a bad time. It is likely people on this forum, reading this thread, will be suffering symptoms and not really see it as being much more than moody or a bit down.

Comedy moment but when things were at their worst I had what I called the 'Coldplay test'. Back in about 2006, if I got emotional and weepy at a Coldplay song I knew I was suffering a bit of an episode and to take the necessary steps. If on the other hand I wanted to throw things when Coldplay or Athlete were on, I knew I was in good mental health. biggrin.gif

Just noticed this post now. Thanks for the response! As I don't know anyone here personally it doesn't bother me that people will know what I suffer, to P&B I am merely uni the Aberdeen fan.

As for the Coldplay test I have my own, the R.E.M test! (No disrespect to them, decent band) but when their songs mean more to me when I'm going through a bad time! It is a good indicator! :lol:

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I wonder how much depression and mental illness is linked to alcohol abuse.

I was thinking about this the other day and just about everything bad that's happened to me, almost everything I've done that I regret and most major arguments I've had with my family or wife/girlfriend have been related to me drinking huge ammounts of alcohol :unsure: I don't think I've got depression or alcoholism but it must be a factor in people that do.

Edit: I really meant exacerbated by alcohol use/abuse.

Edited by ICTChris
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I wonder how much depression and mental illness is linked to alcohol abuse.

I was thinking about this the other day and just about everything bad that's happened to me, almost everything I've done that I regret and most major arguments I've had with my family or wife/girlfriend have been related to me drinking huge ammounts of alcohol :unsure: I don't think I've got depression or alcoholism but it must be a factor in people that do.

Edit: I really meant exacerbated by alcohol use/abuse.

A whole load of the folk languishing in psychiatric wards are in there because they have fried themselves on alcohol or some other drug. Not all of them of course, but a significant number. You will see a significant number of alcoholics in there attempting to dry out, and folk that have fucked theiur heads from drug taking in general.

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It's a bit of what comes first, the MH problem or the drugs in my world. They normally pair up at some stage though.

I'm having to deal with folk taking legal highs just now and if anything they are way worse than actual illegal drugs for mood swings, paranoia etc....

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It's a bit of what comes first, the MH problem or the drugs in my world. They normally pair up at some stage though.

I'm having to deal with folk taking legal highs just now and if anything they are way worse than actual illegal drugs for mood swings, paranoia etc....

Yeah. I think some folk are definitely more vulnerable to these things. Alcohol or whatever lifestyle they go for probably accelerates things or makes them worse.

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I wonder how much depression and mental illness is linked to alcohol abuse.

I was thinking about this the other day and just about everything bad that's happened to me, almost everything I've done that I regret and most major arguments I've had with my family or wife/girlfriend have been related to me drinking huge ammounts of alcohol :unsure: I don't think I've got depression or alcoholism but it must be a factor in people that do.

Edit: I really meant exacerbated by alcohol use/abuse.

Certainly very important in my case. I have recently started counselling sessions and it's been clear from minute one that my alcohol use, although by no means extravagant compared to some, was a bit of self-medication I could use to ignore the awkward issues I wasn't confident enough to face up to. The 'nastier' or more protracted the issue the more I drink. And the cycle begins....

Edited by The Old Northerner
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I too currently suffer from depression. I had i in my mid to late teens and thought i had beaten it, but i guess it was just lying dorment. Hit back big time last year and i first i was in denial about it. Eventually i admitted to myself that i was suffering from it again and went to see my GP and i am currently being treated for it. Even though they are lots of judgemental people out there, when it comes to depression, I'm not afraid to admit that i have it. Why should i? It doesn't make me a diffrent person does it? Despite all the judgement, i would never wish it upon anyone.

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I've suffered from it in the past, whilst younger. I was very badly bullied at school and hated getting up each morning. Genuinely just wanted to lay in my bed all day. Thankfully leaving school was a catalyst for a big change in my life and I've been moderately fine since.

My wife (who also has adult ADHD) has suffered badly from depression in the past and it's utterly heartbreaking. Not only do GPs not have a clue how to deal with someone with depression, they have no idea whatsoever how to help someone who lives with someone with depression.

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Reading through this entire thread up to here has helped me to understand why there are so many maniacal posts on internet message boards. ph34r.gif No offence intended to any P&B members as i'm referring to the whole internet not P&B. smile.gif

hahaha yes probably right!

The problem with the internet is you don't know if people are having a laugh? On the Wind Up? Or sarcastic!

Depression is not good, many people suffer from anxiety and not depression. 2 different problems which can both be fixed.

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I've suffered from it in the past, whilst younger. I was very badly bullied at school and hated getting up each morning. Genuinely just wanted to lay in my bed all day. Thankfully leaving school was a catalyst for a big change in my life and I've been moderately fine since.

My wife (who also has adult ADHD) has suffered badly from depression in the past and it's utterly heartbreaking. Not only do GPs not have a clue how to deal with someone with depression, they have no idea whatsoever how to help someone who lives with someone with depression.

Christ mate, sorry to hear that. My wife has been off work for over 6 months with stress and anxiety, it's been a nightmare to live with but we've got through it. She eventually had to go on beta blockers.

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hahaha yes probably right!

The problem with the internet is you don't know if people are having a laugh? On the Wind Up? Or sarcastic!

Depression is not good, many people suffer from anxiety and not depression. 2 different problems which can both be fixed.

Very true, it's so easy for words to be taken out of context and sentences completely misunderstood on online forums and message boards. And i agree totally with you on the bottom line too. smile.gif

The ups and downs of life are very hard for most people, some more so than others, and even harder for those who suffer from such things as anxiety or depression. Threads such as this one are good as they let those prone to such things know that they are never alone.

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Deep breath, I've never actually told anyone about my condition except my immediate family.

I've been recently diagnosed with depression. Its absolutely crippling and for weeks on end I don't leave my room (I'm a student and live in a flatshare). My studies this year have taken an absolute dive, I don't go to university.

I've decided to take a break from uni this year and move back in with my parents to try and get myself back on my feet. It's a huge step, but hopefully a positive one.

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Deep breath, I've never actually told anyone about my condition except my immediate family.

I've been recently diagnosed with depression. Its absolutely crippling and for weeks on end I don't leave my room (I'm a student and live in a flatshare). My studies this year have taken an absolute dive, I don't go to university.

I've decided to take a break from uni this year and move back in with my parents to try and get myself back on my feet. It's a huge step, but hopefully a positive one.

Hope you're getting some help with that, mate - don't be shy in asking.

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Hope you're getting some help with that, mate - don't be shy in asking.

Cheers mate, I've been for some counselling through my university, been to see the GP too.

Its good to talk to someone relatively anonymously. Had to tell my flatmates I'm moving out which they're a bit miffed at but f**k them, I need to look after myself.

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A lot of people who claim to be depressed are just moaning c***s, ones who stick things about it on fb are the actual worst! Sometimes I wonder where all the men went!

They kill themselves after years of bottling things up, too scared to talk about what they're dealing with for fear of being labelled a moaning c**t.

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A lot of people who claim to be depressed are just moaning c***s, ones who stick things about it on fb are the actual worst! Sometimes I wonder where all the men went!

Well, there's the most apt username since The Troll.

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Maybe we should have pub crawl with all us depressives. We can watch as we slowly get more depressed with each drink. A fun night for all!

That might be a better idea than you think. It would be an uplifting experience sharing some time with strange people off the internet. After we did the Dundee thing I was a lot happier with myself once I realised what a inferior bunch people the Dundee supporters are. :lol:

So long as you keep moaning faced c*nts like myself (and Dundeespud) away you'll have a great time.

Oh and don't invite Deeman.

Edited by Granny Danger
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