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so the only hope is that the first Scottish election after September 18th is fully proportional, and not the halfway house that currently exists.

That wonlt happen - the White Paper already commits and indy scotland to using this electoral system and parliamentary set up, plus there'd be no time for a campaign for electoral reform. it'd perhaps be something for the Greens and Lib Dems to get thier teeth into in an indy scotland though.

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Thank you.

Any chance you could send Joozy a private message explaining how to demonstrate basic courtesy and civility?

I'd do it myself but I'm honour bound not to reward attention seeking twattery.

A lack of basic courtesy does seem to be a pervasive pattern amongst the No lads on here.

And Ad Lib.

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Thank god I wasn't asking you.

Thank you.

Any chance you could send Joozy a private message explaining how to demonstrate basic courtesy and civility?

I'd do it myself but I'm honour bound not to reward attention seeking twattery.

Or as you meant to write...

 I didn't know how to work it out myself 
Edited by joozy
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Here's what Curtice has to say today.

YouGov have so far been amongst the more conservative of the pollsters so far as its estimate of the Yes vote is concerned. Since September, most of its polls have put the Yes vote at between 38 and 40 per cent (once Don’t Knows were excluded). Its estimate of the degree to which the No lead had narrowed since the publication of the White Paper was one of the smallest.

So while it may be modest, the increase in the Yes vote registered in the company’s latest poll today for The Times is still notable. It puts Yes on 37%, up two points on its previous poll a month ago. No are on 52%, down one point.

Once the Don’t Knows are excluded this equates to a 42% Yes vote. This is the largest Yes vote yet to have been recorded by YouGov.

All in all, some ten polls have been published since the currency intervention. With today’s poll, these now include at least one from every company polling regularly during the campaign.

On average these have put the Yes side on 43%, up two points on the equivalent statistic for all those polls conducted between the beginning of January and the currency intervention. Between them they represent the best sequence of results for the Yes side yet.

It has long been apparent that the currency intervention had not produced any boost for the No side. It is now beginning to look as though the last six weeks may, if anything, have seen the Yes side catch up a little further.

Certainly today’s poll confirms the message of last Sunday’s ICM poll that it is the Yes side rather than No that has been making some progress so far as the economic debate is concerned. Now 30% say that Scotland would be better off economically under independence, up four points on when the question was last asked in December.

Edited by ayrmad
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I've already stated that Yes will gain considerably between now and September, so vast is the ground they have to make up. It's inevitable.

It's like being 20 lengths behind in a horse race with 2 furlongs to go and getting excited because you cut that to 15 lengths behind with a furlong to go.

Ultimately when the winning line comes you'll still be lagging well behind.

Edited by H_B
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I've already stated that Yes will gain considerably between now and September, so vast is the ground they have to make up. It's inevitable.

It's like being 20 lengths behind in a horse race with 2 furlongs to go and getting excited because you cut that to 15 lengths behind with a furlong to go.

Ultimately when the winning line comes you'll still be lagging well behind.

How do you bookmark things? :P Loving your confidence here. Be amazing seeing reactions from NO voters who are 100 percent sure that this will be a walk in the park if a YES vote is acheived. :thumsup2

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Is it an encouraging poll for yes? Of course it is.

However I think it needs to be treated with a bit of caution. It's still within the margin of error of previous yougov polls and whilst there is a pro-yes swing, it would still leave them with a sizeable 8% swing to make up between now and September. Doable? Yes, but far from easy.

I hardly think celebrating a 16 point lead is "clutching at straws", the bottom line is this poll doesn't tell us all that much we didn't already know imo

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How do you bookmark things? :P Loving your confidence here. Be amazing seeing reactions from NO voters who are 100 percent sure that this will be a walk in the park if a YES vote is acheived. :thumsup2

Similarly, there will be terabytes of hilarious nonsense to be brought up when No wins, from the Clown Collective on here.

Probably matched only by the Yottabytes of seethe after the event.

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Is it an encouraging poll for yes? Of course it is.

However I think it needs to be treated with a bit of caution. It's still within the margin of error of previous yougov polls and whilst there is a pro-yes swing, it would still leave them with a sizeable 8% swing to make up between now and September. Doable? Yes, but far from easy.

I hardly think celebrating a 16 point lead is "clutching at straws", the bottom line is this poll doesn't tell us all that much we didn't already know imo

The thing to remember about margin of error is that it should essentially be random, so that with the same methodology you should expect a distribution of +/- swings, what we are seeing are small but sustained + swings across the majority of polls, where each swing may be within the margin of error but the trend is a sustained decrease in poll lead.

There is no way that Yougov and especially Ipsos will be showing a yes lead come the day, even if other pollsters were, hypothetically showing small yes leads by that point. It'll be interesting to see which one comes off best.

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Similarly, there will be terabytes of hilarious nonsense to be brought up when No wins, from the Clown Collective on here.

Probably matched only by the Yottabytes of seethe after the event.

Anything less than 4 points will render your confidence as false.

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