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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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1. No idea

2. No idea

3. No idea

This is going well...

4. I think I've worked this one out. Correct

5. First one I knew for sure... Correct

6. Not sure, but one springs to mind. Correct

7. Can't remember

8. Knew this one. Correct

9. Recognised a couple of names, went for another option.

10. No idea, total guess.


...and that is the return from the leafy west end of Glasgow...





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39 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Just waiting for scores from @LiviLion @Dyl @Leeds Saint and @The Captain before I can give you the final league tables. And I'll post the cup quiz later today! It really is all happening. 

The Captain got a five, he posted last night.

Luckily for him as @Audaces Fortuna Juvat and I would give him a stern word or two...

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Ah, my mistake. Apologies to The Captain. 

Just waiting for Dyl then... need to impose a deadline of Saturday lunchtime at 12 o'clock....

In the meantime... it's time for the EtADDJJT 2nd round! Cos my head is melted after a solid week's yakka, I'm just reverting to the old Quizwise website... the quizzes aren't bad, although they do seem to fluctuate between the ridiculously easy and the impossibly difficult. I posted the draw below .. if you're in the draw, PM me your answer. If not, you can post your score here but no spoilers blah blah blah. 

Cardinal's interesting fact for the day ... blah blah blah is actually used in multiple languages, including Spanish, Polish and Lithuanian.

  • Peasy23 vs gkneil
  • Scotfree vs Audaces Fortuna Juvat
  • WILLIEA vs pleslie99
  • Arabdownunder vs Deej
  • Eednud vs madwullie
  • Alang1993 vs SlipperyP
  • Welshbairn vs WhiteRoseKillie
  • MSU vs Blackislekillie

And here are the quizzes:

First Half

Second Half

A rather boring 4+4 = 8 for me. 

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