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Worst Town In Scotland

I'm Brian

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Elgin is an utter cunthole, filled with people who have the weirdest accent ever, who think its still 2003.

And it's a pain in the arse to get through.

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13 minutes ago, banana said:

Deprived areas rather than worst towns, but probably still relevant:

Ferguslie Park, Paisley named as most deprived area in Scotland


Good to see Whitfield on this kind of list for about the 30th year running.


There's no way Merkinch is worse than some of the schemes in Alness.  Not a chance.

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20 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

There's no way Merkinch is worse than some of the schemes in Alness.  Not a chance.

The Ferry is an utter tip, full of the schemiest goblins known to man. Nowhere in the glorious county of Ross-shire even comes close. Hilton and Raigmore Estate are also probably worse than somewhere like Milnafua.

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5 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

The Ferry is an utter tip, full of the schemiest goblins known to man. Nowhere in the glorious county of Ross-shire even comes close. Hilton and Raigmore Estate are also probably worse than somewhere like Milnafua.

Having lived in Hilton for a few years, I can safely confirm for both you and everyone else, that it's no where near as bad as Milnafua; a place I used to work in repairing the mess and damage the locals do to the place.

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Milnafua sounds like some exotic resort on the Med. 

I looked it up on Googlemaps. How the hell is every street in Milnafua called "Milnafua" .. how can they get their giros through the post?

Also note the possibly mobile DJ business at the top right. Might be a beastly place too. 




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1 minute ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Milnafua sounds like some exotic resort on the Med. 

I looked it up on Googlemaps. How the hell is every street in Milnafua called "Milnafua" .. how can they get their giros through the post?

Also note the possibly mobile DJ business at the top right. Might be a beastly place too. 




Alness is all like that.  Each scheme is called a name and each house it just numbered.  So like 124 Milnafua, 97 Westford, 18 Kirkside etc.

A very strange place.

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43 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Milnafua sounds like some exotic resort on the Med. 

I looked it up on Googlemaps. How the hell is every street in Milnafua called "Milnafua" .. how can they get their giros through the post?

Also note the possibly mobile DJ business at the top right. Might be a beastly place too. 




What kind of redneck stuff is this? :lol: I remember talking to girls from Galway who said their telephone numbers back home only had 4 digits, that Google Maps pic is on a par with that.

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12 minutes ago, Fat Joe da Gangsta said:

What kind of redneck stuff is this? :lol: I remember talking to girls from Galway who said their telephone numbers back home only had 4 digits, that Google Maps pic is on a par with that.

After he died, I found an old school diary in my Dad's stuff. His address and phone number were written on the front. The phone number was "Portadown 8". 

(Sorry to go off-topic, although to be fair, Portadown is also a shitehole, albeit not in Scotland). 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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4 hours ago, TheScarf said:

There's no way Merkinch is worse than some of the schemes in Alness.  Not a chance.

The Mansfield Estate in Tain and there is an estate in Invergordon who's name escapes me. Westford, Firhill and Milnafua in Alness.

Do people from Glasgow and the Central belt think the worst most anti social headcases, criminals and sex offenders that get removed from their areas by the authorities vanish into thin air, no they end up in those places?. Some of these areas are so bad bus drivers are scared to drive through there on their routes due to the feral kids using them for target practice. Pity any tourist that gets lost looking for the whisky distilleries, you've seen that scene in the pub in Trainspotting.

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There's no way Merkinch is worse than some of the schemes in Alness.  Not a chance.

I was raised in Merkinch #TelfordRoad and used to have to share Merkinch Primary with some of the tinkiest breeds I've ever seen. The Ferry is an absolute hovel, as is Wyvis Place, Glendoe Terrace.

I agree with Alness also but for quantity of mink, The Ferry wins out.
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