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Agreed. Incomers, over 60 should be deported.

According to polls the single biggest NO demographic was voters resident in Scotland but born elsewhere in the UK regardless of age.

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According to polls the single biggest NO demographic was voters resident in Scotland but born elsewhere in the UK regardless of age.

This has already been dealt with:


There is absolutely no doubt that age was a hugely significant factor in voting behaviour in the referendum, and overall support for independence. Therefore, looking at the issue primarily from an age perspective is entirely valid. No amount of hand-wringing is going to change those facts.

Edited by vikingTON
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So we rejected it, the figures are basically the same 8 months on... But it's a certainty anyway?

In my lifetime, the indy vote was 25-30% max. In the last two years it's come to almost 50%.

I'd say the momentum is ours.

Especially with Labour continuing to meltdown, the LibDems stooping even lower than before and the Tories as toxic as ever with a vacuous posho in charge who all the Europeans laugh at and who even the Daily Mail hates.

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I'm struggling to imagine any scenario where the demand for Independence will reduce whereas I can foresee situations where the demand for Independence will increase.

We also have to bear in mind that it's like a marginal seat in an election, all we need to do is win over a relatively small percentage to achieve a YES result next time around. I've seen very little post-referendum analysis but we need to concentrate on those who voted NO but could have been persuaded to vote YES and try to understand the key issues for them. Personally I think the currency issue created uncertainty but my evidence for that is purely anecdotal.

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The economic case looked as if it was written on the back of a fag packet. There was no guarantees over currency, EU membership, NATO etc, only very reasonable assumptions, folk like to have things cast in stone.

Next time? Our own currency please and I think the EU may slip out a wee 'yes we would have had you in a heart beat' when it looks like the UK is going to leave.

NATO is an organisation without a war to fight, it will be beginning to go by the time the next one comes up in about 10 years time.

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Agreed. What the referendum did was 'normalise the idea' of independence, what we now need is a shot of the financial reigns to prove we are capable of standing on our own two feet.

I've always said it was a matter of confidence, and it is as clear as the nose on our faces, we are not ready for it yet.

But we are getting used to the idea.....

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It would be fantastic to see Labour annihilated, it won't happen though.

As soon as the campaign kicks in they will start to pull away in Scotland and they will win the most seats comfortably. Popular vote figure will be interesting though, SNP could win that.

Oh, Lex. :(

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It's one poll. Taken not long after the referendum. And at a time where Scottish Labour are in, even by their low standards, a shambolic state.

Before the election there will be a change of focus away from secession as an issue and more towards the business of electing a new government for the country.

Oh, H_B. :(

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It's a big assumption that YES voters can never become NO voters and the over 60s etc just drop off and that's YES home and dry.Peoples opinions can change particularly if they accumulate a few bawbees along the way and get a bit risk averse.

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It's a big assumption that YES voters can never become NO voters and the over 60s etc just drop off and that's YES home and dry.Peoples opinions can change particularly if they accumulate a few bawbees along the way and get a bit risk averse.

That's a fair point. Cumulatively I think the demand for Indepence will grow rather than recede however there will be individuals whose position may change as they grow older. I can't see it being sufficient to stem the eventual success of a YES vote.

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It's a big assumption that YES voters can never become NO voters and the over 60s etc just drop off and that's YES home and dry.Peoples opinions can change particularly if they accumulate a few bawbees along the way and get a bit risk averse.

A big assumption - or straw man - that you set up for yourself there, and was not actually the claim made by any other post on this thread.

It is however absolutely clear that the next generational shift will favour the independence movement over that of the Britnats, and even you don't dare to deny it.

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It's a big assumption that YES voters can never become NO voters and the over 60s etc just drop off and that's YES home and dry.Peoples opinions can change particularly if they accumulate a few bawbees along the way and get a bit risk averse.

Whit? Have baby boomers now been granted Immortality?

They truly are the have it all generation

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