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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Playoff #18/12 - Getting Dark!

Putting on the lights yesterday evening were;

Pfizer Relegation Playoff

@Bully Wee Villa 0630 v @Helpma 0647 v @Ronaldo Jeremy 0738

Wannebe Promotion Playoff

@peasy23 0635 v @Chris Partlow 0511

Wannabe Relegation Playoff

@101 0701 v @scottsdad 0830

PLAYOFF/PLAYOFF QUESTION - 22nd December 2023 is Thailands Winter Solstice.  What time is Sunrise in Bangkok. HH/MM

@Ronaldo Jeremy is relegated @Helpma goes to the main playoff @Bully Wee Villa stays

@peasy23 is promoted @Chris Partlow goes to the main playoff

@101 stays @scottsdad goes to the main playoff

Weekly Cup Mugs Cup Last Place Playoff

@djchapsticks 06:42:30 v @MEADOWXI 10:10:10  v @The Hologram 07:28:15

Short Days Playoff

@Helpma 17:31:00 or v @Chris Partlow 19:12:00

Long Nights Playoff

@scottsdad 08:30:00 v @BigBo10 20:18:46

MAIN QUESTION - 22nd December 2023 is Thailands Winter Solstice. How long is the daylength HH/MM/SS.

@MEADOWXI is in the Mugs Cup

@Helpma stays

@scottsdad stays

Be good, Stay safe!


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