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Are we still looking at a "seismic shift"?

Clearly we are not going to agree.

But if Yes win despite not having led at any point in reliable polls then I think that's safe to say a seismic change.

We'll see come September who is correct.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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I have no idea.

They were right though if they did.

Out of all of them perhaps they were the only pollsters to actually get their predictions correct.

I can't remember.

I just remember standing amongst lots of others watching the results come in on the big screen.

Staggering. I'll never forget it.

I wasn't staggered at all. With the implosion of the SSP the only place a protesting Lib Dem voter was going to go was the SNP. Given the history between Labour and the Lib Dems it certainly wasn't going to go to Labour. The Greens too benefited from the poor Lib Dem showing.

Many traditional Labour voters - even though not nationalist found a vote for the SNP more palatable than a vote for the numpties in Scottish Labour.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Clearly we are not going to agree.

But if Yes win despite not having led at any point in reliable polls then I think that's safe to say a seismic change.

We'll see come September who is correct.


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The campaign for Scottish independence has "virtually no chance" of victory, according to Nate Silver, the polling expert who accurately called the outcomes of the 2008 and 2012 US presidential elections.

In an interview with the Scotsman, Silver, who correctly predicted the results of all 50 states in 2012, said the Scottish data was "pretty definitive". "There's virtually no chance that the 'yes' side will win," he said. "If you look at the polls, it's pretty definitive really where the no side is at 60-55% and the yes side is about 40 or so."


"virtually no chance"
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Ha! Never noticed that.

Wonder what his opinion is now when not much has changed?

The article is from August 2013. If you look at Scot Goes Pop's most recent rolling poll of polls, you can see that No had an average lead of 20.2% in September 2013.

The current average No lead is given as 12.9%


Do you consider that losing over a third of your lead in 6 months isn't much of a change?

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The premise based on six months' out-of-date polls? Aye okay then.

Son, they've been banging on about independence all my adult life and support has never wavered much around 30-odd per cent. The SNP have had years of government whining and blaming the English (whoops, sorry - Westminster) for everything then an all out referendum campaign for a year and support still isn't much better. It's a young man's obsession, grass being greener etc, that adults grow out of.

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Son, they've been banging on about independence all my adult life and support has never wavered much around 30-odd per cent. The SNP have had years of government whining and blaming the English (whoops, sorry - Westminster) for everything then an all out referendum campaign for a year and support still isn't much better. It's a young man's obsession, grass being greener etc, that adults grow out of.

Are you a hermit?

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Son, they've been banging on about independence all my adult life and support has never wavered much around 30-odd per cent. The SNP have had years of government whining and blaming the English (whoops, sorry - Westminster) for everything then an all out referendum campaign for a year and support still isn't much better. It's a young man's obsession, grass being greener etc, that adults grow out of.

Are you a Labour Party spokesman?

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Son, they've been banging on about independence all my adult life and support has never wavered much around 30-odd per cent. The SNP have had years of government whining and blaming the English (whoops, sorry - Westminster) for everything then an all out referendum campaign for a year and support still isn't much better. It's a young man's obsession, grass being greener etc, that adults grow out of.

tell that to all the other sovereign nations.

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Son, they've been banging on about independence all my adult life and support has never wavered much around 30-odd per cent. The SNP have had years of government whining and blaming the English (whoops, sorry - Westminster) for everything then an all out referendum campaign for a year and support still isn't much better. It's a young man's obsession, grass being greener etc, that adults grow out of.

have you just totally ignored the last few posts relating to the poll of polls that shows the average support for Independence is now over 35% and over 42% once ou exclude the don't knows? This shows that support for Independence is growing or are all the polling companies lying

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Son, they've been banging on about independence all my adult life and support has never wavered much around 30-odd per cent. The SNP have had years of government whining and blaming the English (whoops, sorry - Westminster) for everything then an all out referendum campaign for a year and support still isn't much better. It's a young man's obsession, grass being greener etc, that adults grow out of.

^^^ clutching at straws

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have you just totally ignored the last few posts relating to the poll of polls that shows the average support for Independence is now over 35% and over 42% once ou exclude the don't knows? This shows that support for Independence is growing or are all the polling companies lying

So 30-odd per cent. The same as it was in the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc etc.

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So 30-odd per cent. The same as it was in the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc etc.

over 42% isn't 30-odd percent, surely?

If it goes over 50%, are you still going to claim that's 30-odd? :lol:

For what it's worth, it does look difficult for the Yes campaign, but it's not impossible. I think a lot of the 'don't knows' want to vote yes, but want harder evidence before decarling themselves.

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It's only over 42% when you fiddle the figures and exclude the ones you don't like! The latest piece of desperate spin from the dreamers.

you just don't understand polls do you??? Anyway, the NO majority has gone down from over 20% to under 13% in the last 6 months so surely even you must admit the trend is towards YES.

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