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Good luck getting an acute bed. I was admitted 8 weeks ago and when the decision was made there were no beds in west of Scotland or Edinburgh. I was told to prepare myself to be transported to fife or Aberdeen. Dire state of affairs. Thankfully someone was discharged from Levrendale.

Was in for nearly two weeks and I'm slowly getting into better place.

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I was told to prepare myself to be transported to fife or Aberdeen. Dire state of affairs.

They're meant to be looking after your mental health, not actively trying to wreck it. Mind you, in Fife they probably still call a priest to exorcise demons from anyone presenting mental health issues.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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I bottle stuff all the time and have done for many years now. Its my way of coping - just shove it to the back of my mind and bottle it up. Wonder if it will all come out one day. Seems to be doing ok for me so will stick with it at moment

What 'stuff' are you actually talking about?

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I bottled something up for 10 years and it came out around 6 weeks ago. I have basically lost everything I had worked for because of my actions on one night where I was out of control. Different for everyone I suppose but I always thought it would never come out. I now have to start again and face up to my actions and behaviour, In the space of an hour I lost 10 years of hard work.

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Good luck getting an acute bed. I was admitted 8 weeks ago and when the decision was made there were no beds in west of Scotland or Edinburgh. I was told to prepare myself to be transported to fife or Aberdeen. Dire state of affairs. Thankfully someone was discharged from Levrendale.

Was in for nearly two weeks and I'm slowly getting into better place.

I'm in Australia and I have to say the care over here is first class. No problem at all getting a bed. Or help. Hope you feel better soon mate.

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One thing I'd definitely say that is often overlooked is getting yourself into a good routine of going to bed and getting up in the morning.

I can definitely feel my mood worsening when I end up sitting up at night and sleeping in late the next day and it throws everything out of kilter.

Obviously not going to cure you if you get to bed at 12am and get up at 7.30am every morning but in my experience it does have a positive effect. Sometimes have to really force yourself up when you're not feeling good but it's worth it.

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One thing I'd definitely say that is often overlooked is getting yourself into a good routine of going to bed and getting up in the morning.


I can definitely feel my mood worsening when I end up sitting up at night and sleeping in late the next day and it throws everything out of kilter.


Obviously not going to cure you if you get to bed at 12am and get up at 7.30am every morning but in my experience it does have a positive effect. Sometimes have to really force yourself up when you're not feeling good but it's worth it.

Absolutely. What's key for regulating my moods beside medication is keeping busy and obviously having a solid routine is vital for this. Getting up and sleeping early isn't vital for me, but I can't stay in the house all day doing f**k all.

Being off for uni has been torture, with most of my mates away home for the duration, and jogging and exercise can only keep you entertained for so long, as can the missus.

But absolutely, a routine is paramount to keeping stable.

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Is it ever ok to bottle up stuff? Everyone always says not to bottle up stuff and it will all come out eventually and much better once spoke about etc.

I would say it is a high risk strategy. Read up on getting someone to talk too (therapy), it will make most situations better, and when you feel ready feel encouraged (but not expected) to take the step.

If you know the option is there, then when you feel ready, you will take it.

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I recommend to anyone who suffers from depression or any like wise disorder to keep a mood chart. That way you can see if there is anything that triggers you. Like weather, work, etc, etc.. This is a good site to download the charts. http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/docs/MoodChartforDepressionandhowtomonitoryourprogress.pdf

And its main site is great as well. http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/index.cfm

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Everyone I know who claims to suffer from depression either drinks too much, smokes too much or generally lives a poor life style and wonders why they are not happy. A healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise and a positive attitude can do a hole lot of good but some people would rather just mope around and do nothing but feel sorry for themselves

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Everyone I know who claims to suffer from depression either drinks too much, smokes too much or generally lives a poor life style and wonders why they are not happy. A healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise and a positive attitude can do a hole lot of good but some people would rather just mope around and do nothing but feel sorry for themselves

Thanks for that, Doc.

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