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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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 As for attacking those who don't attend??? There was 50,000 people in Glasgow last weekend for the big walk and only 8 arrests (for minor offences) and with police applying a far more aggressive approach than they do to any other public gathering.

Balls. The police fairly turn a blind eye to public drinking with the big march. Admittedly a stupid law but I'm still bitter about being fined £40 for having a tin in the park whereas I saw folk drinking in front of police at 11am to no fine.
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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Does anyone think the Orange Order would be at the level its at in Scotland if it weren't for the popularity of two football clubs who have aligned themselves to two opposing sides of the arguement?

Serious question

But what "level" is it at? Is anyone other than a knuckle-dragger a member? It's neither mainstream, aspirational, growing or relevant. It's fading away. Shame.

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7 minutes ago, Bobby Skidmarks said:

The march will die out by the next generation. Only wee *** neds give a f**k about it and they'll be doing time soon and all the middle aged men are about two bacon rolls from a heart attack. 

Maybe, but people were saying much the same a generation ago.

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11 hours ago, Henke said:

Its not my faith you're insulting so I'm kinda neautral looking in at it,I just don't think its normal behaviour it seems so hate filled & angry,which it shouldn't be, it should be about the celebration of defeating King James,but a lot of these hanger on's even people involved don't know the first thing of the reformation or the battle of the boyne they see it as an extention of their football club,..Yer obviously a fan of these things,but the tune of the melody has the intent,and you know how dangerous these people can be look at holy cross school in N.I,..Kids had to walk through an Orange/Loyalist community to get to their RC faith school subjected to vile sectarian abuse by grown men & women ffs,..so why the need to march through these schemes isn't doing it amongst yer own privately just as good? isn't the reformation of your faith more important that an idealogy,so why not practise that in your local kirk than something that isn't your faith?


They didn't have to walk through a loyalist protest (which was totally wrong by the way), there was another route but parents wanted to go their "traditional" route. A Roman Catholic colleague of mine was most vociferous in her condemnation of the parents for forcing their children to undergo the vile abuse and bile which was (quite literally at times) spat at them.

Again I state that the ludicrous so called loyalist protest was wrong and the actions of many of those taking part was reprehensible.

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11 hours ago, Angusfifer said:

So to summarise. A bunch of bigoted fuds are free to express their bigoted fuddery and the rest of us are free to point and laugh.

Are we all in agreement?

Keep the football out of this.

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51 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

They didn't have to walk through a loyalist protest (which was totally wrong by the way), there was another route but parents wanted to go their "traditional" route. A Roman Catholic colleague of mine was most vociferous in her condemnation of the parents for forcing their children to undergo the vile abuse and bile which was (quite literally at times) spat at them.

Again I state that the ludicrous so called loyalist protest was wrong and the actions of many of those taking part was reprehensible.


This post is just bubbling under the surface with bigotry. What a horrible c**t you are. 


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this "whataboutery" response is the most pathetic and lazy excuse not to engage or respond to a point. Just claim whataboutery and immediately stop all debate.
Exactly the same way the PC brigade shut down debate for years by just accusing everyone of being some "ist" and quashing any dissent.....that ended well for them.

Not bad for the guy that shouts 'hate crime' whenever someone is less than pleasant about the brethren.

A bigger hypocrite you'd struggle to find on this forum.
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23 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

this "whataboutery" response is the most pathetic and lazy excuse not to engage or respond to a point. Just claim whataboutery and immediately stop all debate.
Exactly the same way the PC brigade shut down debate for years by just accusing everyone of being some "ist" and quashing any dissent.....that ended well for them.

How did things end for the (entirely fictitious) PC brigade?

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2 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Trump as president, Brexit and a populist backlash threatening the liberal world order all over Europe.

Was that all caused by people banning Christmas, calling a blackboard a chalkboard, banning baa baa black sheep and not being able to call the corner shop something racist?

Every day's a school day. 

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3 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Trump as president, Brexit and a populist backlash threatening the liberal world order all over Europe.

I think you'll find that the 'populists' got shoed all over Europe as usual. Lost in Austria to a Green candidate; lost in The Netherlands; lost in France; heading for a crushing defeat in Germany. Thanks for playing anyway champ. 


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