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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Just heading out now to the tune of a police siren. Could be unrelated.

So basically the 12 July celebrations are about the pope and king billy teaming up to beat the Irish so that in the future Protestant Irishmen could be governed, partly, by former IRA commanders?

That makes kinda sense...

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Can we ban all those leftard political march things too.

And that bunch of fucking poofs that go on a prance type march to show everyone how gay they are and how normal it all is.

The only march I've ever been on was that one where we dug up the centre spot at Love Street and wandered down to the new ground with it. It was a bit shit and I'll never go on another march ever again.

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I just seen my first chinless wonder wearing a historic rangers top and a pair of jobbie catchers heading in the direction of the dull beating.

Zombies indeed.

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I just seen my first chinless wonder wearing a historic rangers top and a pair of jobbie catchers heading in the direction of the dull beating.

Zombies indeed.

I've just seen a group of them go past. One had a big union jack with the The Rangers badge on it.

Definitely zombies

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:lol: what??

When we left Love Street and moved to the new ground they got some utter w**k on a set of bagpipes and the full tartan regalia that Sir Walter Scott had invented as national dress and we took a tray that the groundsman had obviously prepared earlier which had a sod of turf in it with a white dot representing the centre spot.

Then a crowd of us followed the w****r of a piper and his shitty bagpipe screeching down the street to the new ground where the chairman or a lucky dip programme winner then proceeded to put the old centre spot onto the new centre spot.

It was fucking shit. I only went on it because the bloke I go to games with had to be in Paisley early to see some auntie of his that had fallen and broken her hip or something. So I went to the march thing and met him at the game.

The auntie died a few weeks later, probably from a morphine overdose, which is how most old folk snuff it in hospital.

Bed blocking old b*****ds.

Edited by Reynard
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When we left Love Street and moved to the new ground they got some utter w**k on a set of bagpipes and the full tartan regalia that Sir Walter Scott had invented as national dress and we took a tray that the groundsman had obviously prepared earlier which had a sod of turf in it with a white dot representing the centre spot.

Then a crowd of us followed the w****r of a piper and his shitty bagpipe screeching down the street to the new ground where the chairman or a lucky dip programme winner then proceeded to put the old centre spot onto the new centre spot.

It was fucking shit. I only went on it because the bloke I go to games with had to be in Paisley early to see some auntie of his that had fallen and broken her hip or something. So I went to the march thing and met him at the game.

The auntie died a few weeks later, probably from a morphine overdose, which is how most old folk snuff it in hospital.

Bed blocking old b*****ds.

We all get a bit over sentimental about our clubs, but that is genuinely one of the most sadly hilarious things I've ever heard of.

I've got a vision of it being like the New Orleans funeral at the start of Live and Let Die but with more tartan and and ruddy faces.

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We all get a bit over sentimental about our clubs, but that is genuinely one of the most sadly hilarious things I've ever heard of.

I've got a vision of it being like the New Orleans funeral at the start of Live and Let Die but with more tartan and and ruddy faces.

We had that at Airdrie when 'onians went tits up. Chief mourner and coffin, the lot. No-one was in it though.

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Exactly how I feel mate.

I would imagine there are more nowadays than there used to be, not a weekend passes down here where there isn't one, the joys of living 2 miles away from Kilwinning :lol:

2 miles from Ardrossan to Kilwinning?

I must be taking the wrong route on the bike then!


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Orange walks and their Republican equivalents are for folk who are so pathetically sad that they need to gang up together with like-minded morons to make them feel better about their tiny genitals. Dirty, drunken idiots pishing up every side street and disturbing the peace of the non-knuckle-dragging populace.

Basically the EDL that the authorities tolerate. Only a society like ours, which is willing to put up with this kind of orchestrated, militant bawbaggery, would allow these cretins to go un-kettled and not-baton-charged by mounted police.

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This marcher was heading up to kelvingrove park on her one crutch with ulster flag flapping behind resplendent in ex cathedra rangers top in search of the walk.

Closely followed by her man in a shitey trackie top with his best court breeks and shoes. The lad was all over the place drinking irn bru trying to find his friend. When he did he walked out on the road in front of a cyclist who almost stopped to confront him. No sectarian banter which was pleasing but he referred to glasgow basturts, his friend slurred but a live here...

Anyway they eventually realised they were going the wrong way.

Was I wrong to inform a passing police patrol about the danger they posed to themselves and road users?

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Same time here as well. Feel sorry for anybody staying on the main street, having that noise booming in your windows first thing on a Saturday morning.

I lived in Dunfermline a few years ago and got knocked up about 8.00am by traffic wardens asking me, along with several other residents, if we could move our cars off the street as there was a parade/march coming through.

I took exception to that and phoned Dunfermline police to complain. Some bigoted arsehole on the other end of the phone told me, in very loud, and in no certain terms, that these people had a perfect right to march down our street, and if I didn't move my car they would arrange for it to be towed away to some compound where I would have to pay £100 to get it back.

The police aren't always on your side.

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