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Rather than packing in football, how about packing in playing for the team you're with? Find one you get more pitch time with, because the camaraderie and activity is likely to really help you.

You say that, but there's always a possibility someone might take a shit and throw it at you in the showers.

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Since last posting on this thread a few months back have had a few ups and downs.

Plus side is that I've increased fitness and almost stopped drinking or feeling that I must get drunk if I do.

Negative is the work side, due to cutbacks they got rid of temps, who were pretty essential, and the already stressed and obnoxious workers who were struggling to cope and hid away have been exposed and either resort to grassing up workmates or slagging people off and making others feel bad.

As I'm quite quiet and just want to come in and try and do my job I can get targeted, its a real shame as having experienced this in my last workplace I know its not personal and shows them up for the incompetents that they are.

It does seem that the more outspoken and hopeless you are the better you get on as the management have no idea what goes on and pretty much encourage informers and bad behaviour.

Sad thing is I know that its just the environment that is making them like this and that they are decent people who can't cope.

Just wish it would go back to the good environment it used to be and not having to face politics,bitchyness, backstabbing every day.

Since I joined four people have walked out and over a dozen got others jobs in a section of under fifty but management pretend that everything is fine.

Weird place.

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Since last posting on this thread a few months back have had a few ups and downs. Plus side is that I've increased fitness and almost stopped drinking or feeling that I must get drunk if I do. Negative is the work side, due to cutbacks they got rid of temps, who were pretty essential, and the already stressed and obnoxious workers who were struggling to cope and hid away have been exposed and either resort to grassing up workmates or slagging people off and making others feel bad. As I'm quite quiet and just want to come in and try and do my job I can get targeted, its a real shame as having experienced this in my last workplace I know its not personal and shows them up for the incompetents that they are. It does seem that the more outspoken and hopeless you are the better you get on as the management have no idea what goes on and pretty much encourage informers and bad behaviour. Sad thing is I know that its just the environment that is making them like this and that they are decent people who can't cope. Just wish it would go back to the good environment it used to be and not having to face politics,bitchyness, backstabbing every day. Since I joined four people have walked out and over a dozen got others jobs in a section of under fifty but management pretend that everything is fine. Weird place.

Good to hear the positives. I said after your post a few pages back that you should join me for beers before a Pars match. Still stands.

Anyone see Rob Brydon's "joke" about Stephen Fry at the GQ Awards?!

Stank the fcuking place out!

I had to google it. I can see how it could offend, but I also laughed at it. I imagine that he would have asked Fry if it was ok first, and since Fry seemingly laughed at it, can only assume it was alright. Many times I've laughed at myself for some of the shit I've done and thought.

Anyway, this will definitely sound strange to some people, but last night I had a dream in which I ran. I have had dreams for year where I've tried to run and I couldn't, as well as dreams where I've tried to run then fly, knowing that I could fly but just was unable to. I was often able to get a couple of meters off the ground, but that was it. These two dreams usually took place in the exact same areas. The significance of my dream last night was that I was able to run in my dream for the first time in, literally, years. I remember feeling absolutely delighted about it in my dream, and I woke up pretty happy about it. I think that sorting a lot of things in my life has helped, and finally having a plan and focus for the first time since leaving high school in 2002 has helped.

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Yes, thanks.

Just too much over the last couple of months, but I know the signs to watch for and I'll get by. Just a shitey day. they happen

If you're a Raiders fan I doubt the next 4 months are gonna be a barrel of laughs either! :P

Nah, seriously, hope you're feeling better soon.

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As I've said before I have Bipolar. This week has been a real struggle. Even thought about signing myself in for a bit. I will get through it but it's fucking hard.

By 'signing myself in' you mean self-certifying at work?

Just out of curiosity, are your work aware of your Bipolar? If you made them aware during the interview process and they subsequently offered you the post, then they're obliged to record any absence due to that particular illness separately from those due to common illness, colds, etc.

If this is the case then don't be afraid to sign yourself off if it's that bad. Your employer can't add it to other absences then use it to threaten you. MY CPN takes the attitude that when I feel shit I should force myself to get up and do 'normal' things. I don't think they quite grasp that a huge part of the reason I feel shit is because I feel totally incapable of doing normal things. It's like telling someone who is bleeding to death to just stop bleeding.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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Is it ever ok to bottle up stuff? Everyone always says not to bottle up stuff and it will all come out eventually and much better once spoke about etc.

Could you be more specific? I mean the short answer is yes, 'ever' is a strong word so there are obviously times when it's appropriate to bottle things up, but usually dealing with it directly is better. But it's impossible to say which is the better course without knowing what the situation is.

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Is it ever ok to bottle up stuff? Everyone always says not to bottle up stuff and it will all come out eventually and much better once spoke about etc.

That's a big part of my problem, i know it's coming and can't help myself when the meltdown arrives, and it's bottling stuff up that does it, which ultimately see's me hit a month long downer and when i say downer i mean just being a total dick and shutting myself off and being horrible to everyone, it's really not a great thing to do but it's difficult when it's what your used to doing!!

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Bottling stuff up leads to all sorts of problems and I know it from personal experience.

Nah it's fine, bottling it all up is a great idea as it avoids any confrontation at the time. If you're really lucky then the day it all comes out will be a day you're being annoyed by a total tosser

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