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That might be the nicest thing you've ever said about Salmond!

I thought the interview was anything but dull:

- the 'Ireland will not be regarded as a foreign country' was v interesting

- Salmond claiming to know the govt. minister from the Guardian CU story also a new one on me

He gave the type of performance I would want to see from the leader of my country (other than his mispronunciation of 'th' (I'll do free fings after Fursday) - which is clearly outwith his control!!)

That "we invented the World" bit made me cringe a wee bit and the "land of Adam Smith" but they were both ok.

I still have utter contempt for Salmond.....HTH

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What about them, specifically "look suspect"?

- the fact that there has been pretty major differnecs throughout the campaign, depending on which poll you read. No we are to believe they are identical.

- the fact that they are just within the margin of error to allow them a get out clause if Yes wins.

All I'm saying is that it doesn't feel right to me.

Maybe the actions of the last ten days are starting to get to me. Do you believe that underhand tactics have been used by the British Government in order to win this referendum? Or has it all been transparent and fair?

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There's an element of bias because the surveys are carried out by people who dress as red coats

Actually, in all three cases the surveys are software algorithms dished out to folk who have volunteered to be polled.

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That "we invented the World" bit made me cringe a wee bit and the "land of Adam Smith" but they were both ok.

I still have utter contempt for Salmond.....HTH

He clearly never said 'we invented the modern world' - in fact he specifically said that it shouldn't be something Scots themselves claim.

What's wrong with 'the land of Adam Smith'? His name has been used in vain so many times its about time we reclaimed him.

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He clearly never said 'we invented the modern world' - in fact he specifically said that it shouldn't be something Scots themselves claim.

What's wrong with 'the land of Adam Smith'? His name has been used in vain so many times its about time we reclaimed him.

Yeah, it was an American author who named his book that.

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He clearly never said 'we invented the modern world' - in fact he specifically said that it shouldn't be something Scots themselves claim.

What's wrong with 'the land of Adam Smith'? His name has been used in vain so many times its about time we reclaimed him.

Ah Dimbleby was talking over him so I didn't hear it. Fair enough.

The Adam Smith reference because it sounded a bit small minded. I can't explain it. It would be preferable to talk about the here and now rather than talking about our place in history.

I took out the "great" before "place" in the above. Must stop repeating Salmond.....

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Maybe the actions of the last ten days are starting to get to me. Do you believe that underhand tactics have been used by the British Government in order to win this referendum? Or has it all been transparent and fair?

Think it's group think at work rather than orders from on high. Yougov changed their methodology to try to conform with the others and initially overshot slightly on that. Think it all boils down to turnout and it's difficult to know how seriously to take 90% suddenly saying they are certain to vote when normal service on that is about 55% nowadays. If the credibility of your company is at stake it's easy to see how 48:52 would be the safe way to go.

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I still contest that the pollsters have missed a trick. There is a huge undercurrent of people that would refuse to be polled for numerous reasons and the majority of them are likely to be Yes voters. Whether that majority will be enough to tip the balance who knows. I think it's these people, those who had stayed off the polling register since the poll tax or who had become disillusioned by politics, that are the real reason the 3 stooges made their way North. It's also why the stupid of the Miliband brothers has been making efforts up here as these people come from the traditional Labour heartlands of the disadvantaged and poverty stricken.

Also I just don't believe there are these "shy no's" who feel unable to give their support to the No campaign on Internet or phone polls. In the street? Perhaps, but then I know many people who would simply not answer in the street full stop, regardless of their opinion.

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Your painful and obvious butthurt about Salmond is absolutely hilarious.

No matter the result of the vote, he'll be in power in Scotland for at least another 2 years. :D

I think you under estimate the man's self-interest which is sad. He's a politician fgs. they're all liars; they can't help themselves they claim to represent the aims and aspirations of millions of individuals. Are you a fresher or a second year?

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I suppose if you'd said to me a month ago that we'd be going in at 48-49% in the polls, I'd have bit your hand off. the fact that the Yes vote held up through the last week as well has to be a positive. It's going to be down to those newly registered voters I think. How closely will they follow the trend of the polls?

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