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Fallout 4


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Shame the AI is useless for these big mob fights; the melee enemies just stand about and get creamed most of the time.

Although I suppose there's not much anyone can do when a giant's throwing nuclear bombs at you. Wonder if you can hit them in VATS? :D

Yes.Yes, you can. You have to be quick but you if you target grenades etc that are thrown at you, you can make them blow up on your opponent.

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I'm around 10 and a half hours into this now. Having good fun but, as I've gone on, I've found myself exploring less and less and trying to get through the story a lot more which was something I definitely didn't want to do before I played it.

It didn't help that I just fucked up a quest due to the fact a guy was running towards me so I shot him. Turned out it was because I had a radscorpion behind me he was trying to kill so I had to take out the scorpion, him, his wife and his son :( I later found out the quest was recovering his sword or something but can't remember the guy's name.

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I get the impression that the game operates the same system as Skyrim, in that every item you steal is tagged, and every tagged item you're carrying is removed when you're caught stealing something else. Vaguely made some kind of sense with the Skyrim guards in the various towns, I suppose, but not at all in Fallout. Can't say if that's what is happening for sure, though, as my character isn't a dirty tink :P Also, items definitely go missing at random - I've had about half a dozen Hazmat Suits, none of which have been stolen, and they've all disappeared at some point. Down to my last one :angry:

Yes.Yes, you can. You have to be quick but you if you target grenades etc that are thrown at you, you can make them blow up on your opponent.

Yaldi. Wonder how many of of those full-size nukes they can withstand blowing up in their own hand? :P

I'm around 10 and a half hours into this now. Having good fun but, as I've gone on, I've found myself exploring less and less and trying to get through the story a lot more which was something I definitely didn't want to do before I played it.
It didn't help that I just fucked up a quest due to the fact a guy was running towards me so I shot him. Turned out it was because I had a radscorpion behind me he was trying to kill so I had to take out the scorpion, him, his wife and his son :( I later found out the quest was recovering his sword or something but can't remember the guy's name.

That would be the folk at the homestead near the Saugas Ironworks...

I think it's the patriarch's father's sword. His son has run off to join the Forged at the ironworks and taken the sword with him - if you can go down there and persuade him to return home, he brings the sword back and the father lets you have it. You can also use their farm as a settlement afterwards.

I fucked this up too - I discovered the Ironworks first and laid waste to the place 'cause they attacked me on the way past. In the final room, the wayward son is offering the sword to the Forged leader, but is told to execute some random in order to win their favour. I persuaded him not to, so the leader just murdered them both. I got the sword, but had no idea what that was all about until I accidentally stumbled upon the homestead ages later and spoke to the father. He explained it all and asked if I could go after his son, to which I explained that I already had, and gave him the sword. I go to leave, and the son has magically reincarnated at the edge of the settlement. Everyone now thinks I aced the quest, and everything's hunky-dory :huh:

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I tried to go into Hyde Park the wrong way and that beast got me. Don't go the glowing sea side of there unless you are tooled up and power suited. It's chaos.

I'm Level 47 and have probably donned power armour for about half an hour all told. A hazmat suit is the boy for venturing into the Glowing Sea, and weighs next to f**k all.

Where did people get this Kezmouths tooth?

Dunwich Borer's mission. Prepare to be creeped out.

I can't believe the amount of places I'm still discovering. Having whored the main mission a bit over the festive season, I'm now fast travelling to random areas and walking towards undiscovered landmarks. I discovered a whole fucking town the other day that I had no idea was there!! It's away to the East of the map.

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Yeah. Libertalia it's called. Make your way to the upturned ship they are all on. Look for captains cabin.. something nice in there

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Oh and Suffolk Charter county school. Head out the main door. Look straight on and you will see a semi submerged power area (5 towers) the middle one has a door. You should see what's in there.

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Oh and Suffolk Charter county school. Head out the main door. Look straight on and you will see a semi submerged power area (5 towers) the middle one has a door. You should see what's in there.

I went through that school yesterday (turns out food paste was a good thing), but don't remember anything super special in anywhere near it, and I'm sure I went through all the locations around there. Will need to check again tonight.

I'm not sure this has reached Witcher 3 levels of greatness for me, but it's a very, very good game. Definite faults, and I can tell it'll get repetitive soon, but the sheer depth of everything else (missions excepted) is brilliant. I've got an ever-growing list of quests to do, but every time I tell myself I'll concentrate on getting that number down, I find myself either going to Sanctuary and OCD building a base, or going towards the quest location, seeing a new place I haven't discovered, and then spending hours just wandering around the map. The only thing I could suggest to make the map better is to make more interiors available, but that's a small thing. The sheer variety of locations is just brilliant.

Slight side note, any way to make Piper take off Power Armour that you've told her to wear? I found an extra set out in the wasteland, so gave it to her with the aim of taking it back to Sanctuary and adding it to the collection. Can't see any way to get the frame off her now though.

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Yeah. Libertalia it's called. Make your way to the upturned ship they are all on. Look for captains cabin.. something nice in there

Cool. I stumbled across it a while ago and died when some legendary started shooting missiles at me. Always wondered if it was worth going back to

I went through that school yesterday (turns out food paste was a good thing), but don't remember anything super special in anywhere near it, and I'm sure I went through all the locations around there. Will need to check again tonight.

I'm not sure this has reached Witcher 3 levels of greatness for me, but it's a very, very good game. Definite faults, and I can tell it'll get repetitive soon, but the sheer depth of everything else (missions excepted) is brilliant. I've got an ever-growing list of quests to do, but every time I tell myself I'll concentrate on getting that number down, I find myself either going to Sanctuary and OCD building a base, or going towards the quest location, seeing a new place I haven't discovered, and then spending hours just wandering around the map. The only thing I could suggest to make the map better is to make more interiors available, but that's a small thing. The sheer variety of locations is just brilliant.

Slight side note, any way to make Piper take off Power Armour that you've told her to wear? I found an extra set out in the wasteland, so gave it to her with the aim of taking it back to Sanctuary and adding it to the collection. Can't see any way to get the frame off her now though.

Can you not take the power armour off them by just trading items and transferring it into your inventory?

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Can you not take the power armour off them by just trading items and transferring it into your inventory?

The components yes, but she keeps the frame on.

No, there should be a chat option Talk > I need you to get out of your power armour.

Lovers Embrace Perk: Part Deux. Oot yer Armour Piper :P

Had a quick glance and couldn't see any option - just the general talk one. Will give it another go tonight. Annoyingly once I took all the bits off her, I couldn't put them back on with it saying she was carrying too much. Still, the base armour makes me look like less of a chauvinist for sending her out as a human shield in most cases.

Edited by forameus
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Sadly I'm starting to fall out of love with Diamond City Radio, too many songs that annoy me, but worth it for Uranium Fever, Atom Bomb Baby, and of course The Wanderer.

Yeah, I switched it off after a while, too repetitive

Theres a couple of mods that add extra tracks but I havent bothered with them yet

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Never listen to the radio on the game. Might have something to do with hundreds of hours of three dog eventually getting on my nerves.

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I went about with Classical Radio on for a while. Added a certain amount of class to the situation. But it was distracting me away from hearing the little audio cues you get in-game unfortunately. Listening to a beautiful piece of music is good, but not when you have to layer it with the sounds of screaming and gunfire because you've ran straight into a guy you didn't hear was looking for you. My soundtrack is now the regular sound of Piper having a bit of a breakdown and repeating the same line over and over again.

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The classical station seems like a bit of a dull addition, considering that (AFAIK) there's never any host. Although there is a point to its existence, as I've just spoilered for myself :rolleyes:

I've no doubt the extended Diamond City Radio mod will be great, as the Fallout 3 one was, but it's a shame that Bethesda didn't give us a couple of extra stations to listen to. There's some speculation that the WRVR station was supposed to broadcast radio plays, but the content was cut. Some stuff like that would've been nice.

I like the idea of being able to set up your own station somewhere and give unused companions the job of DJing - maybe even making records a collectible item that you could add to the station's roster of music. Could be amusing to hear Strong screaming abuse at the Commonwealth in between slabs of dense, screeching white noise :lol:

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