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In decline yeah but still a main-stay for thousands of folk in Scotland - especially the older ones who voted No.

in future years the newspapers will play even less of a role. The Yes campaign will also have a campaign to deal with the BBC bias - which took a few folk by surprise I reckon.

The online presence was due to the fact that young, engaged people were usually Yes voters and that isn't going to change in the future.

the papers backed no because the people backed no.
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The Yes clowns told us the bookies were terrified it was going to be a Yes vote (based on their canvassing of jaikie messes in Dundee) and were manipulating the odds to stop people backing this option, as they KNEW it was going to happen.

That worked out well for the collective.

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I think it's possible that Labour will claw a wee bit back before the election but who knows? One think is certain, the SNP, a party that has Scottish Independence as its raison d'etre, is now the natural party of government in Scotland. After so many years Labour have been finally found out.

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The brit nats seem awfully quiet at the moment on opinion polls. At one point that's all they seemed to post about.

Suppose no surprise as the supporters of the London based parties have seen a rise in the pro-independence vote and their parties seem to be in free fall, especially the Labour party

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The brit nats seem awfully quiet at the moment on opinion polls. At one point that's all they seemed to post about.

I know this seems to have passed you by, but it's after September 18th...

You remember September the 18th? That was when the car sticker collective were absolutely trounced.


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I know this seems to have passed you by, but it's after September 18th...

You remember September the 18th? That was when the car sticker collective were absolutely trounced.


Of course I remember it, but that's in the past. Everyone is talking Indyref2 now.

Get with it and be cool...

Edited by Colkitto
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Still to be announced officially. But I'll let you into a secret - clear your diary in the next Scottish parly term. ;)

Uh huh...

I'll tell the silent majority to dust off their knives again.

Have you ordered the balloons yet?

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Unless circumstances dramatically change over the next few years, another referendum in the next parliament would be utterly moronic.

That's why it won't happen. I want an independent Scotland as much as anyone but having a referendum in the next parliament would be sheer stupidity.

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