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I have never watched the Last night of the Proms in my life, nor have I never owned a union flag, but once again anyone who does not support independence must be a union flag waving, Scotland hating, England loving loser, how more lazy and stereo- typical could you be

It has changed as an event - a lot more international now - in fact probably more flags and participants from other countries than flags and folks from the UK. It is much more a celebration of music - there are usually events on simultaneous broadcast around the UK. A few friends went to the events held in Dundee over the past few years - and I wouldn't describe them as overly unionist - just music lovers.

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BBC Daily Politics are admitting the momentum is with Yes. That's from your London based journalists

If you are suggesting the polls going up by a marginal amount since Christmas is momentum, then there is momentum

It has changed as an event - a lot more international now - in fact probably more flags and participants from other countries than flags and folks from the UK. It is much more a celebration of music - there are usually events on simultaneous broadcast around the UK. A few friends went to the events held in Dundee over the past few years - and I wouldn't describe them as overly unionist - just music lovers.

I am not the one who used them as a example of unionist fervour, am sure for people who attend them find them very entertaining and enjoyable, but not my thing, but then again I am not a fan of Scottish Country Dance Music or the Bagpipes

It goes hand in hand from Northern Brits like you.

Never considered myself as a "Northern Brit", I always thought of the North of England as being more likely to be a "Northern Brit"

Edited by ecto
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I am not the one who used them as a example of unionist fervour, am sure for people who attend them find them very entertaining and enjoyable, but not my thing, but then again I am not a fan of Scottish Country Dance Music or the Bagpipes

No but you used Braveheart as an example of Scottish fervour.

In short, you're talking


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Scotland Yes vote now neck and neck

SUPPORT for Scottish independence has hit a record high with the yes and no campaigns almost neck and neck five months from the referendum, according to a new poll.

With the cross-party no campaign under pressure to sharpen up after a series of gaffes, the Panelbase results show the unionist lead among voters has been cut from more than 24 points last year to six points this weekend.

The findings by the polling company, which had been the first to identify an SNP lead ahead of Alex Salmond’s surprise landslide Scottish election win in 2011, give credence to private claims by nationalists that the yes vote could be in front by July.

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It's positive news and not unexpected but TBH I want to see a few more polls showing the gap this close before I start to relax a bit.

Relax? We can't relax, we are on the verge of an incredible moment in history.

Once people understand the potential. Flushing away the corruption of Westminster.

The insanity of Trident

The democratic deficit, the house of Lords?

No brainer

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Darling seeming a tad desperate and even annoyed on Andrew Marr's show on BBC1.

Marr initially put some good questions to him but then just let him put across his spiel without intervention. I cant help but feel that's to do with Marr's recovery as he seems more concerned with the show running smoothly rather than grilling his guest. Disappointing, but understandable I guess.

Even Marr commented on Darling's mood - when he said 'fired up' I was hearing 'under pressure'...

'Don't panic!'

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It's positive news and not unexpected but TBH I want to see a few more polls showing the gap this close before I start to relax a bit.

I won't be relaxing 'til I'm out on the streets dancing with the rest on the 19th and I've openly felt YES would win for months now.

Just look at the NO campaign if you want to see what happens when you think you've got it in the bag.

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Canny relax.. The No will spend the last month of campaign wheeling out the big guns and spinning the biggest fear stories known to man. Everyone needs to keep converting people.. A lot of women still plan to vote no.. So concentrate there

Also note why the other parties plus msm want to make this ref about Eck? Its cause they will attempt to discredit him big time run up to vote... So remember vote is about 5 million Scot people not Eck... This also needs to be told

Edited by John Lambies Doos
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Personally I'd rather see no polls until the only one that counts. It's easy to get carried away if they keep giving positive news. But in saying that I do enjoy the headlines and the scrambling by the politicians to try and paint them in a good light.

Question for the hardened political watchers. Has there ever been a series of political polls that has accurately reflected the eventual outcome? I always cite the GE of 1992 and the Lib Dems in 2010 as examples of how polls can get it ridiculously wrong. It's one thing saying you are intending to vote in a certain way, it's another to actually put the cross in a box.

This vote will be tight. Very tight and both side will do well to not let their guard down. I certainly won't think either side has won until after the result is announced.

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Typical of this thread, no comment at all when polls are poor for pro-indy, but when they are better, suddenly the thread comes alive, selective or what?

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Typical of this thread, no comment at all when polls are poor for pro-indy, but when they are better, suddenly the thread comes alive, selective or what?

There is only one side that has continual ducked a bad poll on here.

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There is only one side that has continual ducked a bad poll on h

You are having a laugh, this thread is littered with polls that are ignored by pro-indy supporters, if the poll was done by panelbase, their previous polls have been generous to Yes Scotland in the past, just saying

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