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Let's All Laugh At Celtic Thread

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Celtic blogger Phil does Celtic blogger things

“The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense. Reality never makes sense.”

Aldous Huxley.

Anyone who had put this Celtic season in a novel would have it immediately ripped out by any moderately competent book editor.

When the final whistle sounded yesterday, I had seen it before.

Indeed, I fully expected it.

The goal by the men from Perth was entirely expected, and the Celtic equaliser was, to say the least, unintended.

This season appears to be the same wake-up call over and over.

If the onfield failure is on a continuous loop, then so are the thoughts of the manager.

Neil Lennon’s post-match reflections are now a grisly spectacle.

His constant defenestration of the players in his squad isn’t a good look.

I suppose there is some basic job security if no one else currently wants the gig.

The world and her significant other know that a change of almost the entire management team is required.

Only the excellent Stevie Woods should survive the coming purge.

However, if the CEO remains in situ, then this shambolic saga will just be getting a new chapter rather than a  denouement.

It is undeniable that the startling decline of Celtic has happened on Mr Lawwell’s watch.

However, that is not the prime reason why Pedro’s tenure at Parkhead should be swiftly ended.

The events of 2012  presented an opportunity to usher in a new era of fairness and transparency in Scottish football.

Had Financial fair Play (FFP) been part of the Sevco deal then the current situation would not exist.

My settled view is that during those tumultuous summer months, Mr Lawwell never lost sight of the crucial importance of the Old Firm.

Now we are finally there.

Moreover, if the club formed in 2012 wins the SPFL  this season, then it will have done so with a  team that they cannot afford.

The Covid situation means that HMRC are being lenient with clubs and we know from the RIFC accounts that Ibrox club are in the hole to Hector for many millions.

However, that is only the part of the story as directors have thrown cash into the money pit to keep the show on the road.

Essentially Mr Gerrard has a squad that the club cannot afford.

Neil Lennon played in a Celtic side that up against a financially doped club at Ibrox.

So, we are here again, and the Celtic CEO has a part in that.

Indeed, the long struggle of the Resolution 12 lads all comes back to his door.

Moreover, it is an open secret in the football manager village that the situation at Parkhead is unusual.

Essentially the club operates with an untitled and unqualified director of football.

This is a crucial pathogen in this disastrous scenario that has unfolded this season.

There are other factors, the absence of Celtic fans seriously weakens the Hoops on the field.

Whereas Ibrox without their klanbase is a real help to the Sevco players.

For the avoidance of doubt, I fully understand them on that point.

It will be down to Celtic historians, of which there are several excellent ones, to carry out a full autopsy of how Ten In A Row was not achieved.

All we have at the moment is the first rough draft.

Back in 1994, I was part of an unruly ensemble that waited for the Bunnet and his wingman Brian Dempsey to come out and announce the result.

The latter got his 15 minutes of Celtic fame when he told us that the rebels had won.

We had.

These days such a prospect is mere message board fantasy.

Until now, Mr Desmond’s assessment of his CEO is that he is good for the bottom line.

He only broke with that view when he was personally abused at Hampden in April 2016.

An EPL level manager then guided the Scottish champions to an unparalleled era of domestic domination.

Of course, you know how it ended.

I stated at the start of this historic season that then the only thing that would stop Celtic is Celtic and so it has proved to be.

If my information is correct, then the relationship between the CEO and the main shareholder has effectively broken down.

Consequently, I’m sure that root and branch change will come at Celtic.

However, it will almost certainly be too late to save the dream of the Ten.

Now that is something that will not be washed away with a quip about Rory Bremner.

I think it is fair to say that I do not much care for Mr Lawwell’s brave new world

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47 minutes ago, GNU_Linux said:

Glorious, glorious reading. I was wondering how long it would take for Celtic fans to shift away from their 'Shoot the Board' mentality to one of 'Rangers have financially doped - we're the victims' and Phil has certainly got that ball rolling.

I'd also like to make a few more comments:

  1. He claims Rangers currently have a team which they cannot afford. Celtic are in the exact same position in the sense that the level of their operating costs will result in a loss without a marquee player sale or a Champions League windfall, as demonstrated by their most recent accounts.
  2. He claims Rangers currently owe HMRC millions. HMRC have allowed a deferral of tax payments, something which Celtic have also taken advantage of, as demonstrated by their most recent accounts. This does not fit his narrative however.
  3. Long may your hurt and anguish continue.
Edited by AJF
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2 hours ago, GNU_Linux said:

Are pretentious, over-written blogs a peculiarly Celtic thing? The worst offenders always seem to be anyway.

Are there any decently readable things about the current situation that (a) aren't drowning in the author's self-importance and (b) are light on tortured metaphors?

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2 minutes ago, Swello said:

Are pretentious, over-written blogs a peculiarly Celtic thing? The worst offenders always seem to be anyway.

Are there any decently readable things about the current situation that (a) aren't drowning in the author's self-importance and (b) are light on tortured metaphors?

I think the best illustration of what has happened on the pitch was actually a twitter thread by a guy who does stuff for 90 Minute Cynic. (WARNING: Contains xG)


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9 minutes ago, Swello said:

Are pretentious, over-written blogs a peculiarly Celtic thing? The worst offenders always seem to be anyway.

Are there any decently readable things about the current situation that (a) aren't drowning in the author's self-importance and (b) are light on tortured metaphors?

Had to stop reading when he claimed only Stevie Woods should survive the purge. Celtic have shite goalies and there is no clear improvement happening.

Or Woods is a long time source for Phil and he needs him to remain in place.

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2 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Had to stop reading when he claimed only Stevie Woods should survive the purge. Celtic have shite goalies and there is no clear improvement happening.

Or Woods is a long time source for Phil and he needs him to remain in place.

I did laugh at that and jumped to the same conclusion....

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Never underestimate the self-importance of someone who writes a football blog.



Of course, some scumbags will see this as some sort of victory – my departure from writing about Scottish football – and revel in the demise of Scotzine, but who really cares about the sad lil p***ks of this world who hide their identities to spout hatred against others while they waste their lives doing nothing else.

My life does not revolve around football, unlike some knuckledraggers. My life does not revolve around a website or social media, unlike some knuckledraggers.

My word.

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1 hour ago, G51 said:

Anyone know if Andy Muirhead has a twitter account these days? Miss laughing at the c*nt.

He has 2 or 3 attempts at Twitter every year and just ends up banned for spouting sectarian bile and just being an all round thick bigoted mutant.

IIRC his last Twitter account was emptied because he was pretending he had once been some hero fireman using a photo he stolen from someone else. 

Or something along those lines.

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