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Thatcher deid

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Guess that makes me a moron. I'll ask again though, why should I care about something and someone who dropped out of relevance over a decade ago?

I wasn't brought up with Thatcher in power, you don't get taught about it school and I've never had any interest in politics. She's never been mentioned in any aspect of my life until now as she's never been relevant. Why should I read up and have an opinion on somebody I've no interest in?

The results of her policies are still visible over numerous parts of Scotland and still affects thousands of families.

Then again, the war with the Argies over the Falkland Islands is an irrelevance now, isn't it? :rolleyes:

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Yeah there's a library up the road. I could Google it yes, but I simply can't be bothered as I've no interest in learning about it. She's dead, and everything she done was before I was born. Why should I care?

She put a huge increase on agricultural diesel plus a punitive tax on wool.

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I don't really have an opinion either way, but can someone in the know confirm that the mines and the steelworks were haemorrhaging in the region of £1m a day and that's why they were closed?

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The results of her policies are still visible over numerous parts of Scotland and still affects thousands of families.

Then again, the war with the Argies over the Falkland Islands is an irrelevance now, isn't it? :rolleyes:

In what way? And I've no idea, who rules the Falklands hasn't particularly affected my life I suspect

In order to avoid becoming a moron. You have failed.

Ah right, conclusive proof you can't explain why I should care, well played you excellent troll you

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just wondering. if i could post on the effects that thatcher had on communities with junior football teams,on this forum.

because it has been deemed that some some posters on the junior forum think this is the place.

its under why was bertiebots thread removed.

Edited by lithgierose
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She put a huge increase on agricultural diesel plus a punitive tax on wool.

She was also the first Prime Minister to get into office by playing paper-scissors-stone when the 1979 general election went to a tie break and she beat James Callaghan. She went for paper, he went for stone.

Well, RandomGuy's not going to know any different is he?

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Got loads of books on Thatcher. If I ever get burgled they'll think I fucking love her. John Sargeant's one is alright, Andrew Marr's History of Modern Britain as well.

The great thing is that even though these books are written by her admirers they can't disguise the fact that she was a moron and nearly all her policies backfired except the one about severely weakening the power of the working class, and her economic savvy was non-existent. She also (in typical Tory style) talked a lot about standing up to Europe and then did everything they said.

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I don't really have an opinion either way, but can someone in the know confirm that the mines and the steelworks were haemorrhaging in the region of £1m a day and that's why they were closed?

Aye the steel industry that had investors lining up to double production as an oil company had put in an order to build rigs on the clyde but when thatchers government asked them to move the building of the rigs to yards in the south and the company refused they "lost" there license to work in the north sea and pulled the building to asia, as i said earlier the "revisionists" are out in force,fully expect herr reynard to be drooling over"flooding" in the pits and strikes" if he has recovered

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I notice there was no minutes silence at tonights manchester derby. I wonder why?

I think the ceremonial funeral with full military honours is out of keeping with public opinion.

Anyone else granted the same type of honour would surely have been recognised at one of the biggest games in Britain this season on the very day of her death.

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