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Sons' sorrow

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The other thing I should say is that, as much I really really can't be arsed with this, I bet the players' group chat is red hot tonight.

It'll be a game they'll be buzzing for. And they deserve that after yesterday's performance. Hopefully it gets them all performing in the weeks leading up to it to make sure they get a place in the lineup.

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1 hour ago, microdave said:

The attendance was 11k and the atmosphere was dead inside a ground that held over 70k at the time. I think the capacity at Boghead was around 6k then and I thought it would've been better just playing it there. I also vowed that I wouldn't go to any game switched from our place again. It's never happened so my resolve has never been tested but I'd like to think I'd stand my ground. 

There's also a fair chance I'll give this a miss anyway. Cannot be bothered with road closures and the mutants that call themselves football fans. Even their Dumbarton loyal flags sicken me.

I refused to go to Hampden, but I'd be a bit more relaxed about a switch this time.  Like others on here, I'd rather give Old Firm fixtures a bodyswerve and with it the unlikeable aspects they bring to The Rock.  The club is also really strapped for cash and and whilst there's a principled argument on retaining home advantage, the more pragmatic option might be to switch and maximise the revenue and avoid a visit from the pyromaniac legions. 

Like yourself @microdave I think there's a good chance quite a number of Sons fans may pass on this one.

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45 minutes ago, George Parr said:

Setting aside the cup distraction for a moment -  that's a massive couple of league games coming up. Assume the squad are on a high and right up for it.

Despite the time of year, hopefully we see a decent turnout of Sons fans at both.

Very big two games. That said, it'll be a tough December all round. Forfar were a real bogey team last season, and even though they're struggling, I think that'll be a tough trip. As for Stranraer away, we all know how hard that is.

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There's no reason to move it. Our ground is perfectly safe for a capacity crowd to watch football, games only get moved if police think it's required to control crowds and given we've already had the displeasure of hosting this mob before then I doubt the police will care. It would be good if we didn't sell swathes of home end tickets to clear Rangers Supporter groups like we did last time but I'll probably give it a miss in any case.

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4 minutes ago, Sonsrock said:

I’ll probably buy the ticket for my season ticket seat and not go.

Club get my money, no stranger from out of town using a local pal’s address gets my seat 

Excellent plan. 

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I now kinda regret hoping we'd get them. Remembering how unpleasant it was last time we played them at the rock, when I was there. It was about 6-0 and there were loads of them in our end. A massive block of them sat at the far end. We must have literally just dished a hundred tickets to one of their supporters club. I don't trust the club in any way to police it effectively this time, either. Plus, as someone mentioned, that Dumbarton Loyal flag still gives me nightmares.

Edited by FifeSons
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