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Reasons to be Cheerful

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He told Barr that he wasn't allowed to build the stadium at Heathfield because the attached retail park to fund the stadium wasn't to be built because it would be bad for the town centre. 6 months later he approved an Asda with attached retail park on the site.

Basically, it's killed Ayr United..

You say that like it's a bad thing.

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Took my 92 year old Dad for a check up at the Cardiology Department today. He's got Alzheimers and is nearly deaf, so when the nurse told him in the crowded waiting room that she needed to check his weight and height he didn't know what was going on, and I shouted in his ear that they needed to measure him for his coffin. Cue laughter from staff and patients. Didn't think he heard properly. All went fine, and after we went for his ECG test. The technician made him lie down on a trolley and started sticking the things to his chest to check his heart out. Then he asked "Is this how you make me dead?". The technician was shocked and tried to reassure him. I felt awful. Then he turned his head to me and winked. The old fucker.

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Last shift done at work, home in the morning and off for three weeks.

Five days off coming up. On the downside I may need to start working Sunday am. Not happy

Finished work for the week then off to Manchester tomorrow for the bank holiday weekend. :thumsup2

Away to Ibiza tomorrow for a week. Flying at half 5 :thumbsup

God damn you all to hell!

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God damn you all to hell!

My sentiments exactly. I don't even get the bloody bank holiday off, like my folks do!!

Anyway the weeks gone really quickly for me and I'm away for some pintage, so alls good!

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Will nobody save Ally from falling into the quagmire of a South London jumped up Welfare League team? Stand up for Ally, demand a wage rise, never walk away. Ally rules. No surrender.

Fucking off to Engerlandshire would complete his total spiral into obscurity.

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