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My own personal opinion is that YES have a majority already, but that it is a majority which does not easily engage with a political system that they effectively feel increasingly disenfranchised from. It suits BT to sling mud and drag it down to a namecalling excercise as it will confirm the thoughts of those people that politicians are ultimately self serving and their vote wont matter anyway, as we see with the three London centric parties who all broadly follow the same political idealogy with their debates now being about how to implement, and how quickly, a policy as opposed to differing on actual political objectives.

If YES can mobilise and engage a demoralised and untrusting electorate then the referendum is theirs to win.

and you are entitled to your view, although I will ask what you based this on and the methodology you employed to come to this view

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and you are entitled to your view, although I will ask what you based this on and the methodology you employed to come to this view

Its a personal opinion based on own observations, experiences and discussions.

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I'm loving the complacency on here, I thought we'd stopped the knickerwetting on here 'til nearer the time, at least we'll have a few NO voter to debate with now that they think they're going to win comfortably again, it had went very quiet when the polls were closing.

I know. Burma thinks its already in the bag. He's asked EVERYONE that lives up his close and from that he has the yess lot in a lead. Well, they are a natural majority and the NO vote is soft isn't it?

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The more No think they have it in the bag the better. Even if we don't win we need it to be as close as possible and the more people who don't vote out of complacency the closer the result.

Edited by Enigma
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and you are entitled to your view, although I will ask what you based this on and the methodology you employed to come to this view

What a weird post. Are you suggesting that in order to form a personal opinion we must reference our methodology? You need to step away from the internet for a wee while.

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What a weird post. Are you suggesting that in order to form a personal opinion we must reference our methodology? You need to step away from the internet for a wee while.

Votes only count if there recorded in some fancy poll or survey. Your average man in the street talking through his mouth and stating he's voting Yes doesn't count apparently.

This is how bad the straw-clutching has become from the No side.

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What a weird post. Are you suggesting that in order to form a personal opinion we must reference our methodology? You need to step away from the internet for a wee while.

I have spent the last 2 days in the Lake District with no Internet and I found the time liberating, I have found having time to reflect on life and what is important, I have decided to become a more reasoned and calm human being, I also took time to reflect on what I have read on this forum, I have come to the conclusion that many who post on here are in fact insane or lonely, many I think would benefit from a relationship with someone of the of the opposite sex or the same sex , whichever takes there fancy, in fact the dirtier the better, am sure this would take away many of the frustrations that many of them appear to be feeling

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I have spent the last 2 days in the Lake District with no Internet and I found the time liberating, I have found having time to reflect on life and what is important, I have decided to become a more reasoned and calm human being, I also took time to reflect on what I have read on this forum, I have come to the conclusion that many who post on here are in fact insane or lonely, many I think would benefit from a relationship with someone of the of the opposite sex or the same sex , whichever takes there fancy, in fact the dirtier the better, am sure this would take away many of the frustrations that many of them appear to be feeling

What was your methodology for forming such an opinion. And did you realll spend the weekend in the beautiful surroundings of the lake district reflecting on P&B?

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I think it's obvious that polling by reputable organisations is a better gauge of potential results than someone speaking to people they meet. Unless they manage to meet a demographically balanced group of people, which is unlikely.

If you go by the people I know through work then the referendum would be looking at 80% No. If you go through the people I know through football then the opposite would be the case.

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I have spent the last 2 days in the Lake District with no Internet and I found the time liberating, I have found having time to reflect on life and what is important, I have decided to become a more reasoned and calm human being, I also took time to reflect on what I have read on this forum, I have come to the conclusion that many who post on here are in fact insane or lonely, many I think would benefit from a relationship with someone of the of the opposite sex or the same sex , whichever takes there fancy, in fact the dirtier the better, am sure this would take away many of the frustrations that many of them appear to be feeling

I'm sure it will happen for Ms Bairn some day.

HB I'm not too sure about.

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I have spent the last 2 days in the Lake District with no Internet and I found the time liberating, I have found having time to reflect on life and what is important, I have decided to become a more reasoned and calm human being, I also took time to reflect on what I have read on this forum, I have come to the conclusion that many who post on here are in fact insane or lonely, many I think would benefit from a relationship with someone of the of the opposite sex or the same sex , whichever takes there fancy, in fact the dirtier the better, am sure this would take away many of the frustrations that many of them appear to be feeling

What was your methodology for forming such an opinion. And did you realll spend the weekend in the beautiful surroundings of the lake district reflecting on P&B?

no about 5 minutes while on Lake Windermere on a steamer, it is only my view on what i have read on P&B that was my methodology

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I have spent the last 2 days in the Lake District with no Internet and I found the time liberating, I have found having time to reflect on life and what is important, I have decided to become a more reasoned and calm human being, I also took time to reflect on what I have read on this forum, I have come to the conclusion that many who post on here are in fact insane or lonely, many I think would benefit from a relationship with someone of the of the opposite sex or the same sex , whichever takes there fancy, in fact the dirtier the better, am sure this would take away many of the frustrations that many of them appear to be feeling

Wow. Your post started nice and calm but got more unravelled, more angry and more bonkers as it went on.

Sterling work.

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Wow. Your post started nice and calm but got more unravelled, more angry and more bonkers as it went on.

Sterling work.

as i said it is only my view, but angry, not any more, have decided that calmness is the way forward

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With the name change and the smear campaign well and truly started it doesnt hint at a side thats winning ;)

Nor do the multiple game-changing politicians that have been brought in to "take on Salmond", which include Carmichael, Brown and Reid, to name but three.

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With the name change and the smear campaign well and truly started it doesnt hint at a side thats winning ;)

This is what they truely hoped the YES campaign would have been resorted to months ago.

With every utterance they loose votes.

Keep it coming.

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No voter and Labour former First Minister Henry McLeish said on Scotland Tonight that the Better Together campaign is haemorrhaging votes.

Strange thing to say given they are 20 points ahead in the polls.

Edited by Colkitto
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