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Been feeling so down these past 2 weeks. Everything which i thought had back is now gone again and i'm honestly lost what to do anymore. :(

When you feel low its very hard to rise above the gloom, I know exactly how you feel. Fathers Day has been another horrible thing for me to get through. Has there been any particular cause for your low feeling lately?

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When you feel low its very hard to rise above the gloom, I know exactly how you feel. Fathers Day has been another horrible thing for me to get through. Has there been any particular cause for your low feeling lately?

Bad break-up 2 weeks ago, taking out all my anger on my mates and losing them as a result. Causing so much crap between everyone i know. I'm back to 0% confidence, i'm just back to feeling utter shite. The way i'm going i'm gonna lose everyone i know :(.

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Bad break-up 2 weeks ago, taking out all my anger on my mates and losing them as a result. Causing so much crap between everyone i know. I'm back to 0% confidence, i'm just back to feeling utter shite. The way i'm going i'm gonna lose everyone i know :(.

My depression has been caused by a traumatic break-up as well and I've had similar issues as yourself. I wont try and paint myself as having all the answers as I think everybody is different inside and we all have different ways of dealing with things and coping with our hurt. But talking is important. Have you tried to share how you're feeling, and where your head currently is with your friends and family? Maybe if you could they would perhaps have a better understanding of your current state of mind. I'm sure helping you is all any of them really want.

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My depression has been caused by a traumatic break-up as well and I've had similar issues as yourself. I wont try and paint myself as having all the answers as I think everybody is different inside and we all have different ways of dealing with things and coping with our hurt. But talking is important. Have you tried to share how you're feeling, and where your head currently is with your friends and family? Maybe if you could they would perhaps have a better understanding of your current state of mind. I'm sure helping you is all any of them really want.

Only really to spoke to about 4 people i really trust at the moment how i'm feeling and i couldn't thank them enough for sitting and listening to me these past 2 weeks. I'm trying to move on so badly but it's just hard as i deeply cared about this girl only for her to destroy my confidence.

Basically it's gonna take me a long time to get my confidence back etc.

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Only really to spoke to about 4 people i really trust at the moment how i'm feeling and i couldn't thank them enough for sitting and listening to me these past 2 weeks. I'm trying to move on so badly but it's just hard as i deeply cared about this girl only for her to destroy my confidence.

Basically it's gonna take me a long time to get my confidence back etc.

I was destroyed as well mate, I felt as though there was nothing left of ME, I'd been manipulated and controlled for so long. But like you I loved my partner, and its taking me a long time to deal with my issues.

I've found talking to be my greatest help, with family and close friends. I'm sure I'll have covered the same ground many a time in these conversations, but its important to remember that these people care about you and will be glad to lend an ear if it helps ease the burden on you.

Speaking to people and getting things off your chest, it helps you to work through things in your mind. My journeys not complete but I'm in far better than I was when the break-up happened, I was destroyed and had no confidence in myself to turn it round. But I feel I'm starting to. And my greatest aid has simply been to talk, getting things out and working through them.

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Bad break-up 2 weeks ago, taking out all my anger on my mates and losing them as a result. Causing so much crap between everyone i know. I'm back to 0% confidence, i'm just back to feeling utter shite. The way i'm going i'm gonna lose everyone i know :(.

Send them a wee card with an apology, explaining you're having a tough time. If they're any mates at all, they'll understand.

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Anyone tried working with CBT/DBT books on their own for anxiety and depression?

Just looking around amazon/library and there are tons! Would love some recommendations.

Need some help towards insomnia too, as I'm trying to stray from these anti-anxiety meds that I've relied on thus far.

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Mother in law having one of her "family get togethers" today for Father's Day. All the usual family members there except the one who didn't get an invite. I feel pretty shit right now, not heped that I can't get anywhere to help with therapy for my mental issues (unless I want to front up $500 that I don't have) f**k THIS SHIT

On the plus side, you've managed to avoid a family get-together with the in-laws.

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I was destroyed as well mate, I felt as though there was nothing left of ME, I'd been manipulated and controlled for so long. But like you I loved my partner, and its taking me a long time to deal with my issues.

I've found talking to be my greatest help, with family and close friends. I'm sure I'll have covered the same ground many a time in these conversations, but its important to remember that these people care about you and will be glad to lend an ear if it helps ease the burden on you.

Speaking to people and getting things off your chest, it helps you to work through things in your mind. My journeys not complete but I'm in far better than I was when the break-up happened, I was destroyed and had no confidence in myself to turn it round. But I feel I'm starting to. And my greatest aid has simply been to talk, getting things out and working through them.

Sorry to hear that mate :(.

Today i started randomly crying to myself for no reason. I think it's mostly do with lot i'm going through etc. I'm not greeting about a bird before some smart-arse say's. There's many reasons i'm upset and i'm trying to find out myself what i'm upset about.

Basically i've got a long road ahead for me. I just want to get back to myself.

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Sorry to hear that mate :(.

Today i started randomly crying to myself for no reason. I think it's mostly do with lot i'm going through etc. I'm not greeting about a bird before some smart-arse say's. There's many reasons i'm upset and i'm trying to find out myself what i'm upset about.

Basically i've got a long road ahead for me. I just want to get back to myself.

Its the one year anniversary for me tomorrow of when I had to get away from Ireland, I'd broken down and paid €300 for a taxi to get me from Dublin to Belfast, I just needed to get on the boat and get back to Scotland.

At that time I would never have believed there was a way out from my anguish. I spent many days crying for hours on end. Even to picture my sons face in my mind caused me to lose control of my emotions. I couldn't imagine getting to a stage where I felt I was getting myself back, the real me. But I am making progress, I'm now starting to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. All I'm meaning is that I know where your mind is at mate, I was there myself only a few months back. But it will get better.

How have things been today with your friends?

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Its the one year anniversary for me tomorrow of when I had to get away from Ireland, I'd broken down and paid €300 for a taxi to get me from Dublin to Belfast, I just needed to get on the boat and get back to Scotland.

At that time I would never have believed there was a way out from my anguish. I spent many days crying for hours on end. Even to picture my sons face in my mind caused me to lose control of my emotions. I couldn't imagine getting to a stage where I felt I was getting myself back, the real me. But I am making progress, I'm now starting to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. All I'm meaning is that I know where your mind is at mate, I was there myself only a few months back. But it will get better.

How have things been today with your friends?

That's shite to hear mate.

Been better. Told them what's happened with me today and they've been really helpful. Still feeling down.

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That's shite to hear mate.

Been better. Told them what's happened with me today and they've been really helpful. Still feeling down.

Have you considered counselling at all? I've been seeing one for the past 7-8 months and its been a great help to me. The guy I've seen has helped me go from the wreck I was to the guy I am now, one whos still having bad days but is also having more regular good days.

I'd highly recommend it. Just to get a professionals opinion on your issues, they seem to have a way of helping you sort out your issues by making you see things in order.

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Have you considered counselling at all? I've been seeing one for the past 7-8 months and its been a great help to me. The guy I've seen has helped me go from the wreck I was to the guy I am now, one whos still having bad days but is also having more regular good days.

I'd highly recommend it. Just to get a professionals opinion on your issues, they seem to have a way of helping you sort out your issues by making you see things in order.

That was talked about a year ago after i've been to see my gp. Could have phoned up and got help but didn't bother. Need to do something though. Because i just can't be like this for any longer as it's destroying me.

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That was talked about a year ago after i've been to see my gp. Could have phoned up and got help but didn't bother. Need to do something though. Because i just can't be like this for any longer as it's destroying me.

Give it a go, its definitely an option thats worth exploring. Theres charities also that specialise in these things where it doesn't have to cost you a fortune either. Thats been of great benefit to me.

Just to be in an environment where you're one on one and you get all your thoughts, worries and tears out is a comforting feeling.

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Give it a go, its definitely an option thats worth exploring. Theres charities also that specialise in these things where it doesn't have to cost you a fortune either. Thats been of great benefit to me.

Just to be in an environment where you're one on one and you get all your thoughts, worries and tears out is a comforting feeling.

I've spoken to samaritans a few times through e-mails. But i'd much rather have a face to face conversation instead. Gonna look at options online just now since i can't sleep.

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Well a few days have past and i'm still feeling like this. Explained and opened up everything that's wrong with me to my mates tonight face to face only for them to ignore me and speak about something else. Really close to giving up.


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Don't give up. You never know, maybe even one of your friends would talk about it but they feel embarrassed doing so in front of others?

Apart from that, keep exploring options through your doc or online or anywhere. Feel free to pm me if you think it'll help.

I was lucky, after Mrs. RN #2died NHS Highland arranged counseling for me which helped a great deal. Not so lucky here in the US as my work currently doesn't have health coverage and the cost is prohibitive.

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Sleep has gone to shit in recent weeks and it's affected my attempts to get back to work properly. Culminated in a meeting which didn't go well and I went a bit off the deep end in panic. Had to spend a few days up at my folks and doctor has doubled my citalopram dose.

Everything I do at the moment to try to be productive or to minimise negative thoughts just feels like a concerted act of avoidance. I feel really lonely at times.

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