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I joined the SNP following the referendum result. I'd like to see a commitment to another referendum in the manifesto. I won't burst into tears if it isn't. Anidotal stuff like this is pretty irrelevant.

In politics each of us is driven by his/her personal experience and vision. I am now convinced that the best option for the Scottish people in the coming decades is independence. I think the spin off benefits for the rest of the UK would be very positive. The sooner it happens the better, though there are practical considerations.

Immediately post the referendum I thought it would be at least 15 years until the next referendum. I am now confident that it will be before then.

There will almost certainly be another referendum in their 2021 manifesto, but not their 2016 one.

They should and will focus on holding the Westminster diddies to account over significant new powers for the Scottish Parliament. They can then continue proving to people that they are a competent government and the natural party of choice in the country.

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Jesus christ at least wait a few years and hope we get another winter like 2010 before any talk of another referendum.

As much as i wanted a yes you cant just keep asking untill you get the answer you want, and you need to let this one settle before having another campaign. sit tight and let westminster shaft us/ make a c**t of running things for some time and watch support grow and grow.

in the mean time heres a few things to consider;

The yes campaign was too left wing/ anti right wing - just becuase the torries have a low vote share here doesnt mean that there isnt a significant number of right wing minded people in scotland who must have felt allienated by yes. alot of well of scots may be in favour of lower taxes, smaller goverment and less public spending especialy on white elephants (not me btw just saying!) but they dont feel they have much in common with the london toffs or anti immigration mob ( #toxic torries). An independant scotland would have a much stronger right of centre presence than it does currently. that whole "vote yes and we'l never get the torries again" line spouted by yes was a big mistake imho.

Not everyone is patriotic like you - so you love wearing youre scotland top in magaluf and belting out flower of scotland from youre balcony at half 4 in the morning for the world to hear but not everyone does. there are huge and i mean huge numbers of people in every country who just dont give much of a shit about nationality . as one guy at work put it "i'm no fan of westminster but we've got to be ruled from somewhere and yes just havent given me enough assurencies its going to be worth all the hassle" they are a big but quiet demographic and hope over fear isnt going to cut it for them.

When we do get a second chance the lessons must be learned. dont preach to the converted, get youre story straight for currency, the eu nato pensions etc etc and fucking well spell it right out from the word go and stick to it.

have proper answers to the no campaigns pish instead of just batting it as fear mongering.

According to NO an indy scotland was going to have the eye watering taxes and prices of the nordic countrys but the piss poor wages and public services & spending of tin pot former soviet states and all the debt and instabilitiy of ireland and greece. scotland, a resource rich nation they say would become by far the worst run democracy in the western world. if you believe that you are believing that ONLY we could manage a country so badly. its absolute unadulterated pish and this needs to be HAMMERED by the nationalist camp next time its spouted. whenever that will be

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This is where ECTO should retract his irrational ramblings. Here's hoping he'll be back tonight to admit his many failings.

Ah still preaching for the church of the latter day CONFI I see :1eye

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Ah still preaching for the church of the latter day CONFI I see :1eye

Incorrect. Again.

Nah, don't think so and as the days go on, even more of confi will "peak out", you wont be able to help yourself ;)

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Can't even believe it's up for debate

It's only up for debate in the minds of the astonishingly naive and credulous.

It's no real surprise that many of even the Yes posters on here have sidled away embarrassed from the utter mess thelikes of Colkitto have made of themselves over this.

I feel some element of pity towards them.

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It appears to be a Reynard invention - to somehow create a story when the manifesto is released.


I think you need to look closer to home to see where the absolutely risible concept of a referendum in the next SP term came from.

Hint - it wasn't from a No voting poster.

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There will not be a referendum in the next manifesto. But in saying that , If Westminster back tracks. If we see a Euro exit I can see one a hell of a lot quicker than I thought.

I am in my 50,s now. I thought that was it. Now I am not so sure.

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There will not be a referendum in the next manifesto. But in saying that , If Westminster back tracks. If we see a Euro exit I can see one a hell of a lot quicker than I thought.

I am in my 50,s now. I thought that was it. Now I am not so sure.

do you really think that if the SNP have a good 2015 election and the Tories remain in government at WM, they will not play the "Government Scotland did not vote for" card, and not put an Indy ref in the 2016 manifesto, really
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have another one in 4 years and we will lose again. our campeign is still to emotional.

The yes camps aim was to capture the hearts of the scottish people,they set out to convince us that there was a better option that we would be better off and ruk would be better of, we would all be healthier more prosperious more happy etc etc etc.

The no camps aim was to win

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Again carefull with that argument. it wont cut the mustard with scots from rural areas becuase people in say the highlands will always get the government the central belt gets no matter who they themsellves vote for.

do you really think that if the SNP have a good 2015 election and the Tories remain in government at WM, they will not play the "Government Scotland did not vote for" card, and not put an Indy ref in the 2016 manifesto, really

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But they didnt tho, Their entire campaign focused far too heavily on the left wing central belt vote becuase that was where the highest numbers were. but they didnt and probably never would get enough of them converted to tip the balance. the ignoring of their own heartlands and the middle class and soft right wing vote would have caused enough allienation for any one of those rich right leaning types who may have considered indy to go "know what f**k them theyl shaft il stick with the devil i know"

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Elixir, on 07 Nov 2014 - 11:51, said:

Unless circumstances dramatically change over the next few years, another referendum in the next parliament would be utterly moronic.


Colkitto is playing the village idiot here. Why the f**k would you want another referendum so soon after hundreds of thousands wanted nothing to do with independence?

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Colkitto is playing the village idiot here. Why the f**k would you want another referendum so soon after hundreds of thousands wanted nothing to do with independence?

Some people haven't learned yet why Yes lost.

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Some people don't want another referendum in the next parly term solely on the basis that we've just had a referendum this year.

If the circumstances are right then we go for one it's as simple as that! Circumstances like EU exit or not getting the substantial powers many expect will trigger another indyref.

Polling is high for another referendum - nearly 60% want one in the next 5 years and well over 60% want one in the next 10 years.

I can maybe see the point of those who don't want another indyref soon if support for the SNP/indyref2 had fallen, but that just hasn't happened and people want major change one way or the other.

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