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I'm quite a social person, but at every new year party I've been too I've always felt alone. I tend to just sit in my own little bubble, regardless if people talk to me or not.

I couldn't tell you why I feel like that.

Also, I also feel acutely aware of those who are properly alone on New years/Hogmanay. The homeless, the widowed, or those who genuinely have not very many friends. I feel so bad for them, because it's the one day of the year where the majority of people have at least someone to spend time with; society almost expects it. It makes me feel guilty for not appreciating having people to spend time with.

It's all very melancholic for me.

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My grandparents tend to not bother having people around for Hogmanay, and they usually have a couple around for new years day itself, but my friends at uni are all going back to where they live to celebrate it, so it's looking likely I'll be on my tod for new year/Hogmanay.

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My first contribution to this thread.

For a while last year I thought I was maybe suffering a little bit of depression. I put this down to the fact I was not working and under a lot of pressure financially.

Lately however it seems to have come back with a bang. Despite things being fine financially, domestically and my life seeming to be running smoothly I feel so utterly flat and, well depressed. Been having some pretty awful bouts of anger, not directed towards anyone thankfully but pretty punching doors and chucking things as well. Completely out of character for me.

Will maybe have to speak to someone about this as I will admit to feeling extremely low last night. Wife was working night shift, I was sitting having a whiskey on my own were a few horrible thoughts crossed my mind. Do not think I ever could top myself but even thinking about it makes me worry.

Writing has actually made me feel better.

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I'm quite a social person, but at every new year party I've been too I've always felt alone. I tend to just sit in my own little bubble, regardless if people talk to me or not.

I couldn't tell you why I feel like that.

Also, I also feel acutely aware of those who are properly alone on New years/Hogmanay. The homeless, the widowed, or those who genuinely have not very many friends. I feel so bad for them, because it's the one day of the year where the majority of people have at least someone to spend time with; society almost expects it. It makes me feel guilty for not appreciating having people to spend time with.

It's all very melancholic for me.

I don't celebrate new years, never seen the need to celebrate changing a calendar. Just another day for me

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My grandparents tend to not bother having people around for Hogmanay, and they usually have a couple around for new years day itself, but my friends at uni are all going back to where they live to celebrate it, so it's looking likely I'll be on my tod for new year/Hogmanay.

Hey man, I feel you here. My mates are all back in their respective home cities for the christmas holidays(I never got on with anyone from my hometown) and unless the guys from work are up for going to the pub, then I'll be bringing in the new year with my family. Now nothing against my family, but at my age it's not who you're wanting to spend hogmanay in the house with, especially when all the other cousins that are of a similar age to me are off doing their own thing.

I'm hoping work are up for doing something and don't have their own plans.

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I don't like NYE, feels like too much pressure to enjoy yourself for a night that's always over hyped, rammed at any event and expensive. Planning to just spend Boxing Day and a few of the days after Christmas taking in a few nights at Rooms and maybe Sub Club then spend NYE and the 1st with my family.

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Having read this thread back a little, I can not believe I am on here whinging while raidernation, who has a valid and genuine reason for being depressed,  is battling a tragic loss.


Sorry bud and hope you get the support you need.

Don't compare yourself to others' situations. Depression is an illness, you could be in the best place possible, achieving all your goals, doing everything that should make you happy, and be depressed. Don't just get on with it because someone else has it worse. This is a place to get support, no matter how trivial the matter might seem to you.

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tonight I have just had the worst night ever. My wee cousin has just been took in to hospital and it has kicked me right in to feeling like shit. I havnt seen my kids since halloween and i miss them like anything. I may have my parents on my side but its not the same I had a family night an realsied how much they are there for me but just now my wee cousin is in hospital with a broken leg and its causing me to pour my heart out.

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My first contribution to this thread.

For a while last year I thought I was maybe suffering a little bit of depression. I put this down to the fact I was not working and under a lot of pressure financially.

Lately however it seems to have come back with a bang. Despite things being fine financially, domestically and my life seeming to be running smoothly I feel so utterly flat and, well depressed. Been having some pretty awful bouts of anger, not directed towards anyone thankfully but pretty punching doors and chucking things as well. Completely out of character for me.

Will maybe have to speak to someone about this as I will admit to feeling extremely low last night. Wife was working night shift, I was sitting having a whiskey on my own were a few horrible thoughts crossed my mind. Do not think I ever could top myself but even thinking about it makes me worry.

Writing has actually made me feel better.

Each person experiences the the world in their own way. You cannot compare yourself to others because you only have your own life to judge. The whole point of a thread like this is to express how common these feelings are. Dont judge yourself as "unworthy" of feeling the emotions you feel. There is always someone worse than any of us yet we all have our own feelings.

I would strongly recommend going to your GP and talking about your feelings.

But always feel welcome to express yourself here. No matter how trivial it seems to you, The only life you lead is your own,

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Hey man, I feel you here. My mates are all back in their respective home cities for the christmas holidays(I never got on with anyone from my hometown) and unless the guys from work are up for going to the pub, then I'll be bringing in the new year with my family. Now nothing against my family, but at my age it's not who you're wanting to spend hogmanay in the house with, especially when all the other cousins that are of a similar age to me are off doing their own thing.



I'm hoping work are up for doing something and don't have their own plans.

I feel your pain. I stay in a place now that I have no friends really. It means I don't really have anyone to go to pub with and stuff. I've not seen my friends for ages.

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Inner or outer Fife Circle ?

ETA: In all seriousness I realise that 28th is a wee bit short notice and Dundee may pose a problem for a few folk distance wise, we could maybe get something arranged in January that's beneficial for all given that a lot of people will be on exam leave etc. and could probably be needing to de-stress

Inner Fife? ;)

Would be up for this. Go out for a few drinks. We should do this in the summer when the World Cup is on :)

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I've never been on a proper night out at New Years. I don't really care. I've been to a few house parties but it was just a normal party but with Only an Excuse on in the background and people shouting when the clock strikes midnight. I worked last year and I'm thinking about working this year too.

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Our hospital uses the BDI, GP's generally use the PHQ-9. There are others.

These can be hard to get a hold of as they tend to be copyrighted.

I took this test online and came up 'Very High' for one of the options - http://www.depressedtest.com/

Is that test a load of balls? :unsure2:

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