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How many people have you converted today with your pish stained efforts ?

I'm not keeping count. Thousands probably. How about you? Oh, that's right, you're too busy following me about the gaff.

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What a weird post. Are you suggesting that in order to form a personal opinion we must reference our methodology? You need to step away from the internet for a wee while.

There's a difference between quantitative and qualitative opinions.

If you say you think angelina Jolie is better looking than Katy Perry, that's an opinion that doesn't require evidence.

If you say you think there are more people in the world with green eyes than blue, that does.

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Yes, but your headstrong like myself, I'm quite sure both of us will be in here on the 19th regardless of the outcome, plenty of others appearance will depend on the result.


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How's that "soft" no vote looking to our clown collective these days?

Pretty good actually... :thumsup2

If certain David Cameron was going to remain Prime Minister after the GE in 2015: 44% Yes, 38% No. Is that a *soft* enough No vote for you?

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Pretty good actually... :thumsup2

If certain David Cameron was going to remain Prime Minister after the GE in 2015: 44% Yes, 38% No. Is that a *soft* enough No vote for you?

It's getting softer by the day. Must be the summer heat.


Edited by Confidemus
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It's getting softer by the day. Must be the summer heat.


Softer than Harry Potter without his magic wand. :P

you are aware that JK Rowling does write fantasy fiction?

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Update on the Killiefc.com poll:

Yes 105 (62.13%)

No 37 (21.89%)

Completely Undecided 6 (3.55%)

Unsure but leaning towards Yes 18 (10.65%)

Unsure but leaning towards No 3 (1.78%)

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I was considering voting YES, but JK Rowling's impassioned plea has now convinced me that if I pledge £1 million to the NO campaign, George Osbourne will let me claim it back as a tax break.

I stand converted. NO it is, then

Perish the thought that RBS will go tits up again due to paying millions of pounds in bonuses to crooks in London for shafting investors and we would have to take the hit

Edited by Mr Tourette
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