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Thatcher deid

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She did undoutedly damage the working classes by closing down old industries but she also greatly enriched many of them giving them right to buy council housing. Let's not paint Thatch as a one way street with the working class. I'm not a massive fan but a lot of froth directed at her is hypocritical and I'd sooner take Thatch than Derek Hatton, Sheridan or any other champagne socialist.

Or steal (considering the prices paid)? They weren't hers to sell.

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That's right, because to recommend not reducing oneself to basest levels is obviously to support the Conservatives.

Aye, that's clearly what's happening here. And with most posters, I'd actually give the benefit of the doubt. Yourself included actually. Ad Lib? Nope.

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Aye, that's clearly what's happening here. And with most posters, I'd actually give the benefit of the doubt. Yourself included actually. Ad Lib? Nope.

Thanks, I think... :unsure2:

I'm pretty sure Ad Lib is a "real" Lib Dem, he's got a yellow tie and everything.

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Can I just show my complete lack of surprise at Ad Lib white knighting for Thatcher?

Lib Dem my fucking arse.

White knighting? Not at all. She had many flaws and people are right to criticise them. Not least things like s28 and penal policy.

That's right, because to recommend not reducing oneself to basest levels is obviously to support the Conservatives


Aye, that's clearly what's happening here. And with most posters, I'd actually give the benefit of the doubt. Yourself included actually. Ad Lib? Nope.

You can be critical and respectful at the same time. That's the decent society I want. Refusing to cater to the lowest common denominator does not mean I am defending her record or saying that people's grievances at her adminsitration are illegtimate.

Thanks, I think... :unsure2:

I'm pretty sure Ad Lib is a "real" Lib Dem, he's got a yellow tie and everything.

I actually own a yellow tie...

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Even in death she mocks us, whit no state funeral, and I was looking forward to a paid day off. Bang goes the extra holiday.

Kudos to Alexei Sayle for refusing to say anything nice about her. Is there anything more hypocritical than crying crocodile tears over someone just because they are broon bread, when you couldn't find anything nice to say about them when they were alive.

Think The Stranglers got the song title wrong with this one, (Not) Everyone loves you when you're dead.

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Osbourne has just come out with statement that all Alcoholic drinks in Scotland will all have a 1 pound excess charge on them for the next week with imitate effect. This will clear the national debt.

Edited by SlipperyP
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Even in death she mocks us, whit no state funeral, and I was looking forward to a paid day off. Bang goes the extra holiday.

Kudos to Alexei Sayle for refusing to say anything nice about her. Is there anything more hypocritical than crying crocodile tears over someone just because they are broon bread, when you couldn't find anything nice to say about them when they were alive.

Think The Stranglers got the song title wrong with this one, (Not) Everyone loves you when you're dead.

Lord, the battles that took place in that band when Paul Roberts and John Ellis joined & JJ & Jet discovered the hard way neither were Thatcher fans!

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Even in death she mocks us, whit no state funeral, and I was looking forward to a paid day off. Bang goes the extra holiday.

Kudos to Alexei Sayle for refusing to say anything nice about her. Is there anything more hypocritical than crying crocodile tears over someone just because they are broon bread, when you couldn't find anything nice to say about them when they were alive.

Think The Stranglers got the song title wrong with this one, (Not) Everyone loves you when you're dead.

The Stranglers song is massive in irony - correct title really.....and awesome band :P

As for the societal disease of saying only nice things about dead folk - crock of shit. Politically correct fawning and cross-party platitudes expose careerist politicians for the weaselly hand wringers that they are.

Ardbeg 14 year old anyone ? :thumsup2

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Can I just show my complete lack of surprise at Ad Lib white knighting for Thatcher?

Lib Dem my fucking arse.

ad lib's journey across the political spectrum over the past couple of years has been wondrous to behold.

he'll be making tea and sandwiches for michael gove before the end of 2014.

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You can criticise Thatcher and her policies without being a total c**t about it though. You can "not mourn" people without being a tasteless disrespectful twat of a human being with gifs and grave dancing.

People talk of hating her for the inhumanity of her premiership. What kind of greater humanity does celebrating the death of an elderly woman afford? Surely we're better than that? Surely the best riposte to inhumanity is to behave like we'd expect the compassionate and caring society to do so.

Agree completely. Civilised society has to be careful of this kind of inhumanity. After all, she was actually democratically elected, doubtless by a bunch of people who were mostly fed up of Britain being 'the sick man of Europe' and crippled by union intransigence and constant strikes throughout the 70's. Hindsight is always perfect, but at the time Thatcher did what she had to do to drag the country up by the bootstraps, even if she went to the extremes of almost every policy and created a great deal of poverty and ruin.

I hated her when she was in power but subsequent PM's and politics anger me now, possibly even more. I'll not exactly be lighting a candle, but I don't see the need for celebration either.

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Can I just show my complete lack of surprise at Ad Lib white knighting for Thatcher?

Lib Dem my fucking arse.

Well he was 'Tory Boy' for a wee while, or some such moniker. The first cut is the deepest.

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