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Helicopter crashes into Clutha pub, Glasgow

The Master

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That chuff monkey was convinced it was pilot error. He's a tit, as most on here stated at the time.

He also painted Gordon Smart to be a liar because his story changed slightly, he's made an arse of himself on this thread, a wee sorry would go some way to rectifying it a bit.

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Good that it's not pilot error, hope to God they told his family before this was released.

Not good that they haven't come up with the reason why the engines flamed out yet, must plant a seed of doubt in those who are still flying this type.

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He also painted Gordon Smart to be a liar because his story changed slightly, he's made an arse of himself on this thread, a wee sorry would go some way to rectifying it a bit.

I am deeply sorry that many of the people on this thread are reactionary and stupid.

Their complete inability to accept that I thought pilot error was the most likely cause of the crash makes me sorry for them.

Their stupidity in posting a report from months later which specifically says the AAIB have no explanation of their being no mayday call or apparently no attempt at a controlled landing and suggesting this proves there was no pilot error is partricularly worrying.

I am truly sorry for them.

AS for the tabloid editor witness, I pointed out he gave conflicting reports which couldn't all be true. What do you call it when someone says things which aren't true? Lying seems fair.

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I am deeply sorry that many of the people on this thread are reactionary and stupid.

Their complete inability to accept that I thought pilot error was the most likely cause of the crash makes me sorry for them.

Their stupidity in posting a report from months later which specifically says the AAIB have no explanation of their being no mayday call or apparently no attempt at a controlled landing and suggesting this proves there was no pilot error is partricularly worrying.

I am truly sorry for them.

AS for the tabloid editor witness, I pointed out he gave conflicting reports which couldn't all be true. What do you call it when someone says things which aren't true? Lying seems fair.

A simple sorry would have sufficed.

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I am deeply sorry that many of the people on this thread are reactionary and stupid.

Their complete inability to accept that I thought pilot error was the most likely cause of the crash makes me sorry for them.

Their stupidity in posting a report from months later which specifically says the AAIB have no explanation of their being no mayday call or apparently no attempt at a controlled landing and suggesting this proves there was no pilot error is partricularly worrying.

I am truly sorry for them.

AS for the tabloid editor witness, I pointed out he gave conflicting reports which couldn't all be true. What do you call it when someone says things which aren't true? Lying seems fair.

No offence, but you appear to be an utter c**t.

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'Engine Failure' isn't a fair reflection of what's been established - the engines were starved of fuel and the switches were found to be in a position that would have starved them of fuel.

I imagine the investigators would have checked various switch positions very early on - probably even at the crash scene - and, as I mentioned at the time, it was unusual for there to have been no mention of them during the initial report.

There was fuel on board and no issues were found with the fuel system, in addition various warnings, both visual and audible, should have alerted the pilot that fuel reserves were low. There have of course been reports of a problem with the amber warning on these aircraft meaning (and I'm guessing the next part) that a 'red' (critical) warning would have been the first indication of a problem ... under those circumstances I'm also guessing that the pilot might initially have assumed the warning was erroneous and might therefore have wasted valuable time !?

The aircraft should have been recoverable using autorotate ... does failure to do so indicate that there was more going on in the cockpit than we are able to establish without voice recordings, did the pilot have a 'health' problem that meant he wasn't able to react !?

We might never know any more than we know now and the exact circumstances that led to the crash might never be established.

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  • 1 year later...

The official report is due out today and all fingers are pointing to pilot error. I can see Jock001 making a comeback in a blaze of glory.Time to get the popcorn out.

A few people on here owe jock an apology, hopefully they're big enough to admit they were wrong.

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A few people on here owe jock an apology, hopefully they're big enough to admit they were wrong.

Did the helicopter crash because the pilot failed to make a mayday call then?

P.S. My theory is that the female PC on board thought the fuel switches would be a good place to hang her jacket.

Edited by welshbairn
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I hadn't really seen that many photo's of the aftermath of this tragedy but i am amazed as to how intact the helicopter was its obviously due to watching too many movies but i would have thought it would blow up

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I, along with most people know next to nothing about car engines but when i hear a passing car that has something wrong with it then along with most people i kind of know there is something wrong. When i heard the helibobter above me that night as i stood at my backdoor then straightaway i told her indoors that i thought there was something wrong with it. I joked with the missus next day that it would be strange if it was the same one that had crashed. It wasnt until months later that it turned out that it was the same one.

Guess i just have to take the word of the experts that it ran out of fuel and no other cause.

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I, along with most people know next to nothing about car engines but when i hear a passing car that has something wrong with it then along with most people i kind of know there is something wrong. When i heard the helibobter above me that night as i stood at my backdoor then straightaway i told her indoors that i thought there was something wrong with it. I joked with the missus next day that it would be strange if it was the same one that had crashed. It wasnt until months later that it turned out that it was the same one.

Guess i just have to take the word of the experts that it ran out of fuel and no other cause.

But according to what I read (on the beeb) it still had fuel, but both switched were turned off. That can't have happened except by human action, surely?

And yes, I have no knowledge of helicopter operation at all, in case I'm being spectacularly dense.

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But according to what I read (on the beeb) it still had fuel, but both switched were turned off. That can't have happened except by human action, surely?

And yes, I have no knowledge of helicopter operation at all, in case I'm being spectacularly dense.

Pilot error IMO.

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